four 🌚

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Nico was quite furious that his nap have been interrupted by that Will Solace. And also by how those blue eyes had been glued to his mind the rest of the day.

     "Nico, are you listening?" Hazel asked as she glanced at Nico who seemed to be spacing out. The mere thought of being with people just made Nico so anxious, hence being surrounded by people he didn't know just made a whole turmoil of anxiety in his system to flood.

    Hazel, with her gentle voice, was the only person he could talk to without actually wanting to cringe or crawl to where he came from. Which was to say, somewhere so dark and abysmal, nobody would want to join him.

    He shook his head. "Sorry, I spaced out. What was that again?"

    "I was talking about the rules here. But it's okay, I guess you're mature enough to not do anything bad. Right?" Nico nodded, not wanting to get into any kind of trouble. The thought of having to deal with scolding and other shitty things just made his head spin. "And probably, you'll fit in right away. This place is usually filled with crazy people. Like Leo from Social Studies, he's aiming to be a mechanical engineer, but here he is trying lots of stuff." She shrugged and smiled. "Frank is very supportive and fun though, he's like a big brother to me—but of course, you're irreplaceable! Oops, am I rambling on too much?" She giggled at herself as she walked straight ahead, Nico stopping to glance at something.

    Something caught Nico's eyes. Somewhere up the staircase they were passing by was a room that had a big G-cleft on it. "Is that the music room?" He asked as he pointed to it.

    Hazel walked back and glanced up. She nodded. "Yeah." She sighed. "I wanted to try music once, but I know I suck. Hey! You play the guitar, right?"

    "The bass, actually."

    "Whatever." Hazel shrugged and smiled. "You should join in! You've got a good sense for music, right?"

     Nico only shrugged at the idea of joining a club. "I guess?" He cringed. "I don't know. Music sounds cool, but people still disgust me."

Hazel only rolled her eyes amusedly. "I know, but you need to at least be in an atmosphere you need to get used to. You can't keep yourself in a cage, and expect something to happen. Life doesn't work that way." Nico knew she was right. He was just so not into the whole band or club or any other social thing. He didn't want to be with people he barely knew and play music with people who didn't know what his tastes were. What if they had different tastes? What if they don't like the music he's listening to? What if they don't like him?

He was getting agitated by his own thoughts again. He only nodded to Hazel, pushing down the emotions that lingered. "I'll think about it." And Hazel just smiled.

"Okay. But don't force yourself. I was just suggesting something, it's still your decision." Nico only smiled at her.

They continued walking. "I have art next, so I'll see you soon!" She said as she walked off, leaving Nico to his thoughts as he brought down his hand that waved back to Hazel.

He walked, not to class, but to the music room and quickly inspected if the door was locked or not—which proved him that the door was actually locked, probably because it was still time for classes. He decided to walk off to his class, and there he was again, in the seats, at the back with his mind harrowing his own sanity. He did want to try and have a new way of living, and being in a band would probably help him with that.

       "So, on Monday, we would be having a ball. It's something held annually, as you all know. It is just for getting to know the freshmen and socializing with other people." Nico could already hear himself groaning at the thought of socializing. Heck, he hated the thought of actually having to deal with people.

"Today, we're just going to prepare for the ball to be held Monday, next week. It's already Thursday, so I think it is justified that we begin today." The Professor said. "It's not really a thing we need to prepare for too much, but it is very special, and I need your guys' help with the stage preparation." He said as he smiled to them. Which only made Nico sick.

The kindness this professor had would be a liability once it seeps through every students' mind. Kindness wasn't something to be proud of, or at least that was what Nico thought of. The thought of being kind only made him cringe and roll his eyes. Kindness was a weakness he had threw away, kindness didn't get him anywhere before, and it would never get him anywhere right now.

"I need you to be arranged by buddies. I would want you to collect some supplies here and there, and also get onto organizing some crafts." He said as his eyes drifted across the room to Nico.

      "What the fuck." He mumbled as those piercing eyes got to him.

      "Mister Di Angelo," He said, with a smile that made Nico so unsure of his life decisions. "I would like for you to team up with Mister Solace down there." He then pointed at the blond guy with freckles—of course, he's familiar with that guy. He had talked to him, and he had been quite attached to how blue those eyes were. Whenever he flashes them at him, Nico just gets unnerved and ends up being such a wrecked piece of darkness. "He's one of the few leaders when it came to the crafts, so I expect you to teach Di Angelo here the tricks, Solace. Also do guide him."

      Will Solace looked up to his position. Those blue eyes carving their way to his anatomy, looking at him as if he was prey.

     Shit. No. Nico cursed under his breath. He didn't want to spend the afternoon with Will Solace! That wasn't something he'd ever want in his entire life. But then again, did he have much of a choice? No, he didn't have any. Apparently, the thought of being in the same place as Will Solace was already violating him in a way that he didn't like. Now, spending a supposedly crafty afternoon with him just made Nico want to hurl.

      "So, that's it! You all can pair each other now. Let's head into the stage."

      Nico looked down on Will Solace. Those eyes still blue and piercing and incredibly unnerving. He gulped. This is gonna be a long day.


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