Anton X Dark (Because its from an RP with a friend and I love them so much)

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Dark had no words for the man before him. All he paid attention to was his body pressed to his own, his quiet breath that tickled his slightly parted lips, and the lowered eye lids that partially covered his wonderful eyes. Dark reached forward, brushing his calloused thumb over Anton's lips. Anton blinked, taken aback. He sucked in a breath, feeling the roughness of Dark's fingers against his skin.

He had asked, only seconds prior to this physical exchange, if he had wanted to go out to eat instead of cooking something. He watched Dark's expression below him, and almost chuckled. If he had made any sort of comment about their height difference, Dark would find himself blushing, flustered, and protesting that, despite Anton being taller than him, he could take control at any point. He never did, though, and never attempted.

Anton kissed Dark's hand, reaching up to take it, and squeeze it. He knew he was still hurting, knew he still missed his previous love, Evelyn. Guilt jolted in his heart, and he bit his lip. It was still so vivid... the way her body dropped to the ground after he had shot her in the head. He had been in a mad rush to kill her, so she wouldn't take Dark back, and away from him. He had been terrified to lose Dark to her, to his own niece. But now a chuckle really did slip past his lips.

Dark blinked, taken out of his trance. He instantly went defensive, thinking he was laughing at his height. "What?" He huffed, narrowing his eyes.

Anton leaned forward, planting a gentle kiss on his lips. "Nothing, Luv."

Dark blinked, cheeks instantly heating up. "I-I-!"

"Come now," Anton said, smiling gently as he stepped away from Dark. "Grab your coat. We're going out to eat."

Dark swallowed thickly, pressing his hand to his forehead as Anton strode away to slip shoes on. He groaned, not wanting to leave, knowing he would be nothing but a tease throughout the night, at least until they came back home. Then finally, Dark would get what he wanted.


Anton belongs to @BritishTea_ 

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