Strictly Business (Larry Bourgeois Fanfiction)

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Chapter 1;
I aimlessly walk into my office softly dropping my briefcase on my desk.Sighing,I sit behind my desk tapping my fingers on it as if I'm waiting for something spectacular to happen.
My name is Monica Durham.It's pronounced Dur-rum by the way.I'm 22 and live with my 17 year old sister Leslie and my 4 year old son Brice in my small Los Angeles apartment.I work at a famous tv and movie production cooperation.Being the youngest person ever to have so much success I will be getting a major promotion soon.
This week for me is different.Usually I would be giving interview and running around making sure filming is going perfectly but this week my boss gave me the week off.It's weird not having anything to do.Actually I'm not even suppose to be at work but I'm so devoted to my work.
I get up from my seat taking my phone before walking out of my office.My phone buzzes and 'Text from Fat Head' appears on the screen.My sister...
"I got in trouble at school" The text reads
I roll my eyes stopping in my tracks.What did this kid do now?
Running my hand through my curly brown hair,I sigh walking back to my office to gather my belongings.I walk back into my office picking up my brief case.
"Ms.Monica" A lady voice bursts into the rather large room.
I turn my head to my find my assistant.
"Yes Jessica"
"Do you need anything?"
"No thanks,you can take the day of.I have some errands to run"
"Okay thank you"
I smile at her as she walks out of the door.
"Keys,phone.." I whisper to myself mentally checking to see if I have everything.
I walk out of my office once again walking down the long wide corridor.
Maybe I should text Leslie to see what she's done this time so I could make an excuse.I began texting away on my phone.I turn to another corridor only to bump into someone or something making my phone out of my hands and my balance unsteady.Their large hands pull on my arms before I could fall.
"I'm sorry" I say fixing my clothes.
"It's fine,are you okay?" A man's voice echoed throughout the hallway.His accent made my ears ring.I look up at him as he gives me my phone.
Being only 5'7 he's super tall compared to me.His hair is in twists,neatly tucked under a SnapBack.He looks down at his Jordans stuffing his hands in his pockets of his backwards jeans.
He clears his throat making me lose my train of thought.His eyes met mine and a small smirk grew on his face.
"My name is Larry"
"Over there his my twin brother Laurent" He says pointing to a tall man with an afro pacing up and down the next hallway on the phone.
"Les Twins right?" I ask obviously knowing the answer is yes
"Yeah,you're a fan?"
"Your dancing is okay"
Larry laughs which makes me laugh.Gosh his smile is beautiful.
"I'm just kidding,you and your brother are phenomenal"
"So do you work here?"
"Are you working on with project with my twin and me?"
"No,I'm not even suppose to be at work."
His smile quickly turn into a frown.
"Will I see you around?"
"You ask a lot of questions."
"C'mon just answer it"
"Yeah you will"
"You have really beautiful hair.I like it"
"Hmm" I stand on the tip of toes since my heels didn't give me enough height.I take of his hat as some of his twist fall out of it. "I like yours too.It better without the hat"
Larry smiles at me before turning to his brother who was yelling in French.I look down at my feet as they began to talk to in French.If only I know what they are saying...
"Oh!Brother this is Monica"
"Hi I'm Laurent"
"I know"
I smile shaking his hand.
"Well I'm sorry to cut yours and Larry's conversation short,but we have an interview"
"It's fine,I should be going anyway"
Laurent smiles nodding his head "See you around though?"
"See you later" Both of the twins say before I walk towards the elevator.
Sitting in Leslie's principals office gave me nothing but anger.To be honest Leslie is a straight A student and is top of all of her classes,but sometimes she makes stupid choices and always hangs out with the wrong crowd.
Leslie impatiently taps her fingers on her knee waiting for her principal and teacher.
"Well did you at least win the fight?" I ask breaking the silence
"Yeah of course."
"I'm going to need you to stop getting in trouble.I promised mom you wouldn't get into any either."
