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David still under the sleeping curse Rumple and Regina contemplated if their message went through but taking precautions if it didn't by making sure Cora never sets foot in Storybrooke. Evie took up the mantle of being sheriff she could see it being similar to a savior but it's a job no less as she patrols the town she remembers her past as if it was yesterday she was enjoying being needed and helping out if only she could now. Evie came to check on David but he still sound asleep Regina told Evie and Henry that she and Rumple need to prepare for Emma and Snow's return that to make everything safe Evie walked out with Regina she said "Can you trust him?" she said "Of course, you don't need to worry Evie" she hugged her she saw her go. The dwarves and Ruby greet Evie and Henry saying they had been robbed Evie said "What's missing?" Ruby said "All the magic has been drained where Regina and Gold?" Henry said "They stole it?" Evie said "She lied to me and Henry" Leroy/Grumpy said "No one steals from a dwarf!" Ruby said "I'm sorry Henry and Evie" she said "I may know where they're at, but we need to hurry" leaving the dwarves with David Ruby, Henry, and Evie went after Regina and Rumple. They reached them at the well Henry tried reasoning with Regina to no avail Evie said "Mom, you don't want me go down the dark path so don't do this because killing them may trigger it for me, please don't do it" Regina saw tears fall down Evie's face she said "I promised you I would protect you and this..." Evie said "This isn't the way mom, they will make it through have faith and hope" Rumple said "No it won't it will be Cora" she said "Good always defeats evil just not in my case but we can't do this and if you won't stop it then I will". Her eyes glowed red magic extracted from within her she went to the well to remove the dark magic thus may die in the process Henry said "Evie" Regina said "EVIE" she was not listening Henry said "You wanted to change to be better this is how, you want me to have faith in you? have faith in me". Regina understood she went up to the well took the large amount of magic saving Evie's life in the process and they both were blasted back from the force Evie landed knocked out while Regina, Henry, and Rumple saw Snow and Emma climb out Evie had been right all along Henry hugged Emma Snow saw Evie lying there on the ground she said "What happened?" Ruby greeted her hugging her Regina went to Evie she awoke her red eyes vanished to brown eyes she said "Did it work?" Regina said "Yeah it did, don't ever do that again" she helped up. Snow kissed David with true love's kiss awakening him and the Charming family all together again like it was meant to be while Regina had seen Evie's eyes glowing red she was mere seconds of losing her and she wasn't going to let that happen again under any circumstances.

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