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Same Day
Aicha was in her room in the bathroom brushing her wet hair after taking a nice hot shower, she was in her black lace bra and panties. Jacob walks in on her, she looks at him through the mirror, he touches her shoulder kissing her neck. He runs his hands down her body touching her butt.

Jacob: Do you love me?
He asked looking at her and she nods, he unhooks her bra taking it off kissing her neck

5 Mins Later
Aicha: Ahhhh, mmmm
She moans as he goes in and out her butt
Aicha: Ahhhh

30 Mins Later
They were laying in bed watching tv Aicha writes something on the post it giving it to him

"I want to know more about your parents"
He looks at her
Jacob: There's Nothing to know, we don't have a good relationship


Jacob: It doesn't matter Aicha! My parents are a non factor I'm trying to live my life without them in it! Without their money I wanna do things on my own! Listen

He said looking at her

Jacob: I can take care of you and our baby I can do this but if my parents knew I got someone pregnant they'll try to take over like I can't do it because I'm mentally ill.

She nods and he kiss her

Jacob: Do you trust me?
Aicha: ...
She nods
Jacob: Then I need you to ride with me, I know my parents and our lives will be better without them in it.

She nods

Later The Night


Tina: Aicha?
Aicha: Yes momma
Tina: No matter what anyone says about me just know that everything I did I did for you ok?
Aicha: Ok mommy
Tina kiss her forehead when a guy busts in the door with a group of guys behind him with guns

Tina: Dereck no please don't do this!
Dereck: Shut Up!
He pulls Aicha away from her
Aicha: Mommy!!!
Tina: It's ok Aicha!

Dereck grabs Tina slapping her face, Aicha starts crying
Dereck: Yo owe me money!!! And I gave you time to pay it back and you didn't, so I'm gonna give you a choice. Either you die or your sweet little girl dies, pick one!

He said pointing the gun at Aicha Tina screams crying
Tina: No!!!! Me kill me not her!
Aicha: Mommy no!!!

Dereck walks up to Tina kneeling her down to the ground
Aicha: Mommy!
Tina: I'm sorry Aicha
Dereck points the gun to her head and the gun goes off
End of Flashback

Aicha wakes up gasping she starts crying, Jacob wakes up turning around looking at her
Jacob: What's wrong?
He sits up
Jacob: Did you have a bad dream?
She nods and he hugs her
Jacob: It's ok.
He looks at the time
Jacob: It's still a little early, you wanna go out to eat?
She nods
Jacob: Alright come on

They get dressed going to a diner

At Diner
Jacob looks at Aicha seeing how tired and stressed out she looks, she was picking through her food not eating.

Jacob: ... Aicha
She looks at him
Jacob: I'm worried about you, you look really stressed out and tired are you even getting any sleep?
She shakes her head no and he sighs

Jacob: You need to sleep and eat your pregnant you need all the energy you can get. What do you keep dreaming about?

She shakes her head side to side not wanting to talk about it when a girl comes up to him

???: Jacob? Jacob Perez?
He looks at her
Jacob: Justice
Justice: Oh my god! It's been so long
She said hugging him smiling he smiles back
Jacob: It's nice to see you again
Justice: It's nice to see you too, whose this?
She said looking at Aicha
Jacob: Oh uh this is my friend, Aicha

Aicha smiles standing up, Justice looks at her stomach

Justice: Whoa! Your pregnant!
Aicha smiles a little touching her stomach
Justice: Hi, I'm Justice childhood friend of Jacob
She smiles shaking her hand
Justice: What's your name?
Jacob: Uh her name is Beyonce or Aicha which ever is fine
Justice smiles
Justice: How you guys meet?
Jacob: At a restaurant
He said lying
Jacob: Uh we have to go I'll talk to you later
Justice: Oh wait! Jacob, your parents have been looking everywhere for you, I think you should go see them

Jacob: Justice do me a big favor and pretend like you didn't see me here
Justice: Jacob
Jacob: Justice Just do this for me ok, I have to go

He grabs Aicha hands leaving

With Jacobs Parents

Teresa: You seen him?! Where?!
Justice: At Joe's Diner, he was with this girl her name is Beyonce or Aicha, and she's pregnant.
John: With his baby?!
Justice: I don't know he said they were just friends but it looks like their together or something so that might be his baby

Teresa: Oh my goodness, we have to find him now!
Justice: He doesn't seem ok, he seems dangerous
John: I'm gonna call the cops
Teresa: I'll call Shella

With Jacob
Back At The Hotel

Jacob: We have to go now
He said packing up his things
Chris: Why What happened?

Jacob: This girl I know from my childhood seen us and I'm pretty sure their looking for me right now!

That's when they hear police sirens
Jacob: Damn
Ray: What are we gonna do?!
Roc: I don't know!
Jacob sighs
Jacob: ... I'll turn myself in, you guys go and try to find a way out take Aicha with you
Mike: No! We stick together
Jacob: Their not going to stop until they get me, I have to turn myself in

That's when they hear screaming and crying outside they quickly run out seeing the cops grabbing Winter, and Tabatha who was crying.
The boys was about to run when the police surrounds them grabbing all of the one by one taking them outside

With Aicha
Aicha hides in the bathroom tearing and scared, she peaks out the window seeing them grabbing Jacob she gasp crying and shaking.

Shella: There's one missing! Where's Aicha?!
John and Teresa pulls up getting outside the car seeing Jacob in handcuffs around his hands

Teresa: Let him go! That's my son!
She said running up to him
John: Let him go!
Teresa: Jacob!
She hugs him tearing
Jacob: Make them let them go too
John: We can't

That's when one of the cops come out the building with Aicha in handcuffs and she was crying

Jacob: Wait! No! Let her go!!!
He said running after her and the police holds him back
Jacob: Let her go! Let all of them go their with me!
Police: We can let you go because of your parents, they paid your bail but not theirs
Shella: Aicha! Aicha oh my god what have they don't to you?!
She ask looking at her
Shella: Come let's get you back where you belong

They get in the car
Jacob: Noo!!!

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