"But people-"
"Good afternoon Ms.Durham"
I turn my attention to the door to see Leslie's teacher and principal
"Good afternoon Mr.Johnson,Ms.Orneal"
Mr.Johnson sits behind his desk looking at me straight in eye.
"Last time I gave you a warning,this time I'm giving you a promise.If Leslie gets into trouble one more time,she's out of here"
"I promise you she won't get into anymore trouble."
If this wasn't one of the best schools in LA I couldn't careless if they kicked her out.
"I'm serious this time Leslie,no more fights."
"Yes Mr.Johnson"
"Is there anything else" I ask becoming annoyed.
"No that is all.You may leave"
I smile getting up walking out of the office and Leslie follows.
"I'll drop you off at the apartment.I'm going back to work" I say as we walk down the empty high school hallway.
"Oh what?You're not even suppose to be there"
I roll my eyes opening the doors briskly walking to my car.
"Moni" Leslie calls running to the car.
I get in starting the car ignoring her.Leslie gets in the car staring at me.
"What?" I ask running my hands threw my hair.
"Why are you going back to work?"
"Because I want to"
"What?You saw some hot clients before you left huh?" She asks poking my arm
"Stop it fat head"
"Awe c'mon Moni I know you did.What's his name?"
I smile thinking about Larry.I don't like him I just find him cute.
"I see you smiling.C'mon tell me!"
"His name is Larry"
"Is he tall?"
"Around 6'4"
"Tell me more"
"He's French and he has a twin brother named Laurent.His laugh is contagious,his smile is beautiful.He's super talented too,his brother too.He's sweet and kind."
"Are you crushing over there?"
"No fat head I'm just-"
I roll my eyes driving out of the school's parking lot
My brother and I have an interview for this project we're doing.While my twin is answering questions my mind is stuck on Monica.
Her caramel skin,her big brown eyes,and how her long curly hair neatly falls to her lower back.Her smile I must say is her best feature.I loved the way her eyes sparkled when she looked at me.
I get up from the uncomfortable chair walking out the sun lit office.They won't need me for a while.
I began walking down the long hallway to see familiar curls bounce as the girl under them walks.
"Monica!" I yell in a whisper.
She turns around waving her hand indicating me to come to her.
I run down the hallway stopping right in front of her.
"Where are you going?" I ask poking her arm.
"My office"
She turns on her heels walking to the last door of the hallway.
"You can come in if you want"
She opens the door and I follow behind.
Her office is huge,each wall has at least two or three famous painting on it.
Monica clears her throat which makes me snap my attention to her.She's sitting behind her desk,pulling her up into a um...what's it called?That thing that girls always put their hair up into.
I sit in the chair that is set in front of her desk.
"I like your hair down"
"And I told you that your hair looks better without a hat"
I playfully role my eyes which makes her laugh.
"Hm,I want to get to know you better.I think we'll be best friends" I say leaning forward in the chair.
"How old are you?"
"22 and you?"
"I'm going to call you kid,and I'm 25"
"We're only 3 years apart!"
"But you're around 5'7.The height of kid"
"Nu uh!I'm fun sized."
"Okay belle whatever you say"
"It means beautiful in French"
She rolls her eyes as her cheeks turn red. "Stop flirting"
"Or what?"
"I'll get my fiancé to beat you up"
I look at her fingers smirking "You don't have a ring on it"
"Okay Mr.Smartypants"
"Okay next question,where are you from?"
"Born and raised here in LA but my mom is from Europe and my dad is from the Caribbean"
"Well you already know about me so.What are your long term goals?"
"Hm...I want to direct and film an awarding winning movie"
"Oh really?"
"Yeah,I love working behind the scenes"
"What's your family like?"
"We're really close.My little sister lives me since she didn't want to move to Sacramento with my parents and my little brother."
"Is this your sister?" I ask pointing to a picture that has Monica and a girl who is slightly more tanner than she is and taller with straight black hair.
"Yeah that's Leslie or fat head as I call her.She's 17.My brother Michael is 15.Now what about your family?"
