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to lavender
wtf lav
you're going to america with him?

to draco
i know, i know
i'm sorry drake
he asked me and i just can't say no to him

to lavender
c'mon lav, don't be so stupid

to draco
i'm sorry

to lavender
if you were really sorry you'd forget about him
if you were really sorry you wouldn't go

to draco
i know..
i just, i can't
i still care about him

to lavender
even after knowing everything that happened between him and hermione?
even after being the other girl?
you know he'll just cheat again but this time it'll be on you.
once a cheater, always a cheater.

to draco
it'll be my mistake to make

to lavender
i won't be there to pick up the pieces

to draco
i don't need you to be

to lavender
goodbye lav

to draco
bye drake

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