Chapter 16 - Survival of the fittest

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Aika leaned her head on Kazu's shoulder and looked up at the night sky. Thousands of stars gleamed above them where they sat on the top of Tokyo Tower. For the past three months, ever since she first kissed him, they had met up here one or two times a week. It seemed like the safest place for them to meet without being noticed by the others. Kazu had been silent for a while; he probably had a lot on his mind. After all, the future of his entire people rested on his shoulders, they trusted him and he was dating his enemy...

"Don't worry so much. You're still loyal to your people; you feeling this way is proof of that. Daisuke is the real traitor, not you." Aika tried to comfort him.

"I love you... Though it hurts me that I have to keep this a secret from Takeshi. I feel like I'm betraying his trust, I'm kind of torn between the two of you." Kazu rested his head on his hands.

"I love you too. It sounds like you are very close, maybe you could tell him? It would make you feel better too."

"Long ago he might have understood, but now he has become too loyal to The Guardians. He doesn't see that we're just their pawns... If there only was a way other than Khaos' resurrection..." Kazu went silent again.

"It is going to be okay. Maybe one day they will all understand. Speaking of Takeshi; he has been pretty hostile towards me, but you care about him a lot. What happened between you; I want to know the Takeshi you do." Kazu let out a sigh.

"I was a lot different back then. I've changed to the better and I owe it all to Takeshi."


A 13-year-old Kazu gazed at the huge building in front of him. This was where he would spend the next 24 hours, battling other cronians for his honor; honor being the prize everyone wanted. Every year all the schools in his home region held a tournament; everyone from a school was split up in groups of four across classes. The strongest member of the group was the leader and Kazu had always been the leader of his team. Though this was all just a way for the grown-ups to disguise the dark truth; these tournaments were meant to train the children to be able to handle a catastrophe when it strikes. It was also a way to know who to prioritize during a calamity.

"It's amazing that they let us come and train at the most prestige training camp in the world!" Kazu overheard a girl say enthusiastically.

"Well of course, Ikisatashi Kazu is in our school after all. Only the best is good enough for someone of his caliber." Another girl answered her. Kazu noticed that she crossed her arms and hatefully glared at a blonde boy from his class. "Though I wish the weaklings didn't get invited, they're just going to slow everyone down."

"Ugh, don't stare at him. You don't want people to think he is worth your attention." The first girl said with a disgusted tone. "He is the weakest in our school, I'm surprised they even allowed him to come here. Poor guys who get him on their team."

Kazu tightened his grip around the sheet of paper in his hand. On that piece of paper stood the names of his teammates this year. Two of them were Keima and Joshi; his older friends. They were both pretty strong and the three of them got along well. The problem was the last member; he looked around and slowly opened the paper for the 20th time today. Kurosaki Emon; the blonde boy those girls were speaking about. But no matter how long he stared at it, the name it didn't change. Wasn't it punishment enough that they were in the same class? He let out a sigh.

"Aw man, I can't believe we got paired with Kurosaki Emon." A familiar voice blurted out. Keima had snuck up on him and ripped the paper out of his hands. He glanced at it for a second before handing it to Joshi; who also had shown up out of nowhere.

"You mean the incompetent coward with elemental powers who can't even light a match-stick? That sucks, it's going to drastically reduce our chances to win." Joshi proceeded to burn the paper; showing off both his powers and displeasure.

"Don't worry guys, I'm still on the team you know. That should be enough." Kazu tried to reassure them. Right then, a loud alarm signaled for them that it was time to gather inside for further information. Everyone started to walk towards the main hall inside the building. A sense of urgency hit Kazu; Emon easily blended with the crowd and he had already lost sight of him. He frantically ran around until he spotted him.

"There you are." Kazu grabbed Emon by the hood of his sweatshirt. "Come on; I don't want to be late because of you. I have a reputation to take care of." The four of them followed the masses towards the entrance. Suddenly Kazu heard someone fall behind him and turned around only to find Emon on the ground. He looked around but no one seemed to care.