Monica leans forward smiling
"I have 9 brothers and sisters.Big family,my twin and I are the youngest.My family is scattered all over France but for the most part we're close"
"9 brothers and sisters?!"
Her eyes grew bigger and her mouth dropped trying to make sense of it.I laugh before responding "Yeah"
"Well you're lucky because your mom probably doesn't nag you everyday for not being married yet"
"You're only 22.."
"Yeah I know but I don't think I'm ready for that kind of relationship since I'm always busy with my work and making sure my son has more than what I had growing"
"You have a son?"
Monica drops her sighing "Yeah his name is Brice"
"How old is he?"
"He's 4.Growing up I've been with the wrong crowd.I've been hurt so many times by Brice's dad but I still loved him and that's why I stayed.My world shattered when I found I was pregnant but I knew I had to take care of my child.Brice's dad left when I told him I was pregnant,but luckily I have a supporting family.They helped me take care of Brice and made sure I finished college."
"I hope to meet him one day"
The room grew silent.I watch Monica fumble with her hair once again.The sun casted perfectly on her face making her eyes turn from dark brown to a lighter one.She bites on the bottom lip trying to figure out what she should do to her hair.
Monica is like a beautiful one of a kind gem to me.There's nothing like her or could even be as beautiful as her.My eyes scanned her face taking in all of her features trying to find one flaw which I couldn't.
"What?" Monica asks making me lose my train of thought
"Nothing just looking"
"Should I cut my hair?"
"No,I told you already I like your hair the way it is."
Monica smiles and finally lets her flow over her shoulders.Her phone buzzes on her desk.She picks her phone up biting her lip as she types.
"Are you hungry?"Monica asks putting her phone down on the table.
"Uh yeah"
"My sister just text me saying my mom is having a little cook out.You and your brother can come along if you want.Well you kind of have to since my sister already opened her big mouth about you-"
I laugh cutting her off "Sure belle,my twin and I will come"
"Okay well go get-"
Once again she got cut off.Her office door swung open to reveal my twin.
"Hey Laurent" Monica says smiling
"Hey Moni," His eyebrows furrowed "I can call you that right?"
"Yeah sure,but I'm going to go change"
Monica gets up from her desk walking to her bathroom closing the door behind her.Laurent quickly sits next to me patting my chest.
"Vous aimez son jumeau?" (You like her twin?)
"Je ne peux pas aimer her.I savent à peine son" (I can't like her.I barely know her)
"Hm, de toute façon je suis affamé" (Hm,anyway I'm hungry)
"La mère de Monica a un cookout.She nous a invités" (Monica's mom is having a cookout.She invited us)
Lau nods his head.Can I really like Monica?I don't know much about her anyway.And I just haven't been able trust anyone since my last relationship.I just can't bring myself to love any girl as much as I loved my last girlfriend.
Monica opens the door stepping out in black and white Jordans that are just like mine,black skinny jeans,and a white t-shirt.Her clothes perfectly hugged her body,showing her curves and all,but I still believe her smile is her best feature though.
"Ready?"Monica asks smiling
Lau jumps off the chair walking over to Monica.
"We're already meeting the family?You must really like us Moni"
Monica laughs as Lau puts his arm around her.
"I think we'll be like the three musketeers.But come one,we have to get my sister and Brice"
"Wait," Laurent moves his arm quickly looking at her. "Who's Brice?"
"Her son,calm down bro" I say getting up.
Lau smiles nodding his head.
After a 3 hour drive,the twins singing loudly to make the time go by faster,and Lau tickling Brice till he practically peed himself we finally made it to my mom's house.Oh,and Larry even drove us here.
Larry gets out of the car running to my side to open the door for me.
"Thanks" I say getting out of the car.
"You're welcome belle"
I close the door walking towards the steps of my parents house.Before I could get up the steps,my mom opens the door.
"Emmi" my mom yells in her thick European accent.
"Hi momma"
My mom pulls me into a tight embrace kissing my cheek.
"Hey momma" Leslie says hugging our mom right after she lets go of me.
