Chapter 2

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                Throughout the day, all I hear about is what happened today. Mr. Alexander, who is my History teacher, asked me if I was okay. I told him I would be but I wanted to know what happened to them.

"They have a month of detention. Ryan and Dylan are benched from the game for a month and Ashley is on the bottom of the pyramid." My eyes widen as I hear all of this.

"They didn't get suspended? No one got expelled?" Mr. Alexander shook his head and looked at me sadly.

"I'm sorry, Amara. If you need to talk to anyone I'm here." He squeezed my shoulder and I went and sat down.

As the day went on I was paranoid that I was going to see them waiting for me. When the school day ended I walked to my locker and grabbed my bag and put everything that I needed in it. I walk by the school library to turn in my books that I borrowed from it and start walking to the back of the school. The back of the school gives me a shortcut back to my house so I don't have to be walking so much. Since its October the air starts getting in the sixties and makes my hands cold. I walk out the door and start walking to the sidewalk walk for about thirty seconds until I hear voices calling my name.

"Hey snitch! How do you feel now that you ratted us out, huh?" Brittany said, clinging to Ryan who had an evil look in his eyes. Without thinking, I run. I run down the sidewalk taking shortcuts through people's yards and jumping over things. I hear steps behind me and see them far back, with Ryan ahead of them. He gets closer and closer until I can hear his footsteps almost right behind mine. I pump my legs to go faster just as he was about to grab me. I take a sharp right and make it into my neighborhood, losing them in the process. I walk up to my front door and take my key out of my pocket and unlock my door.

Once inside, I lock the door and slide down to the floor trying to catch my breath. I start laughing once my thoughts clear and I get up to go in my room and put my bag up. My icy blue walls welcome me as I jump onto my white comforter on my bed. I close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

I wake up and check the clock. It's only 5:30 so I go down and get some food from the kitchen. I go to open up the fridge and see a note with my name on it and read it.

Dear Amara,

Your mom and I won't be back till late at night. We know you can't cook so we left some money for pizza on the counter. Feel free to go anywhere tonight as long as your back by ten. Love you, sweetheart.

Love, mom and dad

I smile when I'm done reading the letter and place it on the counter. The library doesn't close till 9:00 on Fridays and that would mean I would be home before ten. I grab my house key and the money in case I go to the store on the way back, and start walking to the library.

The walk to the library is always nice. There is a bridge that I have to cross and I like looking over it to watch the river underneath. The river is fast and pretty deep. It could take a grown man under and we wouldn't see him again. The bridge is high up too. It's about twenty feet above the river. But if you don't look down, you can feel as if you can fly. I walk the rest of the way to the library in bliss, wiping off my glasses when they get foggy once I walk into the library. I walk through the doors and am greeted by the smell of old and new paper, and can smell the coffee the librarians drink.

I walk over to the corner I usually go to when I spend the day here and take a book off the shelf. I open the book and start reading when I see Mrs. Perry walking over with a cart of books. Mrs. Perry is a short woman with gray hair she always keeps in a bun. Her glasses are always on the tip of her pointed nose, and she looks as if she always has a frown on her face. I walk over to her instantly.

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