Chapter 10;

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Everything seems to be going in slow motion around me.The blaring music seem to quiet down and the people around me seem to slowly disappear.The thickness of tension between the person dancing with me and I is so unbarring and intoxicating.The small kisses left on my shoulder only made it harder to breathe.My knees go weak as the kisses leads to my neck and their hands freely roam my body.
"You want to get out of here belle?" Larry asks taking hold of my hand.
The blaring music comes back,the sweaty bodies on the dance floor return,and everything goes back to its normal pace.
I wipe the sweat off my forehead looking at Larry.His eyes are dark,his lips are full, and he's breathing heavily just like me.
I nod vigorously and quickly pulled through the sweaty bodies in the night club.The warm humid air hit my face as Larry and I make it to his car.
Larry opens the passenger side door before I slip inside.He closes the door and runs to the drivers side getting in.I watch as he fumbled with the car keys before properly putting it in the ignition and quickly speeds out the spot he parked in I don't know how many hours ago.
In what seemed like two seconds we made it to Larry's apartment complex. He parks in the spot that corresponds with his apartment number.
I get out the car before Larry does,whom quickly follows behind. He grabs my hand quickly going inside the complex earning a glare from the lady at the front desk.
Larry continuously presses the up button the elevator,cursing under his breath in French every second.
The elevator door finally opens and Larry pulls me inside after he walks in nearly making me fall because of my too high heels.
As soon as the elevator door closes,Larry presses his floor number and grabs my face placing a sloppy kiss on my lips.
He pushes me against the elevator wall,his lips full on mine.Rough kisses made there way down my jaw line to my neck to my bare shoulder and right back up to my lips.
The elevator comes to a sudden stop before the doors open.Larry walks out first as I find it hard to walk knowing what would probably happen next. I walk behind Larry in the long dimly lit hallway. Finally making it to the front door of his and his brother's apartment, Larry rummages through the ficus for the apartment key. This gives me time to take my deadly heels off. Placing my hand on the wall in front of my,I slip one heel off after the other.
Larry gets the door open and we both walk inside. He practically slammed the door behind him which startled me.
I turn to face him, his eyes dark as a small shadow casts over his face from the open windows.
Once I drop my heels off to the side,it was almost like a cue for Larry to grab me.
His hands tightly grabs my waist as he leave wet kisses on my neck to my shoulder which only made my skin burn. It felt as if my life depended on his touch and kisses to keep me whole.
"Go sit in my room okay belle?" Larry whispers in my ear before softly biting it.
I nod making my way to his room.
I sit on the bed attempting to get my breathing back to normal.Which I fail at as soon as Larry makes himself present in the room.Shirt off, pants unfastened, lust in his eyes, and breathing uneven.
He walks over to me before pulling me up by my hand. He kisses me full on the mouth before turning me so my back could face him.
His soft hands ran down possibly every inch of my body. My heart nearly pounding out my chest as he unzipped my dress before slowly taking it off my body.
"Relax belle" Larry whisper in my ear as he continues taking my dress off.
The sound of my dress falling to the floor made my heart stop and self conscious from my lack of undergarments.
My cheeks flush at the thought.
"You look great baby girl." Larry says taking my hand, leading me to the bathroom.
It's dimly lit with candles which left a sweet fruity smell behind. Larry stops the bathtub from running water which is full of rose petals.
"Get in and relax okay?"
I nod at Larry before stepping inside the bath tub.
Larry leaves me alone in the steaming hot tub and my thoughts. My stomach was practically doing backflips. The mental high I have right now from pleasurable ecstasy is out of this world.
Larry returns with a towel around his waist. He gives me an innocent smile before telling my to move forward.
I did so in the monstrous tub, nearly missing Larry dropping his towel before sitting behind me.
He pulls me back into him, which I'm guessing he felt I was too far for him. His arms stays around the bottom half of torso and his head is resting on my shoulder, causing me to lean into him.
Larry starts leaving small delicate kisses on my neck causing airy moans to escape of my lips.
I couldn't take the constant teasing any longer.Turning my body to face him, he smirks at me before kissing him full on the lips.
"Stop teasing me." I say between kisses.
"I haven't even started baby girl." Larry says breathlessly before his hand grazes my member.
He winks at me as gets up out of the tub and leaves the bathroom with his towel in hand.