"Hi brooke"
In the corner of my eye I could see Brice tugging on Larry's fingers to get his attention.Larry looks down at Brice smiling.Brice puts his arms up groaning indicating Larry to pick him up.I have an urge to tell Brice to leave him alone but I want see how Larry would react.
Larry's smile grew bigger as he picks up Brice holding him tightly in his arms.Brice drops his head into the crook of Larry's neck.
"Oh I'm sorry come in." My mom says stepping back inside the house.All of us follow behind her.Last time I was here the floors were wood and now they're marble,the furniture was a black leather and now they're an off white.Paintings that I gave my mom for Christmas along with family pictures filled the walls.Lau closes the door behind him looking at the house in awe along with Larry.
"Mom,this is Larry and his brother Laurent" I say pointing to them as I did so.
"Hi,you have a very beautiful home Mrs.Durham" Larry says taking my mom's hand before kissing it.
"And my I say you don't look a day over 30" Laurent says kissing my mom's other hand.
"Why thank you boys.My husband and son are out in the back if you don't want to stay with us girls"My mom says smiling
"Thank you" Both the twins say.
Lau walks towards the back door.My mom walks away to the kitchen with Leslie leaving Larry and me alone.
"You and your brother boy I tell you" Larry laughs quietly making sure not wake Brice "What?I have to make a good impression on my new best friend's parents"
"I'm sorry let me-" Larry cuts me off before I could take Brice away or even finish my statement.
"It's fine,I don't want to wake him.I'll let my brother do his thing.I'm gonna just chill in here and let Brice sleep.Oh,and why does your mom call you Emmi and Leslie Brooke?"
"You don't have to do that." I'm too in shock about what he said that I forgot to answer his question.
"I want to and you forgot to answer my question"
"My mom likes to call us by our middle names"
"That's cute"
Larry sits down on a couch,laying Brice across his lap.
"Are you sure?I can take Brice upstairs-"
"Shhh,it's fine.Go talk to your mom"
I open my mouth to say something but Larry quickly shakes his head.Sighing,I walking past the couch Larry is sitting on taking his hat.
"Hey!" Larry yells in a whisper.
"You take my child,I take your hat"
I smile putting the hat on my head walking to the kitchen.My mom and sister are cutting some vegetables for the salads.I sit on a bar stool smiling.
"Which one do you like?" My mom asks smiling as she cuts some tomatoes.
"She likes Larry"Leslie says loudly.
"Shhh!He's in the living room and no I don't.Its only been a day"
"Well the way Brooke talked about them it seemed like you knew each other for a while,but they're very nice boys." My mom starts. "Wait,I thought I told them to go outside.Where's Brice?"
I laugh shaking my head "You did but he insisted on staying inside.He wouldn't let me take Brice because he's asleep so they're on the couch."
My mom picks her head up placing her hand over heart making a pouty face. "That's cute"
"Well,I still say you like him" Leslie says looking at me.
"Oh shut up fat head.I don't like him" Well not yet...
"Well then why are you wearing his hat?"
I roll my eyes getting of the bar stool walking to the deck out back.Lau,my dad,and my little brother are all getting along.
"Hey daddy"
I hug my dad tightly
"Hi princess"
"What'sup Mickey"
We do our handshake and laugh after.
"Seems like you three are getting along"
"Yeah,where's my brother?" Lau asks
"He's inside with Brice"
"Well I guess I'll see him a little later" My dad says smiling "Michael help me get the meats from out the kitchen"
Mickey nods his head going inside and my dad follows behind.I sit on the chair that's on the opposite side of the table from Lau.He looks at me smiling.
"Do you like my twin?"
"I can't like him,not yet at least"
"I think you'd be good for him.He needs someone like you and Brice in his life.Ever since his-"
Lau stops himself.What is he talking about?
"Ever since his?"
"I say too much.My brother will tell you when he's ready Moni sorry"
I nod my head tapping on the table.
