Chapter 1

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                I wake up to my alarm clock screaming at me to get up. I shiver as I'm greeted with the cold air in my bedroom and get up to grab the jacket I use in the morning. I go to the bathroom to splash water on my face so I can wake up just a smidge. I turn on the lights and flinch when the brightness hurts my eyes. I blink a few times to clear my sight and look at myself in the mirror. The dark circles under my eyes are darker since I didn't sleep much last night. The project the teacher assigned to us consisted of a five-page paper on the history of the Civil War. We were supposed to do it in groups but I work better alone so I did it all in one night.

The cold water was like a jolt in my system as it hit my face. I take a towel and wipe my face, grabbing my toothbrush and toothpaste and start brushing my teeth afterwards. When I finish, I go into my room and change into my crimson red, school hoodie-after putting a white tank top underneath-and into my denim blue skinny jeans. I search my room for my huge glasses since I'm like a bat and can't see to save my life. I look in the full body mirror and look at my outfit. Nothing special. Nothing to be noticed about. I look at the mascot of our school on the front of my hoodie. Averwood High. Home of the Red Devils. Averwood is a small town. If you were to look at a map it would be at the very bottom right corner in Rhode Island. Crappy town, crappy sports teams and even worse people. It's pretty much hell in a basket.

After putting my brown, ratty hair in a bun and some concealer to mask my red tinted face, I walk down the stairs and into the kitchen to see my dad making eggs.

"Hey dad. You're up early." I laugh. I'm always the first one up. My parents don't usually get up till seven thirty.

"Yeah I decided I wanted to take you to school today." He said smiling down at me. My dad is a pretty tall man. Standing at six foot two and having dark brown hair with dark eyes, people don't normally see him as the smiling kind of guy. To me he is the softest person to meet. His smile softens his face and brings a light into his eyes that I've only ever seen him have when my mom or I are around.

"The school is only ten minutes away, dad. Why do you want to take me?"

"Your mom and I are going on a date today so we won't see you when you get home."

"Oh nice! It's been a while since you've had a date night. How long?" I asked while taking a piece of toast from my dad's plate.

"The whole day. I'm taking her to her favorite restaurant but its two hours away. So we will be very late when we get home." He says.

"Okay. Just don't get too crazy. I don't want a sibling anytime soon!" I shout as I dash up the stairs laughing like a maniac as my dad starts choking on his food. I grab my bag but leave my paper on the desk so nothing happens to it. I go back down the stairs and tell my dad that I'll be in the car after I give my mom a kiss goodbye.

We start heading to the school and dad tells me all he has planned for mom. We talk for about two minutes until the front of the school comes into view. Automatically my palms start sweating for the hell that's about to come. My dad looks over to me and asks me if I'm fine.

"Yeah. Just the Friday stuff. Teachers really stack up the homework on Fridays since we will have two days to do it all." I try my best to give a laugh at the end but it just sounding nervous.

"Amara, you know that if anything is going on at school you can tell me or your mom, right? Don't think we haven't noticed how you don't ask to hang out with friends or go to any sleepovers." He looks at me dead in the eyes.

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