This kid really has my emotions running up the wall.As I get out the tub, grabbing a towel I take the plug out the drain to get rid of the water.
I walk to Larry's room to find him waiting on his bed with his towel around his waist.
"Dry yourself and lay down" He says staring at me.
I nod doing what he says.After drying off I throw my towel off to my side of the room.
Larry gets up to close the door as I lay on the bed anticipating what's going to happen next.
Larry comes back to hover over me, he begins to glide his tongue from my neck, down between my breasts, and ending at my bikini line.
He looks up at me with his dark eyes as I look back at him.He continues,having his tongue part my hold.
I take in a breath as his tongue circles around my clit.
"Oh fuck" I swear under my breath as I grab a handful of his hair.
He slides his tongue into me, using his thumb to stimulate my clit.
Long strings of curse words left my mouth continuously as he proceeds to enter two fingers.
I hum loudly gripping his hair harder.My body began to shudder, which is when Larry decided to stop.He smirks as he hovers himself over me again before kissing me.
My hands roams down his chest only to be stopped by his towel.I take it into my control to take it off and throw it off to somewhere in the room.
I begin to stroke his erect member only for him to stop me."Don't, let me do all the work okay?" Larry says moving his tip between my folds.
I let out a soft moan which came out my like a whimper.
Larry slowly pushes himself into me, my head throws back and my back arches, making my chest press even closer to his.
He thrusts in and out finding his rhythm.
"Fuck Larry" my voice comes out horsed.
My nails bury themselves deep into Larry's back.
His thrusts became harder and deeper by the minute and I swear, I knew I was going to lose my mind any minute.My continues moans came louder with each thrust.
I bit down on his neck, my nails scratching down his back.
Larry curses before pulling himself out of me.He rolls over on his back as laid on mine looking at him.
"I don't think neither need anymore children for a while." Larry says laughing.
"It doesn't exactly work like that,there's pre ejaculation so yeah." I say as he gets up from the bed.
"Looks like someone payed attention in health class."
I nod, laughing as I watch him put on a pair of Spider-Man boxers.He turns to face me smiling widely.
"You're such a kid."
I get up walking over to my bag, pulling out one of Larry's shirts before sliding it over my body.
"I swear you have all my clothes." Larry says grabbing my waist.
"You leave them so why not keep them for myself."
Larry kisses me as he pulls me closer to him.
"Round two?" He asks smirking.
"I don't think neither of us could handle each other.We're both going to be so sore tomorrow."
"It's worth it."
"Goodnight baby" I kiss Larry before getting into his bed.
Larry walks to the foot of the bed.He stares at me intensely before dragging me by my feet.
"I little more scratches and bruises won't hurt."
"What time did you get home?" I ask Laurent as we both sit on the couch in the living room.
"Around 2:30, lots of traffic." He answers before smirking at me "Plus you're lucky Brice was asleep because you and Monica was still going."
I nod my head slowly looking down at my hands that were formed into fists.
"What happened?" Laurent asks, his eyes practically burning through my skull.
"She said she loves me, and it scares me.Everything is going way too quickly."
"Well do you love her?"
"I do,a lot and that scares me even more.I care about her so much but I know that I'll only end up hurting in the end for stupid reasons."
"Just let things play out okay?"
"Good morning." A feminine voice speaks from behind Laurent and me.
We both turn around at the same time to see Monica fixing her hair into a ponytail.
"It's one in the afternoon Moni." Laurent says laughing.
"Oh shit really?"
Monica makes her way to couch sitting herself on my lap.
"Look at those love bites,damn bro." Laurent says analyzing Monica's neck.
"You should see my back" I say smirking at Lau.
"Alright,this is my cue to leave." Monica whispers.
"It's fine best friend, pretty sure everyone on this floor knows."
"Hey don't you have a phone call or something to make?To Kayla maybe?" Monica asks obviously trying to rid of Lau.
"Oh yeah,thanks for reminding me."
I laugh to myself as Lau gets up practically running to his room.
Monica gets of my lap,sitting on next to me before resting her head on my shoulder.I wrap my arm around her so I could pull her closer to me.
"How you feel?" I ask her.
"Tired and sore."
"Go back to sleep then, we don't have to be anywhere till a little later."
"Where are we going?"
"There's a family gathering at my mom's house in the next town over."
Monica nods her head before getting up and walking over to kitchen.I follow behind confused on her sudden emotions.
