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Parker was packing her things. She didn't need much, but California to Georgia was a fair distance. Her phone buzzed. The taxi was there.

Cole knocked on her door and let himself in, a sad look on his face.
"Why do you have to go?" He was treating her role like she was moving to Antarctica and Parker needed to straighten some things out.

"Dude, I'm not leaving forever. Quit being over dramatic," she said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, but... it's Georgia, there's nothing good there." She punched his shoulder.

"Um, excuse me, I'll be there! You don't have to visit me for weeks, just a couple of days, Cole. To be honest, I don't expect you to see me anyway."

"What sort of friend would I be if I didn't come to visit you on the set of your first movie? Actually, don't answer that," Cole said with a shocked expression.

Parker sighed.
"You don't understand how much I'm actually going to miss you," she said. Cole nodded, a grim smile on his face. He looked down at his watch.

"We better go now," he said, picking up the suitcase. Rolling it to the door, he picked up their apartments key. "Will you do the honours?"

Parker rolled her eyes, plucking the keys out of his hand.
"With pleasure, little Sprouse."



parkmontliterally depending on coffee right now #infinitywar

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literally depending on coffee right now #infinitywar

likes: 9.7k
comments: 5.2k

usera: SHES ON SET!!! 

userb: oooooo keen

userc: I wonder the casts thoughts

userd: has she had lunch with rdj

usere: it's her first 24 hours so no ^^^

tomholland2013: where are you wtf

tomholland2013: is that my trailer?

userf: overprotective of the trailer thomas? ^^

parkmont: what? no... it's mine tomholland2013

userg: was that sarcasm?? or??

colesprouse: nope, not sarcasm userg

userh: has she met tom?? or any of the cast?? i'm confused

prattprattpratt: get ur but on set now, you parked car!

colesprouse: hey! thats my nickname prattprattpratt


StarsDaily Article


Parker Montgomery, above,'s latest Instagram post has shown that she is on set of the highly anticipated movie, Infinity War

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Parker Montgomery, above,'s latest Instagram post has shown that she is on set of the highly anticipated movie, Infinity War.

She is starring as Ebony (Double) Mayfair, the only character to be created by the writers, never starring or being mentioned in the comics. The special qualities that her character withholds includes;
- the ability to clone herself, and make them disappear with a simple thought, although all her clones have slight differences to her personal figure, making it easier to find the real one.
- genetic changes, meaning she is almost invincible, super strong and has quick reflexes.
- trained up by an organisation that followed similar morals to Natasha Romanoff and The Winter Soldier's original organisations, moulded together.

As the comments on her post has indicated, she has possibly only met Chris Pratt and Tom Holland. We're already shipping her and Tom, but don't tell anyone!

Stay tuned for any more news on IW!

Up next: Zendaya to star in Infinity War?


lol yeah hi there

this is going to end badly

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