I've been everywhere, man.

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We got back to the apartment at half nine, the rest of the boys were watching the football game on TV.

Louis immediately noticed me and Harry's intertwined hands, and a smug grin formed on his lips. "Oh thank God. Took you long enough, mate!" he and the others clapped Harry on the back. I just rolled my eyes, and let him drag me down the hallway.

"You're awfully forceful today," I laughed as he pulled me into his room, shutting the door.

He stepped closer to me, putting both hands on my waist. "I just wanted to get you alone," he purred, walking me backwards to the wall. "That might've just been the creepiest thing I've ever said."

"I'm so scared," I giggled.

His lips pressed against my jaw, causing me to take in a shaky breath. He smiled into the skin of my neck before looking up into my eyes. Our foreheads were pressed together, eyelashes fluttering as he leaned in an inch more.

His lips brushed mine lightly; so incredibly soft, and I heard my breath hitch in my throat at the overwhelming electricity that flowed between us. His hands ran down the length of my back, and I shivered.

He must've felt it too, because in a second, he closed the space between us again fully. Our lips worked together perfectly, like two souls connecting for the first time. His hands trailed up and down my sides, pulling me in even closer.

My fingers tangled in his voluminous curls; the softness of his hair was unbelievable. He deepened the kiss, running his tongue over my bottom lip, pressing into me further. My back hit the wall behind me, and he broke away for a moment, putting a hand on either side of my head on the wall.

"You're beautiful," he whispered, bending down to kiss across my jaw and behind my ear. I shuddered, looking into his sea green eyes.

"So are you," I blurted awkwardly, instantly blushing at my own words. He chuckled, and I almost leant up to kiss the adorable wrinkles forming at his eyes. He kissed the base of my throat lightly, before connecting his lips to mine. The room spun under me from that kiss; it was absolutely mind blowing.

We broke away slowly, where I was smiling like a fool. "How was that?" he asked.

"How do you think, idiot?" I laughed, kissing him again.

"Well, I just thought..."

"Harry, stop. You're wonderful. Perfect, actually," I blushed, embarrassed at the words that were coming out of my mouth. He didn't have to say anything to tell me he felt the same, he just held me in his arms and didn't let go for hours.

"Wake up! Wake up wake up wake up!" I cracked my eyes open just in time to Louis and Zayn jumping on top of me.

"Get off!" I screamed, pulling the covers tighter over my head.

"We're going to the zoo today for a benefit gig, and you're coming with us," they'd stopped jumping, but Louis was sat comfortably on my stomach.

"I can't breathe," I wheezed dramatically. "You're breaking my ribs. I'm dying." He finally removed himself to sit next to Zayn, who was cross-legged on the foot of the bed.

They stared at me with bright eyes, like kids on Christmas. I hadn't been to the zoo in twelve years. I couldn't just tell them I couldn't go; it'd break their hearts. So I sighed, and gave in. "What time are we leaving?"

"An hour! Go on and wake Harry. He'll definitely like that," Zayn winked.

I blushed furiously at the events of yesterday: the way Harry held me, his fingertips grazing my sides. I smiled just remembering the feeling of his lips against my jaw. Once they'd left, I tiptoed into Harry's room.

He was without a shirt, and I gasped at the perfection that lie there under the covers; snoring loudly, both of his arms strewn across the bed. All the pillows from his (and probably Lou's) bed were covering him--the boys's doing, no doubt--but he was out cold.

It took everything I had not to laugh at his appearance as I crept to the edge of the bed and belly flopped straight into the mountain of pillows. "Haaaarold," I sung as he stirred under me. "Time to wake up."

He groaned, unconsciously wrapping his arms around my waist so I was trapped on top of him. "Why am I covered in pillows?" he called muffledly from under the fluffy pile.

"I'm not sure...probably Louis."

"Will you free me?"

I giggled and pushed them aside so his peaceful face was hovering just below mine. "Hello," I smiled, resting my head on his chest.

"Good morning," he murmured, grinning crookedly at me.

We didn't move, frozen in that precious second with each other. He let out a low breath, brushing his nose with mine. As his eyes stared into mine, his cheeky smile faded to something much more serious, and I felt his arms tighten around me.

When our skin touched, the electric shock I felt yesterday between us came rushing back all at once. "We're going to the zoo soon?" I asked shakily, struggling to keep my composure.

He sensed my nervousness, and reached up with his fingertips to graze them over my cheeks. "That's correct," he smirked as I looked away shyly, heat rushing to my face. He tucked a stray lock of hair behind my ear, trailing his hand down to rest on the side of my neck.

My face was on fire at this point, and I quickly hid my burning skin in my hair. "Am I making you blush?" he murmured, pushing the hair out of the way.

I sniffed at him, "No."

"Are you sure about that?" His lips suddenly found the skin of my neck, playfully nipping at it, and I gasped audibly.

"Hey! That's not fair!" I said, grabbing a handful of his hair and pulling him up to look into his eyes.

"But it's working, isn't it?" he grinned.

I rolled my eyes. "You're too full of yourself."

His eyes pierced mine with an intensity that I was quickly lost in. "What are you going to do about it?" he whispered, moving until our faces were mere centimeters apart.

His lips brushed over mine like a ghost, and my eyes fluttered shut against my will. "Addison?" he whispered huskily.

"What?" I whispered back, so overwhelmed with the emotions coursing through me.

He was suddenly pulling away from me, and my eyes flew open in confusion. Harry was smiling mischievously at me. "We need to get ready," he said, still smiling. And with that, he heaved me off the bed and onto the carpeted floor below.

"Ow! Fuck you, Harry!" I fumed, rubbing my sore head where I had hit.

All I heard was his loud laughter as he walked into the bathroom to start the shower.

Far Too Many Good Intentions. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now