chapter 12

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Paul grabbed Zach by the collar when the man went to get his Porsche in the parking lot.

“What do you want?” Zach scowled, Paul gulped. This man looked very dangerous and aggressive. Zach couldn’t help it, he needed to get to Sapphire as fast as possible because that girl had a habit of getting lost in the most random places.

“There’s a girl with you, right?”

“Yes. Look, I don’t want to waste anymore time-,”

“I need to see her.”

“You pedophile! What makes you think I would do that? You’re a complete stranger! Now hands off!” Zach got into his car and drove as fast as possible to the entrance of the airport where Sapphire was supposed to wait.

Poor manager had to run behind the car so that he would not loose sight of Zach. The uncle growled in frustration when his niece was nowhere to be seen. Paul arrived at the scene a second late and saw Zach punched the steering wheel.

”What’s going on?”

Zach turned to him with venom in his eyes, as if he was blaming him for what happened.

“My niece is missing, she just came from America and this is fucking England which she had never been before in all her life, want some more elaboration, sir?” He drawled out, before violently stomped on the gear and drove off.

“Well, that’s certainly bad news.” Paul managed to speak after a minute of stunned silence.

Niall was playing with his stuffed toy chicken, despite of how much he grew out from the kid he once was, he had always loved food.

“Hey Niall, Paul wants us at the studio.”

Liam came into his room, smiling at his best friend. The irish brunette nodded and stood up and strolled down, barely acknowledging Liam. The daddy direction sighed and punched the wall, hard.

Then he winced and flapped his fist, because it hurt.

“PAULLLLLLLLL!” Louis called out as all five of them were at the studio.

“I need to get to the photoshoot for Galaxie at two. What’s going on?”

Lately, Niall had been getting into more interviews and photoshoots. It was a great improvement for the band, but the brunette was spending lesser time with his band mates, which was very frustrating. They were his family in England and he didn’t want to be separated from them.

“Boys.” They turned to see Paul.

“What is it that you need us so urgently?” Liam asked, concern marred over his handsome features. The manager sighed, and slammed the table, then flinching at the pain growing in his hands.

“Is this karma that I lost the damn phone in Egypt?” He muttered under his breath, a little guilt was stabbing his heart like toothpicks.

“I found Sapphire.”

That blunt answer threw the whole band off balance.

“W-what do you mean?” Niall’s unusually soft voice spoke, his figure was rigid. His blue eyes were closed as he attempted to take a few deep breaths.

“I’m over her. She’s out of my life, and now she’s back? What the fuck is this? Is this kind of a sick joke? You have to be shitting me. This is not possible.”

His voice shocked everyone to the core. It was so quiet, calm and deadly even. No one could understand this pain, of finally letting go of the girl you had grown tired and hurt to wait, then the next second she’s back in your life.

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