"What's wrong belle?" I ask her as she takes a bowl out the cabinet and spoon out the drawer.
"Pass me the corn flakes." She says disregarding my question as she takes the milk out the fridge.
"What's wrong?" I ask again.
"Nothing baby, can you pass me the cereal."
"That's bullshit, you'd be happy to hear that you're meeting my family.You would've had the biggest smile on your face for the whole day.What's wrong?"
"I am happy I'm just nervous that's all."
I laugh to myself, passing her the cereal."My family is going to love you belle,you have nothing to worry about."
"I hope."
"I know."
"Okay and I have something for that back of yours."
"Nah, I like them.They're like battle scars."
She rolls her eyes making her bowl of cereal "Okay, whatever you say Mr.Bourgeois."
I fill in my lips with my Mac matte nude lipstick just as Larry steps out the shower.
"You look nice" Larry says to wrapping a towel around his waist.
"Well I hope so, you picked out my outfit." I say talking about the floral t-shirt dress and black Steve Madden sandals he picked out for me to wear.
"Don't go too heavy on the makeup baby,you look good without it."
Larry kisses my cheek before exiting himself from the bathroom.I smile to myself as his comment replayed in my head constantly,he's so sweet.
I finish my make up and put everything back in my toiletry bag.Now my hair..
As I unclip my hair, my brown mane falls over my shoulders.
"Hm..." I hum to myself.
I end up pinning a twist on one side of my head and leaving the rest out on the other.
"Belle." Larry calls for me from his room.
I walk out the bathroom to his room to find him standing in front of me with a small box.
"It's for you."
"Me?For what?"
"Just out of the kindness of my heart."
"I can-"
"Take it."
I take the long white box out of his hand and opened it.There lied a gold necklace with the word "Belle" in cursive spelled across it.
"Awe thank you baby." I say tracing my finger tip across the necklace.
He takes the box from me and takes the necklace out,"Let's get this on you."
I turn my back to Larry,pulling my hair up so its easier for him to get the necklace on.
"I love it, thank you."
I kiss him softly and smile like a kid at candy store when we parted.
"Anything for my belle."
I didn't think my smile could get any bigger but it did.
Larry kisses my forehead before going back to getting dressed again.
I walk out of Larry's room to see Laurent and Brice watching tv as always.
"You're killing my baby's brain cells." I say as I make my way to the single seat.
"You look nice mommy." Brice says smiling.
"Thank you baby."
"What about me Brice?" Laurent asks frowning.
"Eh." Is all he says before turning his attention to the tv.
Lau and I burst out laughing only to be told to be quiet by Brice.
"Hey Moni,can I borrow your lipstick?" I turn around to Leslie and nod at her.
I tell her to follow behind me to Larry's bathroom so I could get my toiletry bag.
"What color?" I ask her.
"Burgundy." She says
I hand my Mac lipstick and she thanks me.
"Nice necklace,Larry gave it to you?"
"Yeah, of course."
"That's nice of him."
"I know right."
"So last night.."
"Don't breathe a word about last night." Larry says in the door frame.
"And why not Mr.Bourgeois?" I ask smirking.
"Well it happens to be very personal and there's that should never leave the bedroom,is that right Ms.Durham."
He winks at me before leaving Leslie and myself alone.
"What was that about? She asks putting the lipstick back in the bag.
"We'll talk later, come on let's go."
Larry held my hand for the whole 90 minutes we've been at his mom's house.I probably reek of nervousness but his family is really sweet.It has come to my attention that since Larry talks about me so much they've made it their tasks to at least learn some English, which makes me feel so bad because I've could've been learning French. Gladly, one of their sisters since she speaks English fluently.
"Calm down belle, they don't bite." Larry whispers in my ear before kissing my cheek but I couldn't help it. I really like this kid and I only want to make a good impression on his family. This is crazy to me, I rarely get this nervous about anyone or anything but if his mom or one of his many siblings say something to me, my heart drops and I can't breathe.
"You okay?" Momma Bourgeois asks me, smiling widely.
I let out a breath smiling back, "Yes, thanks for asking."
"No problem, can I take Larry?"
I nod smiling at Larry as he looks at me for reassurance. He kisses my cheek before exiting the living room with his mom. Leslie,Laurent and Brice have seen to disappear to God knows where, leaving me with the many Bourgeois children.
