chapter 5

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*Scott's view*

It's been almost an hour since we've gotten rid of Void. Stiles has just sat on the table, staring at his shoes. After attempting to talk to him a few times or come within ten feet of him, and him completely freaking out on us, we stopped trying and just waited. None of us talked, unwilling to scare the returning human even more.

I had been reading a science magazine on dogs and fleas, but Derek hadn't taken his eyes off Stiles since we got him fully back. Issac has been asleep, half on top of me and half on the floor. Deaton has been tending the animals in the meantime. Stiles turns slightly, making all of us look up. He studies Deaton, then Derek, then Issac and me.

He smells like fear, but I don't understand. He's safe now.

I only notice Stiles eyeing the door warily, but I wouldn't let anyone come through that door and hurt him. I refused to let him ever be hurt by someone ever again, but for now, I just shrugged and went on reading. Suddenly, Stiles jumps up and sprints to the door, somehow beating us there and prying it open. Derek was close behind and slams the door closed with both his hands, effectively stopping his escape mission. Stiles' eyes go wide with fear and he backs back up to the table again.

Deaton offered me to give Stiles a check up, to make sure he wasn't suffering from any side effects or internal damage. I stood in front of the back door with my arms crossed, blocking one exit. I was still confused by why Stiles tried to run, he had three of his closest friends with him. Issac was at the other door, standing exactly as I was, and Derek stood only a few feet away from Stiles. He would twitch at the smallest movement from Stiles, as though he was going to jump him or stop him.

Deaton went to search in his cabinets and found a medical kit. He brought it to the table near the door, checking to make sure everything was in there. After a few seconds of rummaging, Deaton seemed satisfied and placed the bag next to Stiles. I watched Stiles tense up and look around frantically, looking for an exit. Derek growled a warning at Stiles, which caused a reaction, and Stiles eyes went dark. Not Void dark, but his doe brown eyes turned almost black. Eyeing Stiles warily, I rebalanced myself in front of the door.

Deaton grabbed out a reflex hammer and looked at Stiles reassuringly, he leaned in to get a safe hit at Stiles knee. We all saw Stiles tense up, but apparently I was the only one who could've predicted what would happen next. Sure enough, when Deaton gets close enough to Stiles to touch him, Stiles screeches and flies off the the table backwards. He lands awkwardly between his back and neck and stares at the ceiling. His labored breathing was the only thing we could hear. Derek goes to pick Stiles up, obviously agitated.

"Derek he's going to flip out. Leave him alone." I tried to warn him, but it was through one ear and out the other.

He reached his arms out to grab Stiles, but Stiles backed into the counter. Derek growled and tried again, making Stiles jump up onto the counter.

Derek's eyes flashed red, "Stiles quit acting like a child! Get down!"

Stiles stared daggers at Derek, daring him to move forward. Derek lunged at Stiles as a last attempt to reach him, but Stiles was quicker with grabbing a jar and smashing it into Derek's head. Derek hissed in pain and we heard burning flesh. The smell emitted through the room, causing my nose to wrinkle. Stiles turned and jumped out through the window, rolling to soften the fall, and then taking off in a dead run.

"Issac follow him, don't touch him or scare him," I barked at Issac and he was immediately out the door.

Deaton grabbed his ipad and was clicking furiously at the screen.

Derek growled once again, "Deaton, don't you think you could help me with the wolfsbane he just cracked into my skull?"

I couldn't help but let out a short laugh at how he was quite literally burning with anger. His brooding face turned to look at me and I feigned confusion while looking around.

Deaton held up a finger and signaled to a sink with washcloths sitting neatly besides it. Derek sighed unhappily and went and cleaned himself up. Deaton was on a tracker, apparently tracking Stiles.

Deaton shrugged innocently, "I figured something bad would-"

The tracker went dead.

Derek chuckled coldly, "Guess he found that."

I smiled and called Issac, proud of myself for making him follow Stiles.

Issac picked up immediately, "Scott?"

"Yo, are you still following Stiles?" I questioned him urgently.

"Not exactly." His answer was brief and I could hear his own disappointment.

"What do you mean not exactly?"

"He started muttering something weird, and then before I could stop it, the twins dropped me and grabbed Stiles!!"

"Fucking hell. Okay, get back here so we can go look for him." I pinched the bridge of my nose, this was becoming quite annoying.

Derek paced back in forth in Deaton's office, waiting for Issac to get here. "Where is he, it's been 5 minutes?"

I put a hand on his arm for comfort, Derek yanked away.

"Calm down, i'm sure he will be here soon." I stated softly.

Sure enough two minutes later Issac strolled in casually and smiled at Scott.

"Hey?" He made it a question when he noticed Derek in the corner with red eyes. "What's your problem?"

Derek growled, "What's wrong with me? Stiles was just kidnapped and you decide to take the longest you can to come here! Get your shit together, this is the second time we've lost Stiles."

I was staring worriedly between the two, my alpha and my mate.

"Well im here now, let's go.." He waved his arms rudely at the door.

Derek bared his teeth. "Watch it pup."

He stormed outside, getting into his Camaro. Scott and Issac looked at each other, shrugging and heading outside. Derek's car peeled away down the road and the two werewolves stared.

"Are you kidding me?" Issac yelled.

I couldn't help but chuckle, "Come on let's go."

I took Issac's hand and we ran into the woods together to start looking for Stiles. 

Sorry it's such a short chapter! Ive been so busy with school I haven't had time to update!!

New A/N:

Yea ya i know. Stiles is traumatized, so ya he's gonna run if he doesn't feel safe.

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