The Jutsu Failure: One

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[ This contains Sex, aka. NOT FOR YOU KIDS! ]

Naruto sighed while looking at the bandit ahead of him, nothing would stop this guy! Naruto has tried everything but his chakra was wasted on the last guy, this guy was nothing against Naruto's powers but he was completely out of stock! Naruto cried out and then put his fingers out concentrating. Naruto smirked as a big puff of smoke came out only to show a woman with a beautiful body and wonderful curves along with some nice hair. "Sexy Jutsu!" The blonde woman said in a feminine voice, Naruto then put his fingers out and opened his eyes and huffed. Doing it again, this time he yelled the command. "RELEASE!" But still, there he was with the lumps of skin. Naruto gulped and then did it again, and again, and again. "Release! Please... Release.." Naruto didn't notice that the smoke was gone now showing his- no her everything, from the nipples down.

The blonde girl cried out while her blue eyes held tears, she fell to the floor while crying. "No! This cannot be happening!" She then quickly looked around and hid into a bush trying to hide her parts but it seems her top half was a bit too big, it would fall out of her hands very quickly and she just couldn't do it anymore. Naruto put her knees to her chest while looking down only to see Sakura and Sasuke. Naruto was still twelve although he looked like he was nineteen from his sexy jutsu. Naruto showed his head popping out from the bushes. "Excuse me! Sakura, can you help me?" A surprisingly feminine voice called out while Naruto cringed. Sakura looked over to the noise and then gasped, "N-Naruto..?" She asked while Sasuke looked to and felt a heavy blush coat his face, Naruto looked purely majestic.

Sakura walked over to the bush and kneeled down, "What happened?" She asked while Naruto cried a bit while hugging himself. "There was this old pervert and I did the sexy jutsu but.. I'm stuck like this!" Naruto then felt his hair cover his eyes for it was let down, Sakura sighed and grabbed some elastic's from her bags. "Sasuke, can you leave me and Naruto alone?" Sakura asked while Sasuke nodded while walking away and then shaking his head to remove the thoughts from his head. "Here, I'll put your hair up." Sakura said and then put the blond's hair into pigtails and then smiling, Naruto put his hands in a praying gesture. "Thank you Sakura, you're a lifesaver!" Naruto said while Sakura looked down and then gasped, Naruto looked to where Sakura was looking at seeming to be her boobs. "THOSE ARE HUGE?! What the hell? Why did you make your "Sexy Jutsu" have huge.. blossoms!" The girl asked while Naruto smiled and felt herself sweat. "I thought it was hot.." Naruto admitted while Sakura sighed looking down to her own. "Yeah." Sakura said sadly.

When Naruto got out of the green bushed Sakura couldn't help but notice there wasn't a hair on her body except from her scalp. Sakura blushed while looking away, "Put some clothes on, Naruto!" Sakura exclaimed while Naruto sweatdropped. "Well, the thing is.. It dissapeared." Sakura sighed and then grabbed Naruto's hand and teleported to her apartment, which was pretty surprising for Naruto for, when did she learn that?

Naruto looked around only to see tons of thousands of clothes, Naruto never knew that Sakura was a clothing freak and besides how would he know what girls are like..? He hasn't ever been in a girls bedroom except for Grandma Tsunade's but her room smelt like cheap perfume and liquor. Naruto sat down onto the pink bed and Sakura looked around for something orange since she knew that colour suited Naruto a whole lot, and Naruto seemed to like the colour on him. Sakura then found a orange jacket with black and some short-shorts that were black along with fishnet stockings and along with that some flats. "Here, we'll go shopping tomorrow." She said and left the room before Naruto could let out a "Thanks." Naruto sighed and looked at it, he then looked around and saw a black Shinobi headband, Naruto smirked and put it on. He then undid his hair so he could put on the clothes.

