Locked in

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Hola Readers! First comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them. So this one is dedicated to JaeMhe. 

Louis POV

As soon as he shuts the door tears fill my eyes. I hate lying to anyone. Especially people who don't deserve it, like Liam. But Harry made me swear not totell and thats what I'll do. 

"Hey" Zayn says coming into the room.

"Hey" I look at him and he's dressed suprsingly. "Where are you going?"

"I have someome to talk to before the interview" He says grabbing his house key and leaving. Ok?

I go to Harry's room and enter the room to see him crying face down into the bed. 

"Hazza?" and i get a muffeled reply. 

"Haz, I can't understand you." He sits up and he looks horrible. His hair is super messed up and his eyes are red and puffy.

" I said, go away." He sasy, crossing his arms and looking at the door.

"No, now come here" I say pulling him onto my lap.

"I hate seeing him hurt, Lou. And I hate knowing I caused it." He buries his face into my shoulder and starts sobbing.

"Well then don't hurt him Haz. Stop hurting him. I hate it too." I say tears coming to my eyes as i rember the betrayal that was clear on Liam's face as he left.

"He's with Niall." He says, whining

"They haven't come out yet Haz. So you don't" He cuts me off.

"Dont you dare say I don't know yet, Lou. They've been sleeping in the same room for weeks. The way they look at each other. Not to mention the noises that some time come from THEIR room." He says, shivering. I completely understand why. I'm not in love with one of them and I hate the noises that come from that room.

"I know Haz."

"No you don't. You don't know how it feels to be in love with your best friend while he dates your other best friend!"

"You're in love with one of us?" Niall, says appearing in the doorway, confused.

"Niall!" Harry and exclaim jumping off the bed.

"Who are you in love with, Haz?" Niall says, coming more into the room. 

"No one. Um a girl. That's my friend." Harry says, wildly trying to cover up.

"But you said he and Liam and i are the only ones dating" Niall says, then immediately covers his mouth realizing his mistake.

"So you guys are dating"  I say. Niall uncovers his mouth but stays silent, after a couple of moments he slowly nods. Harry looks completely broken, because even though we knew, I think it was worse hearing it confirmed.

"i knew it." Harry whispers, the tears coming back to his eyes.

"Harry, Arte you in love with Liam?" Niall asks, but Harry is saved by the sound of someone entering downstairs. 

"I'm home." We hear Liam yell, sniffling. Oh god he's still crying. i can't see him. 

"Shit" Niall says. We hear Liam's footsteps on the stairs and then he's in the room.

"Hey, Ni. Why are you in here?"

"Um, Li, I kinda told Harry and Lou about us." Niall says, looking down. That's probably the safest thing to tell him.

"Oh ok." Liam says looking at Harry.

"Yeah congragulations!" I say, smiling. 

"Um, Thanks. So...." Liam says, looking down. Its really awkward in the room. Very high tension. Liam's looking at Harry. Harry's looking at the ground. Niall's looking at Harry and Liam. And I'm just looking at them all. 

Harry's POV

I can't stand it. Them. I hate it. This feeling, being jealous of Niall. Pushing Liam away. I hate it all. It's moments like this i just want to yell it at him. I want to yell 'Liam I'm in love with you' But i can't Niall means to much to me. And besides Liam will never go for me. I'm to 'immature' and 'childish'. I'm not good enough. 

This silence is terrible. The tension is way to high. 

"Well, this is weird." Louis says, looking down. It is weird. It' weird that the four of us used to be able to be in a room together and have the best time. But, now its just awkward. Niall leaves and then so does Louis. But once Louis leaves he closes the door. I run to it, tugging on it. But it's locked. Yes our rooms lock from the outside I don't know why. I keep tugging.

"Lou, Open the door." I hiss.

"No not until you talk to him" He says laughing, and then it fades. I lean my head against the wall. He's gone. I turn around and Liam is sitting on my bed looking at me with wide eyes. I can't look at him.

"Niall, come back here with the key." I hear Louis yell. Then there are footsteps pounding down the hallway.

"No. I'm not gonna leave my boyfriend in a locked room with a guy who's in love with him" Nial screams and my eyes widen. Oh god.

" Niall. Even though Harry's in love with him, nothing's going to happen."

" Are you sure?" The footsteps stop.

"Yes now Niall give me the key. Good" Then footsteps fade again and I turn around. Liam is now looking at me confused.

Oh God!

Cliff Hanger! Mwahahaha! Ok so What do you think should I continue? I like it but I don't know if other people do. i love Lirry. Idk why. but I do. Ok so Comment, Vote, Fan!

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