One Direction Sick Story (Niall)

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I'm new at this so please bare with me and no hate please? But I'm going to try and see how this will turn out, I hope it turns out good!!


It was after there concert, they was having a met and greet. Then out of no where Niall started to feel his tummy turn. He didn't worry about it he thought it was just something he ate and it would pass by. Soon after they get back on the bus, Harry and Liam was just chillin' on the couch. Lou and Zayn was was in the back playing FIFA. Niall still didn't feel any better so he called it a night.

*Harry's POV*

Me and Li was just sitting there when Niall just ups and leaves to go to bed. He never goes to bed this early! "Hey Li do you think Niall is feeling ok? He seemed a little strange at the meet and greet, and now is going to bed early." Liam replied "He seems fine he is probably just tired." I sat there for a few minute and decided to go check up on my little Nailer. "I'm going to go check on Niall just to make sure he is ok."

I walk over to Niall's bunk and said "Niall are you awake?" I didn't get an answer. He was out cold! I didn't want to wake him up so I just let him be.

(The next morning)

*Niall's POV*

I woke up and looked at the clock it was 4:15. I was so hot so I got up to turn the air down, when I got back my head started pounding I just wanted to lay in my bed and cry. Then my tummy started to hurt again. I always kept some stomach soothers cause I hate the thought of being sick! So once I took my meds I went back to sleep.

*Harry's POV*

I woke up at 6:00 like always and started to make breakfast but then when I got out of covers I was freezing! I noticed someone had turned down the air last night. Once I got everything back to normal I took a quick shower, and started to make some toast, bacon, and eggs. I guess the smell had woke Niall up, Niall is a sucker for food and wants to get first dibs. But this morning was quite weird, Niall wasn't running up for the food, he was running to bathroom. I heard horrible retching noises coming from inside the bathroom. I quietly knocked and said "Niall, is everything okay in there?" The only thing a hear was Niall crying. So I walked in and I saw how pale and weak he looked, just the sight of him wanted to make cry. I sat there and rubbed his back as more and more sick came up. After about an hour Niall said "Okay I'm done. I wanna go lay down." So I helped Niall wash his teeth and I led him to couch and got him some pillows and blankets and a sick bag. Once I got him situated I felt his forehead, it was burning! So I went to find the thermometer and I placed it under his tongue. *beep beep beep* It read 102.6. I felt so bad for him, I wish he only knew I liked him so then it wouldn't be awkward if we cuddled.

*Niall's POV*

After Harry told me I had a fever it was like my life was over. I hated to be sick! I just layed there, wishing and hoping Harry would lay with me. I had the biggest crush on him! After awhile I got tired of waiting so I asked him "Harry?" "Yeah Niall" "Would you mind laying with me?" He looked shocked! He didn't say yes or no, he finished what he was doing and then he came and cuddled with me. I felt like the luckiest guy in the world! When he layed on the couch with me, he wrapped his big protective arms around me, but not to tight to upset my stomach, but I felt so safe and I was glad he was there by my side. Soon me and him both feel asleep in each other's arms.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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