Do Two Broken Sculptures Make a Masterpiece? - Part One

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Anti sat on the couch, once again, curled with his knees up to his chest, a cup of tea in hand. He watched William, who sat across from him, reading a book beside a lamp. It was early in the morning, and he looked tired. Anti was worried he woke him up, but he merely smiled, and promised that he didn't. Anti wasn't convinced, but didn't want to ask any further. Who knows when he will turn violent? Anti had two names for William: Kind, and Malicious. They were very simple names, one that he would never actually call William, but they helped him categorize his thoughts, and feelings. With the help of Google, Anti slowly came to understand William's situation, with his two personalities, and his confusion when it came to hearing what Malicious has done. He never remembers, and seems to doubt that he would do such harmful things. Anti didn't blame him.

For the most part, William was a kind person -- full of personality, and caring of others. He absolutely adored the Steampunk trend, which, to Anti, was oddly adorable. He loved seeing William beam with happiness when someone complimented his outfit, or top hat, the base rimmed with a striking blue ribbon. He loved blue on William, it made him almost seem like royalty, or a Duke of some kind. 

He watched attentively when William flipped the page, flicking it up with his left finger, catching it as it flutters down to the other side with his right thumb. He noticed how William read with his brows furrowed in concentration, grey eyes lighting up when something happy happened, or turned sad when something bad happened. His brown hair brushed over his brows, soft. He absently worried on his lip as he read, frowning deeply. He was relaxed, with his legs crossed, cane set aside, within easy reach, but not so easy that a careless elbow could knock it over. Anti paid attention to this scene, going over it's details, happy to be able to get a good look at William without being noticed.

It wasn't until a few minutes had past of admiring William's features, that Anti glances back up to his eyes, realizing he was staring at him. Heat immediately came to his cheeks, causing them to burn. He quickly looked down to his cup, sipping on it's contents, trying to look distracted with it.

William, although his face was equally red, had to smile. Anti, who was asked by Google to watch over Snow in case Dark stopped by again, slowly became more comfortable with his presence. He knew he must have done something bad to him before, with his tense body, nervous stutters, and scared glances when he thought he wasn't looking. He was happy to know that Anti was relaxing, becoming more familiar with the real him. He almost opened his mouth to speak, then thought better of it, going back to his book.

For now, though, he wondered why Anti was staring at him. Was he reading weirdly? Was he making an odd face? Or perhaps he had some food on his face? With a jolt, he became self conscious about how he looked. He hadn't eaten yet, so maybe it was something from dinner last night? Oh, how embarrassing! William screeched at himself in his head, how stupid could he be to leave food on his face?! Anti must think him so embarrassing! He didn't know if he should remain there, and try to take care of it without him noticing, or get up and risk hurting Anti's feelings for leaving? He couldn't pick one, and opted for hiding his face behind him book, staring at a word on the page. Melancholy.

Oh, how he wished for something to strike him dead at this moment.

They sat in embarrassed silence for a while longer, unable to get the courage to speak, let alone relax. It wasn't until Snow staggered in, dragging a large blanket behind her, rubbing her eyes tiredly. "Will," she murmured, climbing into his lap. "Will, I'm tired."

He couldn't help but smile, making a mental note of his page before shutting the book, setting it aside. He helped her settle, then brought the blanket up and covered her with it. "Then why are you not in bed?"

She shrugged, brown hair messy from tossing and turning, much like children do.

William chuckled, then hugged her loosely, keeping her in place in case she slid off. Snow wasn't his child, nor was it Anti's. Her being there was a complicated story, for another time, perhaps. Anti smiled, watching their interaction. He was a little sad that Snow didn't come to him, but quickly dismissed the thought. Why would she? William was there when she needed someone the most. Despite the embarrassment he just went through, he wouldn't mind going through this every morning, watching William lounge around until he fully woke up, taking care of Snow, and watching over her for her safety. If his job was over, he hoped he would have the courage to ask if he could continue coming over, even if it wasn't needed.

And so he hoped, to whatever God there was, that William would say yes.

William and Snow were both created by @BritishTea_, a wonderful person who deserves lots and lots of love! I do hope that I got William's inner-workings correct! >w< And thank you for giving me permission to use your characters! This really means a lot to me, and even though this ship is only Head-Cannon, I could see William slowly getting used to Anti's company. ^-^ It would be super cute, even if they were just friends!

This Anti character is mine. If you go read my story "The Hunter: A Darkiplier Fanfiction" you can see all of the characters, including BritishTea_'s characters! There are many more, and a lot of drama to be had! The reason for Snow's company in here will be described in that story, eventually, and why Anti is there to make sure she is safe as well!

But seriously, go check out BritishTea_, and give them lot's of love! They seriously deserve it! Thanks for reading, and see you next time!

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