The King (Darkiplier Fanfic)-Part One

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"A coin for my family," a small girl begged to a guard on a beautiful horse, golden armor shining brightly in the sun. His brown eyes narrowed as he looked down at the girl in muddy rags, glancing over her dirty hair, face, and weak frame. 

   His lip raised itself into a snarl. "Filthy peasant," he growled, then kicked her out of the way. "Make way for your King!"

   The girl cried out, then covered her head right before she hit the ground, whimpering on the cobblestone. She sniffed, tears brimming her eyes as she looked up, avoiding eye contact with the gathering crowd. Crawling back, she stood, then hissed in pain, oblivious to the crowd bowing as a golden chariot pulled by a black and white horse strolled past. She looked at a large scratch on her arm, then shuddered, knowing she'd get a terrible infection.

   The chariot stopped to a halt with a small tap on the ceiling. The charioteer pulled the horses to a stop, then looked back, confused. The girl cause a glimpse of the wheel, then looked up as the door was swung open. "Girl," a quiet voice called from within. "Come."

   She blinked, then looked around. Everyone refused to meet her eyes, so she turned back, hesitatingly climbing the few steps up and inside the dark interior. The door shut, and with another tap, the chariot was yanked forward, forcing her back to sit. She tried to peer through the darkness, to see who was with her, but she couldn't see anything. It was so dark... Shifting, she didn't want to speak, but the silence was unnerving.

   "You're hurt," the voice murmured across from her. "What happened?"

   The girl blinked. How did he see that in the dark...? Or did he see it outside? That seemed more likely. Shifting, she placed her hands in her lap, clasping them together. "I... I got in the way, Sir. It was my fault," bowing her head, she bit her lip. She didn't know who this person was, and suspected that she might need to be as humble as she can get.

   The man was silent for a moment. "I do not appreciate liars, Girl."

   Wincing, she bowed her head lower. "I was asking for a coin for my family. We do not make enough food to get us by most nights, so I try to help as best as I can. The guard I asked pushed me away."

   The man crossed his legs, studying her further. She did look like she rarely got food, and shelter. She was shivering, from the cold fall air, he suspected, not fear. It was obvious she had no clue to his identity, or else she would be quaking in that rag she might call a dress. "I see," he murmured, unclasping his black fur-lined cloak, and placing it over her. "So you beg to feed your family. How old are you?"

   The girl stiffened in surprise at the sudden weight on her, but relaxed, cuddling into the warmth, and soft material. "I am at the age of eleven, Sir. My name is Willow Greylin."

   An odd name, even in this kingdom. "Well, Willow Greylin. How would you feel about working inside the Walls, for money to your family? You would be living in the Walls, given clothing, food, and possessions in return for working there."

   Willow's eyes widened at that. "Inside the Walls? But that's where the King of Shadow is!"

   The man grinned at that, at the small spark of fear in her voice. "Yes, that he does, but despite rumor, he takes care of those who work for him, and do not cross him. You can do that, yes?"

   Willow shifted, clutching the cloak around her tighter, deep in thought. Working for the King of Shadow... The most mysterious, and blood thirsty man know in this kingdom's history. Tugging, and twisting on her hair, her thoughts moved to her family. They smiled for her and her brother, tried to make them happy, when they didn't have a home, caught in the rain, without food and warmth. This was the greatest opportunity yet. "U-um, Sir? My whole family will have money, correct? Just enough to live comfortably?"

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