Chapter 2: Not A Good Day

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"Te, wake up and get ready for school." My mom said while shaking me. I got up and walked to the bathroom. I felt dissy and naseaus. I looked in the mirror and saw how nasty I looked. My day usually starts off like this, I wake up, throw up, eat, go to school and I feel better, and it all works out by the end of the day.

I looked at the throw up in the toilet, which consisted of the hot funyuns i ate all throughout yesterday and early this morning and the rice and beans my mom made last night for dinner. I flushed the toilet and went to brush my teeth and followed through with the rest of my hygiene routine.

I walked to my room after my nice cold shower. "uggh" I whined. "I don't even feel like going to school today" i continued to myself. I looked in my closet checking to see what I had to wear, i felt like wearing a pair of Dre's sweatpants and a black spaghetti strapped shirt, with a hoodie to go with it.

As far as my hair, i didn't do too much to it. I put some cantu shea butter in it and put it into a bun. I was not about to go through the whole process of doing my hair this morning, I just didn't feel like it. Picking up my bag and closing my room door, i walked downstairs to living room, where i found my mom. 

"Yes...Okay. Mhm..Okay well, i gotta go baby. I love you, be safe. Alright bye love" my mom said hanging up the phone. "Who was that" I questioned. "Your father, he is coming home from his trip in Georgia" she said. "Great" I exclaimed not sounding enthusiastic at all. 

See, me and my father never really had a great relationship. In my eyes, he was always too controling and demanding, he was rude most of the time and wanted to be treated like a king. I never agreed with what he ever said. I just don't like him. To me, all he is the person that put in sperm to create me, he was never a "daddy" like what others had, and I was totally okay with that. 

"Hun, you gotta forgive him. He was young he didn't know what he was doing. He didn't know how to be a father." she said defending him. "So magically, when Kim is born he knows how to be a father?" I asked refering to my younger sister. "When Kim was born, he remembered the mistakes he made with you and tried not to make the same ones with her." she explained. 

"Whatever, he is still dead to me" I said walking to the fridge. "I'm hungry" I muttered to myself.  "Well, I could make eggs and bacon" she suggested. The sound of bacon and eggs discusted me. I wanted something like a sausage, egg and cheese McMuffin from McDonalds with the cinammon roll and a caramel frappe. "Ew no, thats nasty. Can we stop at McDonalds" I asked knowing how my mom felt about that place.

" Oh no! That place is nasty. Their food isn't even 100 percent real, its not even real 1 percent" she complained. "Mom, please. Just today" I begged, starting to feel sick from not eating. "Go to the car" she instructed.

I walked to the car and waited for my mom. I looked down at my belly, causing me to smile. I was so excited to be having a baby. I hope it's a girl i thought to myself. My stomach was starting to become more noticable. I knew I only had a little more time till, everyone would know. 

"Did you hear me" my mom asked interrupting my thoughts. "No, my bad. What did you say" i asked. "I said that, your getting a little big, meaning fat. I'm gonna have to change your diet and make you work out more" she said, unlocking the car door. "oh, yea." was all i could get out. It was coming to a time where I was gonna have to break the news.

"So are you still gonna get me breakfast" I asked, getting the feeling of needing to throw up. "I guess, but take this as your last meal before you get back to a healthier you" she sassed. I shrugged and looked out the window. I need to go to the doctor soon to make sure that my baby is healthy. I thought. I decided on calling them later on when I get to school. 

At School

"Bye ma" I said exiting the car. I walked to my first period class. 

Good Morning Lil Ma my bestfriend Marvin texted me. Good Morning Loser face I replied.

"Who you texting?" I looked up to see Dre frowning. "Marvin" I answered truthfully. "oh" he said. 
"So you could answer his text and not mine" He nagged. I looked through my newsfeed and saw that Dre had texted me 3 times. "Ohh my bad. i didn't see it" i told him. 'But you could see that fuck nigga Marvin text" he mumbled loud enough for me to hear it. 

Lately, Dre has been acting like an ass. He'll start shit and then be mad that i'm angry with him. I don't understand. He's even been creeping around, talking to other females and trying to fuck them when i dont wanna have sex. "Dre stop!" I yelled at him. "You need to stop, im tired of your attitude and you being asshole. It needs to stop" I yelled annoyed. "Man tighten up" he spat. "Maybe if you would stop being a bitch and have sex with me then, I wouldn't have to act this way" he continued. 

Is he being serious? All of this revolves around sex? "Dre your being ridiculous! You need help" I yelled walking away from him. I don't know how i ever ended up with a guy like Dre. Him and I have been together since the middle of freshman year, he was always so nice and caring. It wasn't until this year he started acting like this. I hope he gets his shit together because if not then he will be missing out on alot. And that's no joke.

"Chante come here, you don't walk away from me" He yelled. I continued to walk away, I'm not capable of dealing with mess like this. I need better for myself and my baby.

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