Every night, my dream's the same.

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It was too bright. I knew this because the window was completely uncovered, leaving me exposed to the autumn sunlight. When did this happen? Everything felt tense and uncomfortable. It had to only be a few minutes past seven.

I groaned, trying to sit up and go to my room, only to be pulled back down by a strong pair of arms. "Ouch!" I winced as I landed on the quite bony chest under me. I looked up into sleepy green eyes.


The events from last night came flooding back all at once. My face flushed bright red, and I looked down at Harry's arms that now held me captive. "Don't leave, I'll be cold," he spoke, his voice raspy from sleep.

So I just buried my head back into his chest without a word, and tried to close my eyes. He smelled so nice, distracting me from sleep. His breaths became more deep as he fell asleep again, lips close to my ear, blowing my hair softly.

My mind drifted to the memory of last night. The kiss last night…wow. There was no way I could sleep now, thinking about it. But it was strangely soothing for how incredibly aware I was of his lips so close to my skin.

As I rested my eyes, there was a sudden flash. I shot up, looking around to find very a disheveled Louis with his phone, trying to contain his laughter. "Lou, what are you doing?" I groaned.

"Sorry babe, but that was too cute to pass up," he said groggily.

I sighed, detaching myself from Harry so I could sit up. He didn't stir; he must've been knocked out cold. "When did you guys get back?"

"Half three," he mumbled, ruffling his wispy hair. It only made it stick up more, and I smiled at it. He plopped down next to me, pushing Harry's legs over so he had room. He still didn't wake up; his head lolled to the side and he covered his eyes with his arm.

"You should've woke us up," I complained jokingly. "I'm so sore!"

Louis looked at me and burst out laughing. "Sore from what exactly, Addison?"

My eyes went wide at the realization as he smirked. "Louis William Tomlinson, what kind of girl do you take me for?!"

He shrugged. "I just assumed, since you two left early and all..."

"No!" I blushed, shaking my head vehemently. "It's...it's not like that."

Louis dropped the smile he wore, suddenly becoming very serious. "But you know you want it to be."

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do what?" We jerked our heads to the curly haired boy who was rubbing sleep out of his eyes.

"Oh, nothing; Louis was just being strange. Good morning," I stumbled.

He narrowed his eyes accusingly, but he accepted the lie. "Who wants to go put the kettle on?"

Louis stood up with a pointed smirk in my direction. "I will!" he announced, and pranced into the kitchen.

Well, this was uncomfortable.

Harry chuckled, shaking his hair this way and that. "Lou has too much energy, especially at this hour."

I nodded, still feeling awkward over Louis' statement earlier. He noticed my quietness. "Last night was..." he paused, clearing his throat, "Amazing. You don't regret it? Kissing me, I mean?" His eyes smoldered under his lashes and I felt my stomach twist in memory of his lips on mine.

Does he really want anything to do with me, or am I just like the rest of them? Louis' words echoed through my head, but I shook my head anyway, smiling "Definitely not. Look, I'm really disgusting right now, so I'll be back." I stood up and stretched my legs before padding down the hall to the bathroom.

Far Too Many Good Intentions. (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now