Brave, Truthful, and Unselfish

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Spending the day with the stranger Greg Mendell, Evie felt different like she was in control of her life for the first time but she didn't know he was was using her as a way to gather info on Regina Evie treated him to a homemade apple turnover she told him that the secret was the cinnamon in it and that it was her favorite. Greg said "When did you learn how to cook?" she said "When I was four my mother thought I should learn so I failed several times but apple turnover was the first time I got it right on the get go" he said "Well at least she was there for you, my mother died when I was young" she said "I'm sorry" he said "Yeah, it was me and my dad taking on the world" she said "Where is your dad?" he said "Dead" she said "I'm sorry". He said "Well looks like the turnovers are done" she went to take them from the oven with oven mitts she placed it on the plate she took out cool whip she said "I like putting this on it to stave off the heat" he said "Well that's one way to eat it". Later Greg Mendell went to Granny's to get a sandwich on the go for his nature hike greeted Emma she said "I thought you be back in Pennsylvania already?" he said "This town has grown on me and the mayor's daughter has been so kind to showing me the best spots to take pictures" she said "Evie" he said "Yeah, could you tell her the apple turnovers were good she sent some with me this morning" she said "Yeah I will" he walked out. Evie was greeted by Emma she said "You friends with the visitor Greg Mendell?" she said "Was that a crime?" she said "We're trying to get him to leave town before he sees anything" she said "Emma, worrying about him when you should worry about my mother going after your's" she said "Is that a threat?" she said "It's the truth, I know there's a war dating back decades it won't stop unless they both come to an agreement but worrying about Greg won't help matters" she said "You're right".

Evie went for a run through the woods it helped her clear her mind she ran into Snow who was out shooting arrows to clear her mind she said "Evie" she said "Snow" she said "What brings you out this way" she said "Probably the same thing as you" she said "I want to apologize for asking questions about you I didn't realize you don't want to talk about it" Evie said "Snow, the truth is I'm not ready to remember it and the answer to your question how I ended up on the bed next to you as a baby I guess I went to the strongest power in the land which was Emma, I'm just light magic molded into a human being with a purpose to stop darkness and when I died I failed to do so and was released into the realm but when the looming threat of the Dark Curse and a powerful new savior being born the idea of hope and I was reborn again probably for the same purpose again maybe to guide the next savior where I failed perhaps she won't" Snow saw her tears fall down her face she hugged her she said "That I can understand, that's why there's a connection. They heard a noise they went walking a bit to see a trailer Evie went and opened the door with Snow holding her bow at the read Evie saw August/Pinocchio she said "August?"they set down with him on a couch Evie said "I looked for you but you were gone" he said "Yeah it was best this way" she said "Your dad is looking for you" he said "I can't let him see me like this, this wood person" Snow said "What about Blue?" he said "I did this to me, only I can stop it" she said "You were the one person who I cared about aside from Henry, you don't need to hide" he said "Evie it's just better this way" Snow said "Evie why don't you go outside while I'll talk to him". She kissed him on the cheek she walked out August said "She deserves better than me" Snow said "Evie has overcome a lot within these months and she cares for those who light her up, August you are one of those" he said "How's Emma?" she said "Good, Henry's father came back" he said "Neal, are they together?" she said "Sort of it's complicated but trying" he said "I was hoping but that's my problem hoping for things to turn out right". Regina greeted Greg Mendell in Granny's eating apple pie she introduced herself as mayor Regina Mills and Evie's mother he said "Well I finally get to meet you, Evie spoke of how much you did for the town" she said "Evie is smart, and kind she takes after me" she felt a familiarity between him and her she said "I'm fairly certain we haven't met before, but you do seem oddly familiar" he said "Have you spent a lot of time in Carlisle, Pennsylvania?" she said "I don't think so, if there's anything you want in your stay here don't hesitate to ask". She walked out the door Snow came in to tell Emma and Marco who was sitting beside her that she and Evie found August and that he's been living in a trailer by the Toll Bridge and is completely wooden Emma said "What should we do?" Snow said "Evie went to get Blue to help". Evie greeted Blue who was shocked to see her she said "We need your help it's August Marco's son he's completely wooden" she said "Okay but I can't fix him only he was to stay unselfish, brave , and true then he would still be a real boy" she said "It's true he may have done things he regrets but doesn't he deserve a second chance" she said "If there is still a path of redemption for August, it is one that he must travel on his own" Evie said "So no then to helping him" Evie's voice sounded upset given how she cares for August Blue said "Evie I'm happy you're embracing the light because that's who you are" she said "Thanks I guess" she said "August has to figure out himself or it won't be true".

Greg talked to August trying to get him to leave town thinking it better he not be around for what he has planned for Storybrooke first starting with Evie and her family August didn't want anything to happen to her and he was going to stop him he went and tasered him and left but August didn't die like he wanted and went walking into the town to anyone who can help. While Regina greeted him Greg who made it back to his room at Granny's she said "Now I know why I didn't recognize you Owen you're all grown up" he said "You haven't aged a bit" she said "Monthly juice cleanse great for the skin" he said "Your daughter Evie, she's not like you but different and naive" she said "What are you doing here?" he said "To find my father" she said "Your father, he left shortly after you did I never saw him again" he said "I don't believe you, I'm not leaving without my father" she said "Well you are because he's not here, and leave my daughter alone". Evie found August walking about and collapsed she said "AUGUST" she went to him he said "Evie" Emma, Snow, David, Henry and Marco they came up to them as well as Blue Marco said "My child" August said "I'm so sorry, Papa" he said "Everything is going to be alright" August said "Evie, he's.." then he quit talking altogether she saw him she started crying the others saw how she felt for him Neal walked up he said "August?" Snow said "No" Emma said "Someone killed him to stop him from telling us something he used his last dying breath to warn us, I will not let him die in vain." Henry said "Brave, truthful and unselfish that's what he was supposed to be" Blue said "I was able to turn him into a real boy when sacrificed his life for Marco's, if his actions today were those then there's still a chance I can save him again" Blue used her wand on him turning him back into a young boy. He looked up at Marco he said "Father, I'm a real boy" Evie crying Emma said "You were trying to warn Evie about a he who was it?" he said "I'm sorry I don't remember but if I did it be truthful" he walked off with Marco Snow hugged Evie she said "It's okay, Evie it's okay" she said "I can't do this" she vanished in white smoke Snow said "Evie" Blue said "Let her go she's going to need to be alone to process this".

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