"Hey loser, don't walk so close to Kazu; we don't want your weakness to rub off on him." Keima said shortly after. Then him and Joshi burst out laughing. Ugh, they didn't have time for this nonsense right now; they had a competition to get ready for.

Kazu and the others had finally gotten in the main hall. It was packed with students talking and loudly laughing with their friends while waiting for today's activities to start. All of a sudden the big door at the back opened with a blast. At the doorway stood a group of four; two boys and two girls. One girl had long, red hair tied up in a ponytail; Kazu could sense her thirst for battle across the room. She would make a worthy opponent. The other girl was short and tan with boyish short, blonde hair. A healer, Kazu assumed, judging by her demeanor. The youngest boy had short, white hair and slouched behind everyone else; he seemed indifferent... almost annoyed that he had to be here. But it was the oldest boy who really stood out. He had long, purple hair tied up in a slick ponytail, and the arms on his shirt were ripped off. Tall and slightly muscular, he appeared strict, authoritarian and intimidating. Kazu felt so tiny and insignificant in his presence. Ugh, was this how the weak ones felt?

Everyone in the crowd started whispering
"Psst, that tall boy there is Ikisaki Takeshi." "What? No way, you mean as in The Rock Slicer?" "Yeah, I heard he has won the tournaments three years in a row." "Do you think he will become the next Khaos?" "Shh, don't mention that name in public. Also; you're not supposed to joke about things like that."

The group of four walked in and the mass split up in the middle, creating a path. They stopped besides Kazu's group. Kazu inspected them for little while more until his gaze landed on Takeshi; but Takeshi was already staring at him, and for a brief moment their eyes met.


"Aww man, that was a long speech. But now that that's over with, I'm ready to kick some butt." Keima eagerly said as he stretched out. But Kazu couldn't focus; the only thing he could think about was Takeshi and his team. The way everyone admired them pissed him off; they should have admired him instead. He was the strongest after all, and he was going to prove it.

Kazu and the rest had walked around for a while and watched a few battles. Joshi had his first one a bit earlier against the red-haired girl from Takeshi's team, but lost. Luckily Kazu and Keima had won both of theirs; even if Keima lost Kazu would probably be able to carry his team. This was how it usually went down after all. Someone pulling on his shirt interrupted his thoughts. Kazu turned around and saw the young, sloppy boy from earlier.

"Hey, have you seen my group? I'm sure you know which one I'm talking about." The deadpan kid asked. Something about his indifference put Kazu off; it wasn't exactly normal behavior for someone his age. Typical behavior would be his complete opposite; exited and curious.

"Aw, are you lost, little guy?" Keima asked with an underlying mocking tone. The kid didn't answer, he just stared unamused at him. "What's your name? How old are you?"

"Taiki. I'm 10"

"10? So it's you first time here. Well, Taiki; I think I saw them a bit earlier so if you come with us, I'm sure we'll find them." Joshi said. They were obviously plotting something, but Kazu just let them go. As long as they weren't in danger, it wasn't his responsibility.

"Ouch, they won't know what hit them." Emon mumbled under his breath; if the others hadn't left Kazu probably wouldn't have heard it. Right, he was alone with Emon now. When he thought about it; the two of them had never really had a conversation. Emon wasn't exactly the talkative type and he was usually grumpy.

A few minutes of unbearable awkward silence passed. Kazu had tried to start a conversation a couple of times, but Emon brushed him off each time. Kazu gazed in pity at him; he had angrily kicked a rock back and forth since Keima and Joshi left. That blonde guy was always in a bad mood; no wonder he didn't have any friends.

Finally, Keima and Joshi returned after what felt like an eternity. Kazu walked towards them; he couldn't stand more of Emon's attitude. But then he noticed that they looked kind of funky. They staggered visibly, their hair was a mess and Keima's glasses were broken.

