An Almost Kiss

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DunDunDun More Drama! Cue the suspenseful music and lets do this:

Harry's POV

I was happy for Niall and Zayn. I honestly was. But I was upset, but screw Liam. He's a jerk.

We were headed towards one of the less known clubs in town. As soon as we got there I planned on drinking my problems away. Not the smartest thing to do, but what other choice did I have. I wanted to forget Liam. He didn't love me. He just sat there as I confessed my love to him. Just bloddy sat there! Who does that?

"Harry?" Lou saia and I realized we had gotten to the club and me and Lou were the only ones still in the car. I quickly got out and went inside.

Once inside I headed straight for the bar.

"Strongest drink you got please." I told the bartender. He went away and quickly came back with a drak drink. As sson as he set the drink in front of me I took a sip and it burned the whole way down, but I kept drinking it. Within seconds it was gone and I was a little tipsy.

"Keep 'erm coming!" I told him and he refileed my drink.

Many drinks later I was totally wasted and I saw Liam coming towards me, concern written all over his face. I didn't want to talk to Liam.

Oh Wel!

Liams POV

Here I was, walking towards Harry ready to tell him I loved him. As soon as I got near him, I could smell the alcohol. God, he was drunk. Maybe I shouldn't- No Liam don't be stupid you will tell him.

"Hey Harry I-" But he cut me off.

"No Liam. I understand" He sadi slurring his words.

"Actually Harry-" But he cut me off again.

"Itys okay Liam now if you excuse me." He said and walked off.

What was I supposed to do now. He wouldn't even let me talk to him. God I was stupid. I waited to long! I went to the bartender and ordered a coke. Louis was dancing alone and Zayn and Niall were dancing on the floor with each other. Harry was- no where to be seen. I wonder where he went. I sat there for about 30 minutes drinking and wallowing in my problems before I had to pee.

I got up and made my way to the bathroom. I opened the door and found Harry! He had a girl pinned against a wall and was heavely making out with her.

"Harry?" I said in a small voice not believing my eyes.

"Oh hey Liam how are you? Do you need the restroom? Me and uh, uh-" He said heavily slurring his words.

"Bridget"The girl said and you could tell she was drunk too.

"Yeah. Me and Bridget will leave." And with that they walked out ther door.

How dare he! He just! No Liam calm down he's just drunk. Maybe I should go and talk to him again. I throw some water on my face and go to find Harry. I'm determined to make that boy mine! I quickly find him again but now he's alone.

"Harry?" I say gently, going towards him. He looks up at me with wide eyes.

"Yeah?" Gosh he's beautiful. I take another step towards him. What am I doing? Another step, now I'm directly in front of him our chests touching. Harry is looking at me still but he's not moving away whoch I guess is a good thing.

I start to lean towards him, totaly unsure of my actions. But hes leaning forwards too. We are a second away and-

"Hey Liam!" Niall says coming towards us with Zayn.

Did they not see that we wree about to. Of course not they are probably drunk too.

"Hey guys!' I say walking past them and outside, looking back to see a confused and hurt Harry looking at me.

I couldn't kiss him! He was drunk! What if he didnt mean it. I'd clear everything up tomorrow. Or the next day.... I'd tell him eventually. I would!

Hey guys! So this is almost to 1000 reads! Yay! Anyway, I'd like 5 comments and votes please! Thank you! Check out my boyxboy and boyxgirl one shots! Also sorry for not updating my uncle was in the hospital and life was hectic! So 5 votes and comments!

Remeber first comment gets chapter dedictaed to them unless you've already had on dedicated to you then i go in order til I get to someone who it hasnt been dedicated to!


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