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key; ron, fred, george, hermione

. . .

would you stop

i don't understand
stop what?

you know what.
don't act dumb with me fred

i'm not acting...

lol okay
you and i both know you know what you're doing

i'd appreciate it if you could tell me what exactly it is i'm doing...

flirting with hermione
it's obvious you like her fred
you need to back off

lol alright ron
talk to me when you've got your head screwed on straight, yeah?

you need to stop this right now
it's not funny, fred
i'm going to propose to her
i need to know you don't have any feelings for hermione before i do

read very closely

you're sure?

for godrics sake ronald
just go propose to the damn woman already before i do catch feelings for her
godric knows you've waited long enough.

okay, okay

. . .

damn it george
he's going to propose to her


ron, george.
ron's going to propose to hermione.


what do you mean, 'and'?!
i love her!

it's about time you admitted it

damn it george
what am i going to do?

i dunno, freddie
what do you want to do?

i want to tell her

so then tell her

i can't just tell hermione i love her!

well why not?

because george!
you just don't blurt out 'i love you' to someone

well, i don't know
what else to tell you

yeah, yeah
i'll figure it out

sorry freddie

it's alright, georgie

. . .

hey, 'mione?

yes fred?

d'you mind if we go talk somewhere?

'course not
do you want to meet now?

that'd be great

okay, i'll meet you at the coffee
shop in an hour?

see you then

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