"Well best friend I think your parents approve of my twin and I so we can officially start being the three musketeers" Lau says smiling
I laugh rolling my eyes.I spend one day with these guys and they're already claiming me as their best friends.
"To make it official we have to take a selfie for Instagram" Lau hops out of his chair to sit on my lap.He's not heavy at all.He unlocks his phone going to camera.I just stare at his phone.
"C'mon are you going to smile?"
"I don't like pictures!"
"Please Moni"
"No Lau"
He starts making a pouty face.His eyes grew bigger.Fuck you Lau.
Lau props his arm up with the phone in his hand and I smile.Once Lau took the picture,I playfully push him off of me.Lau dramatically falls off me laughing.
"Did I mention you look better than my twin in his hat?"
"Oh stop flirting Lau"
I laugh getting up walking back inside.My dad and brother pass me going back on the deck to grill some food.I wondering what was taking them so long.Probably running their mouths with Larry.
I sit on the couch next to Larry and sleeping Brice.
"You can go outside.Leave Brice with me"
"It's fine,I already talked to your brother and dad.Oh and your mom said by time we're finish eating a storm would be here so we might have to stay."
"Oh no I couldn't," I started "You and your brother can take my car back to LA if you want"
Larry laughs shaking his head "It's fine belle.My twin and I have a change of clothes in those backpacks anyway.Besides,I love your family already,and you look great in my hat"
I nod my head sighing.Gosh he's so sweet.
Brice's curly haired head moves and soon enough he was up.He yawns sitting up from Larry's lap.He takes his tiny hands moving hair from his face.
"What'sup buddy" Larry says messing up Brice's hair.
"Well I'm bored now.." Brice says rubbing his eyes.
"I think Lau and Mickey are playing basketball.You can go play with them" I say hearing Mickey yelling and a basketball bouncing.
"Okay,are you coming Larry?"
Larry nods his head getting up.He grabs Brice's hand then removes his hat from my head.
"Now I have my hat and your child again" Larry says smirking as he walks to the backyard.
I laugh to myself shaking my head.
After we finished eating,it began to rain very hard.Luckily my twin and I got our bags before it started.While Mr. and Mrs.Durham went to bed,the rest of us decided to watch a movie.Toy Story 3 to be exact,just because Brice is still up.
Leslie is sitting on the couch with Brice while Lau and I are sitting on the marble floor on either side of Monica.
"I'm gonna get some more pop corn" Monica says getting up taking the bowl off the coffee table.
"I'll help" I say walking behind her.
My eyes are glued to her body.She was fussing earlier about only having short shorts,a tank top,and knee high socks left here at her parents house,but to be honest she looks great.
Oh Larry calm yourself.
"You know I don't need your help.I'm sure I could a bag of popcorn myself"
She opens the cabinet trying to reach the popcorn box.Even on her tippy toes she couldn't reach it.Monica sighs giving up.
"Can you..."
I laugh getting the box for her.She takes a bag of popcorn out then hands my back the box.I put the box away closing the cabinet.
I seriously cannot keep my eyes off her.All of her make up is off,her figure is being perfectly shown in her clothes and her hair is up in a bun.Yeah Leslie told me what it is called.
Monica bite my bottom lip watching Monica text on her phone as she leans against the counter.
Walking over to her,I take her phone from her then sit on her counter.
"You are beautiful belle"
Monica laughs before responding "You've told me that 5 times today"
"And I'll tell you 5 times more because it's true"
She drops her head so I wouldn't see her blushing.I laugh picking her head up.Monica's eyes met mine and it seemed like gravity is pulling us closer.I end up in between her legs,my forehead rest against hers.Her lips brush against mines every so often.
"Just kiss me already"Monica whispers against my lips.
Obeying her orders,I kiss her softly.
I've only known her for a day but it seems like I've known her for a while.Crazy, I'm already kissing her in her parents huge ass kitchen.Any moment now I'm waiting for Leslie or Lau to catch us. I pull away from Monica and she frowns at me.
"I'm sorry Larry.."
