Chapter 3

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Five teenagers stand on the Averwood Bridge staring at the railing where a girl, their classmate, had just fallen from. Because of them. Ryan curses colorfully and tries ripping hair from his head. Brittany stops breathings and her skin complexion turns a greenish color, while Ashley starts hyperventilating. Dylan keeps staring at the water where she fell and goes numb. Elena starts crying and saying it's all her fault since she is the one who had them go over to her. Ryan starts pacing back and forth.

"We can't tell anyone. Not a soul. We will carry this to the grave. Do you understand?" he looks at everyone in the eye.

"Ryan we just killed her! You don't think anyone will notice her missing? Mr. Alexander knows we were the ones picking on her at school. He saw her hand after you bruised it. And you got benched because of her. If she doesn't go to school, he will notice and ask questions. We are so screwed!" Elena yelled.

"That bitch deserved what she got." Brittany said. Everyone looks at her. "What? She did. She could have just given us her homework. She did this to herself." She walks over to Ryan and hugs his arm.

"Everyone swear, right now, that we won't tell anyone. Not a single person, okay?" Ryan says. Everyone swears not to tell.

Ryan stayed at the bridge after everyone left. The only thing he could hear were the screams she made before she fell into the water. He tried to grab for her but right when he was just a hairs breath away from her, she slipped. He remembers the face she had when she started falling. I bet she blamed them. Him most of all. He never should have pushed her on the bridge! How stupid could he be? He knew it was dangerous but he didn't care. He was mad. But that means nothing now. A girl was dead. She died because of all of them. She would never walk down the aisle with her dad, to give her off to her husband. Never even graduate high school.

He stayed there for ten minutes before he walked home. His parents greeted him and he pretended everything was fine. No one could pin him and his friends to the scene. They probably wouldn't even be able to find her. He got ready for bed and fell into a nightmare filled sleep.

Ryan woke up thinking it was all a dream. When he took the covers off of him, he expected to see his pajama bottoms but instead he saw the jeans he wore the night before. His face turns pale and his brain can't comprehend what happened. He stayed in bed for the next two days until Monday morning.

I wake up to the sounds of my own choking. I shoot up from the ground and cough up water from my lungs. I turn to my side as my body starts shaking from the lack of oxygen in my system. I cough one more time and stay in a kneeling position for thirty seconds before lifting my head. I look around and see my surroundings. All I see are trees and the sand bar I'm on. My head pounds and my hands go up to my temple. I stand up and stumble a bit before finding my footing to stand still. My hands cover my eyes, expecting to push up my glasses in the process, but finding nothing there. Didn't I wear glasses?

A breeze brushes my face. I expect to shiver and cover my arms but I don't feel the cold. In fact, I don't feel anything. I take my hoodie off and climb up a hill to find out where I am. Once I walk for a bit, I see I'm about two miles from my house. I sigh as I start my walk. I try to think about what happened the night before but nothing comes to mind. I give up after a few minutes and just think about how I ended up at the river. Why was I there? The last thing I remember was saying goodbye to Mrs. Perry. Then it's all blank.

Finally, after what feels like forever, I see the front of my house and walk a bit faster to get there. I feel around my pocket to find my key but can't find it. I look in the window to see if my parents are in the house but can't find them. What I do see though, is the kitchen. My stomach growls at the thought of food and all I can think of is food. Nothing else mattered. I ball my hand into a fist and punch the glass window and shatter it. I reach my hand through it and unlock my front door. I walk in without a second thought and go straight for the kitchen.

Undead in High SchoolWhere stories live. Discover now