"What happened to you two?" Kazu looked concerned at his friends.

"Well you see; there was this group that tried to beat Taiki up because he is weak. We couldn't leave him there and had to protect him. So we fought them off and got him to safety." Joshi told him. As he explained what happened Kazu saw someone approaching. It looked like... The Stone Slicer. He turned Keima around, grabbed him by his collar and lifted him up.

"Where is my brother, creep?"

"Let me down, you maniac! Why don't you pick at someone your own strength?" Keima kicked around mid-air and tried to get away from Takeshi's tight grip.

"Yeah, why don't you?" Emon mockingly said under his breath. Kazu didn't pay him any attention and turned back to Takeshi.

"I have witnesses that you were with him earlier." Takeshi said threateningly.

"Hey, stop it! They were just helping him!" Kazu finally had to get involved, though he didn't want to cause a scene. But he couldn't just watch this guy harass his friend. Takeshi dropped Keima down.

""Helping him". And I can burn down this place with my amazing elemental powers." Emon scoffed at them. Kazu just ignored him, he was too busy with what went on in front of him.

"Kazu, are you really gonna let him get away with that?" Keima stared hatefully at Takeshi.

"Yeah, teach him some respect." Joshi tightened his fists and stood in a fighting position.

"How about you fight your own battles?" Takeshi looked at them challengingly. Both of them hid behind Kazu and waited for him to do something. Kazu didn't want to fight him though, there was no reason for violence. "Anyway, you didn't answer my question; where is Taiki?" Takeshi crossed his arms.

"He is fighting in the arena inside." Emon stood up and walked over to them; he finally said something of use.

"...How did you know?" Kazu asked.

"Unlike you I actually pay attention to my surroundings." It took Kazu everything he had not to start something with Emon. Fighting him would be really unfair anyway; so he just kept it in.

"Thank you." Takeshi immediately ran inside.

"Maybe we should go as well. He would be happy to see you two again; seeing as you saved him and all." Emon smiled slyly. Kazu didn't know what was going on, but Keima and Joshi appeared very anxious and hesitant about it. It wasn't like them not to talk back; something was going on. Kazu nodded approvingly and started to walk towards the entrance. He suspected that they hid something from him and he wanted to find out what.

On the short way from where they were standing earlier and to the building, Keima and Joshi did everything in their power to keep Kazu from entering. They tried to convince him that watching a weakling's fight was a waste of time and that it was probably already over. But Kazu had already reached the door to the arena. Loud, energetic cheering escaped the walls. He opened the door and was met by hundreds of people shouting and chanting Taiki's name. Kazu's jaw dropped when he saw was transpiring in the ring.

Taiki fought one of the strongest people in Kazu's school; but the poor girl didn't stand a chance against Taiki's attacks. The girl from Kazu's school had a clear advantage with her wind powers, but the way Taiki used his bow made it impossible for her to attack him. He was incredibly fast, he shot arrows at her from all directions and waited for an opening. She was stuck constantly defending; he had worn her out a lot and it was amazing that she had kept up all this time. The sweat dripped down her forehead and her body was shaking. Kazu stared in awe as the girl fell exhausted to the ground and Taiki stood above, aiming at her chest; claiming his victory. The crowd burst out in extraordinary cheers and a couple of healers entered the arena and took the defeated girl with them.

"Weak!?" Kazu yelled when Taiki exited the arena.

"Uh... yes?" Taiki answered confused.

"No, I mean: you're not weak!" Kazu still couldn't believe what he just witnessed.

"I never said I was..."

"You didn't? No, it was Keima and Joshi... Oh..." Kazu's tone darkened as he realized what was going on. They lied to his face and didn't bat an eye. Who knew how many times they had been doing things like this; they were supposed to be his closest friends. Kazu felt his anger rise; those two were going to hear it when he found them... Suddenly he felt someone tap his shoulder from behind. He quickly turned around and saw Takeshi stand there.

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