"I'm sorry too"
Monica laughs shaking her head "I don't think best friends are suppose to kiss each other"
I smile looking at her "Yeah,I wouldn't enjoy you kissing my brother at all"
Larry just shutup.
Monica giggles pushing me slightly"Well if I had a twin sister,I wouldn't enjoy you kissing her either"
"Ooo my brother kissed the beautiful Moni?"
Oh great,Lau...
"I told you Monica!You like him"
"Shut up fat head" Monica says blushing
"Oh kiss me Larry" Lau says in a high pitched voice.
"That's it!"
Monica jumps off the counter running towards my brother.
"Oh shit!" Lau yells running away.
I walk next to Leslie laughing at Monica finally tackles my brother to floor.Brice is laughing to himself as he sees what's going on.
"Come on Monica,admit it you like my brother!"
"Shut it Lau!"
"Monica and Larry sitting tree," Lau stops looking over to see Brice "C'mon Brice help me sing it"
I couldn't help but laugh.I lean against the wall as my sides began to hurt from laughing too hard.The whole house echoed with laughter from everyone except Brice who is confused.
Monica gets off of Lau picking Brice up still laughing.
"I love you so much baby boy."
Monica kisses his cheek looking over at me.Her face is red from all the laughing she did.Lau gets up taking Brice from Monica.
"You and your brother enjoy taking my child away"
"Brice is funny and my new brother since you're taking mine away"
"Oh what?Am not!"
"Are to"
"Whatever Lau"
"Ha,I win.Now,Brice is sleeping with me."
"Where am I suppose to sleep bro?" I ask squinting at Lau
"With your new boo.Goodnight"
"Night mommy"
Lau walks upstairs with Brice in his arms smiling widely.
"Well,I'm going to bed" Leslie says walking upstairs leaving Monica and me alone.
"I'm sorry about Lau"
Monica laughs walking over to the couch. "It's fine,I'll just sleep with Leslie"
"Nope,you sleep in your room.I'll sleep on the couch"
"I don't know why you're trying to argue.You know I'm going to get my way."
"Fine just let me clean-"
"I'll do it."
"I really hate when you do that"
"Awe belle,you love me"
"Hm,I can't love fellow clients.It's against job rules.So we could never be until your project is over pretty boy"
Monica smirks walking upstairs.I just love how sassy she can get.I smile shaking my head.
I Monica Durham kissed Larry Bourgeois..
Not gonna lie,he's a great kisser.Trying to keep my mind off of the kiss,I decided to check my Instagram.Something I haven't done in a while.I smile at Lau's picture..
"Bestfraaaaaan" was the caption.
Then I see a picture of Larry,Brice and me on Larry's Instagram.I didn't know he posted this...
"Monica the Kid,Brice the Super hero,and me the Dancer" I roll my eyes and smile after.I'm not a kid!
My eyes grew bigger as I Leslie's picture.When the fuck did this happen?It's a collage..two pictures to be exact.Larry and I are sitting on the basketball court in the backyard of my parents house.My head is rested on his shoulder with my eyes closed.One picture he's smiling widely and on the other one he's kissing my forehead.Whelp,now my mind is still stuck on the kiss.
The door to my room opens slowly.Larry peeks his head in.One half of his hair is in twists and the other half is in a messy afro.
"What?" I ask
"I need help."
Larry walks into the light blue room fully closing the behind him.He jumps on the bed resting his head on my lap.
"How is the helping if I'm doing all the work?" I ask taking out his twists.
"You have very small feet"
"Well I am a very small person Mr.Bourgeois"
"Well my bad Ms.Durham"
"Your fans are gonna get mad"
"For what?"
"Leslie posted a picture.."
"Oh I know,I forced her to.Don't worry belle"
"Oh I'm not,all I'm saying that they're going to get mad."
"It's not like we're dating,which I know you wish we are-"
"I do not!"
"Whatever you say"
I roll my eyes taking out the rest of Larry's hair.Before I knew it he was fasted asleep.I sigh turning off the lamp that lit up the room then went to sleep.

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