Getting up off the bed, the bed let out a creak and Naruto remembered he was naked and didn't have any undergarments. "Hey! Sakura? I need some panties!" Naruto called out and Sakura came rushing in with some orange panties and a large bra that was orange, "I was just getting that, my mom is a DD cup so here!" She said and gave Naruto the undergarments and then left. Naruto put the bra down beside her and then slipped the panties up her legs, they were lacey and very.. showy. Putting on the bra she somehow found how to put it on. She then put on everything else and walked out of Sakura's room Sakura looked over to Naruto and then gaped. "Wow, you look beautiful!" Sakura said until she looked at how tight the shirt looked on Naruto and blushed. "I feel kinda stuffed but it's until tomorrow." Naruto said while putting the socks on along with the flats until he was punched in the face. "Hmph! That's for having an un-natural breast size!" Sakura said while Naruto was confused, why punch someone when they just said they were having some difficulties with the breasts?! Whatever, he sighed and then put his hand up walking out the door to go find his apartments.

The dark streets were misty and there was nobody in sight except for some ladies and men who were working, Naruto wondered if she should drop by and have some ramen before she goes to bed; besides she was pretty hungry. And Ichiraku was a pretty nice friend and he always listened to Naruto's complaints and tales of his adventurous life. Or, Naruto could visit Tsunade and see if it's permanent. Naruto walked with her hands in her shirts pockets, she looked down at her shoes not noticing a grey-haired male watching the blonde. The girl's face couldn't be seen, besides the blue eyes that seemed to shine. Naruto sat down on the fountain while looking up at the moon but then she heard footsteps and someone sitting beside her.

Naruto smiled and giggled, "Oh, hi Kakashi-Sensei! Remember me!" Naruto said and Kakashi looked at Naruto only to gape that he thought this was just a random chick who was hot; and maybe he had a chance with that girl. Closing his Icha Icha Paradise "The Manga" and looked to Naruto, she had her long hair on her back and the tight shirt showing off her see through orange bra which had her perked nipples showing from the cold. Along with that she had her tight shorts on which showed her butt which was quite plump and the design of the panties. And also she wore fishnet stockings and some flats all in all he felt his cheeks get hotter along with another area.

Kakashi gulped and nodded looking back down at his book, "Yes, Naruto I think I can remember you besides the fact you're a girl." He responded while Naruto smiled and looked over his shoulder to look at what he was reading only to notice it was the introduction. The page had a girl hugging a man with a speech bubble saying, "I love you!" and the man saying, "It's not you it's me." Naruto cringed at the words which seemed so cliche. "So, Kakashi-Sensei! Wanna get some ramen!" Naruto asked while Kakashi sighed and looked over to Naruto making sure not to look down, "Sure, if it cannot be helped." He looked at the ramen shop that wasn't too far from the fountain they had been sitting on. "Yip-yip! Let's go, Kakashi-Sensei~!" The used-to-be male said while running towards the ramen shop while Kakashi just sighed, again. "This'll be a long night." Kakashi thought while smiling a bit under his skin tight mask.

When Naruto had guided Kakashi to the ramen shop all Kakashi could smell was ramen and dumplings, Kakashi lifted up the thin sheet and entered and sat down, Naruto doing the same. "One bowl of ramen, actually three!" Naruto yelled while Ichiraku came out and nodded while taking out a piece of paper, "A set of dumplings for me." Kakashi said while looking over to Naruto who was smiling at the older male in front of them. Naruto's eyes met Kakashi's and then she smiled at Kakashi who just blushed and looked to the shopkeeper instead of showing off himself to Naruto.

Once the orders came Kakashi looked at his dumplings and Naruto started chowing down, there was an awkward silence for Kakashi didn't know what to say whatever. "So how did you become a woman, hn?" Kakashi asked taking a bite as Naruto took a break from his fifth bowl of ramen, "Well, my Sexy Jutsu failed." Naruto said and then Kakashi looked at Naruto and nodded. "I can tell." Naruto smiled at Kakashi and pushed his fifth bowl away for it had been cleaned from Naruto's vacuum-like mouth. After they left it started to rain and Kakashi's hair went down like a butterfly's wing that just got limp. Then started the thunder and Naruto jumped, "Hey... Kakashi-Sensei... Can we hide away somewhere for now?" Nauruto asked and Kakashi laughed while closing his eyes. "Sure, let's go to my place then." Kakashi said while Naruto mumbled, "It's not like I'm scared of thunder or anything." Naruto then looked up only to see another flash of thunder and then grab onto Kakashi's clothed chest.

"Like I said this'll be a long night." Kakashi said while sighing.

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