chapter 1

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Hey y'all! Sorry that this chapter is soooo short, but this is my first story and im super excited!! Thanks for reading loves!

*Third person point of view* (occasionally Stiles thoughts interject)

         Stiles was just as shocked as Scott when coach slapped him upside the head, and shoved him onto the field. Stiles had been practicing with Scott, but he wasn't expecting to be playing in the Championship game.

"Get your ass out there Stilinski!" Coach muttered when Stiles stood there with a scared look plastered on his face.

Stiles shook his head as if that would clear his confusion, and then jogged onto the field.

      Coach had put Stiles in center, Stiles cringed at the giant man he would be facing.

"Hey shrimp, were gonna beat you so bad that your gonna wish you were never born!" The giant man cackled and sprayed spit on Stiles.

"Yea, well right now the only reason I wish I wasn't alive is the rancid nastiness you just showered me with." Stiles gagged and swiped at his face to illustrate his point.

The giant man growled, and his eyes glowed blue. Stiles gulped,

first you tick off a werewolf, and then you tick of a werewolf that's killed! Good going Stiles.

Stiles was nervous now, "What I meant to say is- that- I am very very very sorry and I would greatly appreciate if you didn't smash me to smithereens."

Stiles cast a glance at Scott to see him frowning, and deciding wether to come onto the field or not.

The coach made up his mind for him, "McCall! Sit down!"

Scott nodded but kept his eyes locked on the werewolf Stiles was about to face.

Well, if I die- actually there's no way to think about this.

Stiles turned and smirked when he saw Derek standing in the shadows of the bleachers, leaning slightly onto the silver metal pole. Shivering when their eyes met for a brief second.

          The referee blew into his whistle and Stiles reacted quickly, scooping up the ball and doing a side step to pass the werewolf. Stiles ran until he was completely blocked, so he passed to Jackson, who was sacked immediately by one of the werewolves buddies. Jackson stayed down and Stiles knew what was happening,


"Jackson! Look at me Jackson." Stiles was in front of Jackson waving his arms stupidly.

Jackson tilted his head the slightest way up and Stiles saw his eyes and face morphing between human and wolf.

Stiles grabbed Jackson's helmet and tried to calm him. "What three things never stay hidden?"

Jackson growled, obviously annoyed, "The s-sun, the moo-n, and the Truth!"

Jackson gasped quietly and seemed out of breath for a minute until he whispered, "Thanks Stilinski."

Stiles nodded and picked up Jackson's lacrosse stick. "Here man." 

The rest of the game was a blur, Stiles got sacked multiple times to the point where the ref has to disqualify the player for that game. Jackson and Stiles were on fire, sprinting through and around players, passing so quickly that the team didn't know who had the ball, and best of all Derek was cheering for Stiles.

      Suddenly, there's five seconds left in the game and Jackson has the ball at the other side of the field. Stiles is quick, running into a spot where he could receive the ball without getting sacked, Jackson spotted Stiles just before the grumpy werewolf and threw the ball. Stiles jumped to catch the ball, and missed. Stiles landed directly on the ball, and laid there for a second before remembering what had happened. Stiles stumbled to get up and scoop the ball up, surprised that no one had reached him yet.

Stiles starts running towards the goal, the crowd screaming "SHOOT IT STILES, THERES ONLY TWO SECONDS LEFT"

Stiles ran until he had to throw the ball, he clenched his eyes shut and reared his arms and body as hard as he could. The ball went soaring into the top left corner, and the buzzer sounded.

The crowd erupted and Stiles pumped his hands in the air. "WOOOHOOOO!"

      The happiness however was short lasted, all the lights in the stadium shut off and Stiles had fallen over.

"STILES?!" Derek and Scott were yelling for him. "No one move, but be ready to defend yourselves if necessary!!"

Derek is about to shift when Scott grabs his wrist, "Already tried that, someone is doing this."

Derek growled and yelled for Stiles again, "Stiles where are you?!"

Stiles was struggling to get up, someone was on top of him, "Hey! Get off me!"

Stiles was trying to get out from underneath whoever this stranger was, but he wasn't strong enough. "Derek, I'm right over her-"

The stranger on top of Stiles pressed a cloth to his nose and Stiles fell limp to the ground.

       The lights flashed back on, making everyone clench their eyes in the sudden brightness. Everyone was murmuring questions to one another, finding their families to make sure they were ok.

Derek was running through groups yelling for Stiles, after realizing Stiles was gone Derek sprinted to Scott. "We have a problem Scott."

Scott stopped talking to the sheriff and looked at Derek expectantly. "What?"

Derek huffed, "Stiles and the other werewolf kid are gone, they were taken in the blackout."

The sheriff walks away and starts yelling Stiles name frantically, Scott followed him quietly, "Sir, we're gonna find him. He's my best friend I won't stop until I do."

Derek jogs over after politely eavesdropping, "Neither of us will stop looking until we find Stiles."

The sheriff's eyes start watering and he pulls them both into a hug sobbing once before pulling away, "I already lost my wife, don't let me lose my son too."



i'm so sorry guys, i'm reading through this and i don't even know how you read it when it's literally one big paragraph. i'm doing my best to fix these things, and i think i might rewrite the ending. hopefully with more sterek scenes and possible smut scenes😏😏

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