Subconsciously, I play with the wonderful necklace Larry got me. I hate that I'm this nervous.
"You look um," Ellie starts, "uneasy?" Her eyebrows furrow for approval that her question is right.
I nod,"I'm just nervous." Gosh, I really wish I learned some type of French.
"No time to be shy, we no bite."
I couldn't help to smile at her broken English, it made me feel special that Larry's family would learn English for me.
"I just want to make a good impression."
"Impression good before meeting you, Monica. You are good for Larry."
"Yeah, Larry's a knucklehead. He needs someone like you." Denise says, the sister that speaks fluent English.
I couldn't help but blush, anyone remotely close to Larry always says I'm good for him but no one understands how too good of a man for me.
He may erk my nerves and do dumb things that angers me but he makes me feel, I don't know, loved. I've never felt that for another person, excluding family. He loves me through my imperfections and my craziness. He didn't shrug me off when I told him about Brice, he cares so much about me and my family and that makes me fall for him more each and every day. He treats me the only way I've ever wanted to be treated and more, like a Queen. I know he may feel like we shouldn't be together because of his past but, if the way he's treating me now is his worse, I don't think I'd be able to handle his best. It's crazy in the short few weeks we've spent together, I've grown such a bond with this man that has a wall built so high. I'm in love with Larry. As sudden as it is, I'm in love with him, and now it's scaring me. But what do you expect when you go from a man who couldn't give two shits about you to a man that'll love you no matter what. I know Larry loves me, I've heard him tell Laurent many times.I just never brought it up because I needed time to think about it.
"Why are you crying?" Denise asks, wiping my tears with a napkin.
"Oh, this is so embarrassing."
I grab the napkin out of her hand to wipe the falling tears.
"Are you okay?" She pulls me down on the sofa next to her and Ellie.
"Yeah, I'm fine, I just got caught up in my thoughts."
"About my brother?"
"How'd you know?"
"Whenever we brung him up or for example, whenever he looked at you, your eyes would just light up and you'd smile so brightly.You've been here for what?Two hours and I've seen him stare at you without you knowing more that 15 times.He stares at you with such love in his eyes.I haven't seen him like this in a while."
"I haven't fell so hard for anyone since I was in high school."
"Do you love Larry or in love?" Ellie asks
"In love, and the more I say it, the harder it is to sink in."
"Well, because the last person I loved really messed me up."
"What are you ladies talking about?"
We all snap our attention to Larry and Laurent whom are smiling widely.
"Just girl stuff." I say smiling back.
"Sorry to interrupt but, foods ready."
I loved watching Monica interact with my family for the night. Somehow my sisters got her to calm down a bit and after that, she didn't need me to hold her hand anymore.
It's around midnight and we're contemplating on going home now or later in the morning. I say now but Laurent says otherwise, which shouldn't matter what he says because he's not the one driving.
"Come on Lau, let's go." I say shoving my brother.
"Pretty sure momma doesn't want to be bothered with us any longer."
"That's probably true for you but not for me, since I am her favorite."
I roll my eyes at his childish statement, "C'mon Lau, time to go back."
He kisses his teeth, a sign that he's giving up, "Fine, you're no fun."
"Yeah, whatever loser, get in the car."
I toss him the keys before walking to the living room to find Monica passed out on the couch. Looks like someone had a long night. I crouch down in front of her, slighting shaking her body.
"Stop it." She whispers.
"Get up, we're going home belle."
Her eyes are still closed but I could tell she's rolling them inwardly, "carry me."
I chuckle, sitting her upright.As I turn my back to her, her arms wrap around my neck.
"Ready?" I ask her.
I get up and her legs wrap around my waist.As I'm walking to the foyer, my mom appears from the kitchen.
"Isn't that cute?" My mom says smiling widely.
"We're going now."
"Okay, be safe."
"Thanks for having us over." Monica says tiredly.
"No worry, come over any time."
"Bye mommy."
I kiss my mom's cheek before leaving the house. Laurent already has the car started with Leslie,Brice and him in it.
"I love you." I hear Monica whisper just as her head falls on my shoulder.
My heart starts to race and my hands become sweaty.She's obviously dreaming about someone but it's hard to dismiss the three words that just came out her mouth.Is she saying that to me again? Does she love me?
I shake my head, lightly setting Monica inside the car. Now, how am I suppose to concentrate on driving for three hours with this on my mind.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2015 ⏰

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