What was I to do i was gonna be killed and there was nothing I could do about.....
But wait if I've made jam evil could I not use it to my advantage what if I could get him to help me without him even realise it. I could change the future.
I may be dumb and can't grammar but I'm no idiot
As I was dragged away I felt a sharp pain on the back of my neck? Did someone throw a rock at me!
How dare they!
No more!
I'm done!
I turned around and hit both the men that were following me in the face
Ha I'm stronger than you stupid!
Now tell me where's jam!
He guard could hardly breathe but he said
At the tower far right you can't miss him
I knew this was a tree because I could hear the shouting from here but I wanted to take that jam down so I ran up the tower
What I found was horrible
It was tragic
I found jam on the floor bleeding
Jam why are u bleeding I said
It's because I'm the real jam the jam that captured you is an imposter he know everything about the cameras about the city of grey about you about everything you don't have much time leave while u still can he said
I'm not leaving without you
I'm dying Ann how could u possibly save me
You can't" at that moment in walked the fake jam grease ready to excite me
There's nothing you can do to save him he said because your both gonna die!