Chapter 12 - Astra's legacy

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An hour had passed since Emiko and the others went back to the restaurant and Daisuke had given them the weird transparent orb; Emiko already felt its effects. He explained that it would keep them alive and help them heal faster, but it would take them a couple days to recover completely; most of them were seriously injured after all. He had told them who he was; a cronian who fought on their side. Kazu, Takeshi and someone named Taiki were also cronians from planet Cronos. They were the ones they fought earlier and the ones responsible for the monster attacks. But the monsters were just a distraction from their real goal; resurrecting Khaos.

"I understand, but how did the monsters come to Earth? The same way as you I assume." Emiko asked. Daisuke went silent for a second and seemed to think about his answer.

"You're mistaken. The monsters aren't a lifeform of Cronos. Truth be told; I don't know where they came from." Daisuke finally said. Emiko sent Ryuuzaki a concerned look. He must have hoped that Daisuke knew something more about them.

"That's... unsettling. But what about you four?" Emiko looked back at Daisuke.

"Yeah, I didn't hear anything about a spaceship crashing nearby." Yumiko said in her usual sarcastic tone.

"Explaining that requires you to know a lot of other things." Daisuke crossed his arms and inspected everyone in the room; almost as if he considered if he should tell them or not. It made Emiko a bit uncomfortable; he was on their side, right?

"About 5000 years ago there lived a famous healer on Cronos. Her name was Astra. She created something named Healing Astra in order to help people in need; it is the thing I have given you." Daisuke sighed and the strict air around him seemed to let down a bit. Everyone was silent and waited for him to continue.

"Astra died, but left behind four disciples. They became known as Astra's successors, also called The Guardians; because they are believed to guard Astra's knowledge- her legacy to our people. They live hidden; concealed from society. Some even doubt their existence. Khaos, the tyrant I told you about, will be resurrected using Healing Astra." The tension in the room grew as Daisuke told Astra's story.

"What does that have to do with being Astra's successors?" Zakura broke the silence.

"Everything. The successors are really powerful healers; they've transcended healing, and even Astra herself. They are the ones who sealed Khaos away after all."

"Can't they just remove the seal if they are that powerful?" Aika asked. She had a point.

"No, that's what the Healing Astra is for. By resurrecting we mean to remove the seal." Daisuke simply answered.

"If Astra was from Cronos then why is Healing Astra on Earth?" Emiko still wasn't convinced. Truth be told, she didn't trust him. He saved them, but it could all be a trap.

"Tellus and Cronos are very alike. Healing Astra is not discovered here yet so only cronians know where and what to look for. Since every cronian knows about this there isn't much of it left on Cronos and that's why gathering lots of it is easier on Tellus." Daisuke explained.

"So, you're gathering this to slow them down? Is that why you're here?" Ryuuzaki finally spoke. He went over to Emiko and took a seat beside her.


"And how does all of this tie to how you cronians came to Earth?" Ryuuzaki seemed as skeptical as Emiko. It made her happy that he agreed with her. The two of them had been in this together for the longest after all.

"The Guardians sent us here to gather Healing Astra. They believe it is Astra's will to resurrect Khaos and take over Tellus. I pretended to be on their side so that they would send me here and I would be able to help you." Daisuke went back to his normal, stern self. Ryuuzaki just nodded. The staff room went silent for a minute; until Daisuke turned to Aika.

"By the way, did you gain any information from Kazu and Takeshi when they held you hostage?"

"WHAT?" Everyone yelled simultaneously. Emiko already felt her rage rise; if this was true Aika was stupid for keeping it a secret. How could she?

"I... I didn't. They only mentioned The Guardians once and something about getting used to Tellus." Aika looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"Hold on a second! Are you trying to tell me you were kidnapped and didn't say anything?" Emiko's voice got louder and she looked angrily at Aika.

"Is this why you knew their names? But it doesn't explain why you saved them!" Reina yelled. Aika appeared frantic; almost like she wanted to run away.

"SAVED THEM?" Emiko couldn't believe it.

"If it weren't for Daisuke she would have attacked me!" Reina explained. Seeing Reina this upset worried Emiko a lot. She basically never yelled at anyone, whatever Aika did must have really scared her.

"You did what!?" Emiko tried to calm Reina down.

"Wait! Back when you and I were fighting Kazu; how did we escape? No way you beat him on your own." Yumiko suddenly appeared really nervous. That Aika; what had she done with Emiko's team? She needed to keep a closer eye on her from now on.

"How could you, he tried to kill us all!" Zakura slammed her fist on the table.

"How could you keep something like this from us?" Reina shouted.

"You're putting us all in danger!" Emiko got up from her chair and headed towards Aika. Walking still hurt incredibly, but she kept going. A hand on her shoulder stopped her and she turned around.

"Hey, calm down. I'm sure she has her reasons." Ryuuzaki let go of her shoulder after a few seconds of silence. His hand was shaking.

"Reason!? Those guys are the ones responsible for Kazuki's death!" Emiko let her anger take over.

"DON'T MENTION THAT NAME!" Ryuuzaki screamed. She purposely hit a nerve, she wanted to get back at him for taking Aika's side. Soon after the staff room filled with voices screaming back and forth at each other.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" Daisuke commanded. Everyone went silent. "Don't turn on each other, that's what the enemy wants." He proceeded to walk over at Aika's side.

"I don't know what Kazu told you, but don't think you're special to him. He is just using you to their advantage. Don't be sad, he would have done it to anyone of you. You were just unlucky." Aika looked heartbroken after hearing the truth. Served her right. Daisuke then turned towards the rest.

"When I saved her from them she was beaten to the bone. She could barely walk. This isn't her fault, it could have been any of you. But now she knows better and won't keep important things from you anymore, right Aika?" Aika nodded, still looking depressed.

After things had calmed down Daisuke walked over to Emiko and handed her a Healing Astra.

"Keep it in case anyone needs it. You're the leader so I trust you. It is the last one I have left so I'll go look for more." Emiko nodded and took it. She then spotted Ryuuzaki who was headed upstairs. She had to apologize for earlier; it was childish of her to act the way she did.

"I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have mentioned Kazuki. I'm also sorry that you always have to deal with my temper, I hope you can forgive me."

"Don't worry, you're already forgiven." Ryuuzaki said. Emiko gave him a hug; it just felt right at the moment.

"Hey, you did the right thing. With Tsubasa I mean." Emiko let him go.
"Thanks, it was really difficult to fire him like that. I'll go upstairs now, I need to be alone." Ryuuzaki went upstairs and she was left alone. She should head home, it was getting late.

As she passed the kitchen she heard a voice. Daisuke? Didn't he leave already? Her curiosity took over and she eavesdropped on him.

"Long time no see, little buddy." Daisuke said happily.

"Yes, master." Nikka's robotic voice responded.  

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