chapter 15-

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Chapter 15

“Why did you…?” He whispered as he traced a finger down the scars, Sapphire flinched and scrambled away from him, hastily getting up and running out from the room. Niall just stumped backwards, he was completely gobsmacked.

He couldn’t even say it because it was too unexpected, too unreal.

Why, was the question.

Why did she cut herself?

Paul didn’t get it, Sapphire had rushed out from the dressing room and straight out from the building. The shoot had to stop because of her, not his fault that she was just that natural in taking good pictures, it was as if they were back in the days she was in America.

“What’s up with her?” He heard Liam asked out of the blue after a few minutes of uncomfortable silence.

Niall had emerged from the dressing room, looking very pale and weak. He looked like as if he’d seen a ghost.

“What happened, man?” Zayn rushed to him when he nearly stumbled over the wires. Niall shook his head frantically, he was terrified. The Bradford boy hugged him tightly, feeling the shake in the irish man.

He looked just like the boy five years ago.

“Sapphire… she…” He was having a hard time breathing, tears were stinging at the back of his eyes. Zayn held him tighter, eyes closed.

“We’ll talk when we get home.” Liam ordered, his serious side often would come out when he was stressed, but he would never order anyone with such authority. It really scared Paul, sometimes.


“Uncle.” Zach turned from his work to look at Sapphire in surprise. He was the CEO of the celebz magazine and he didn’t expect that his niece would be there.

“Hey there, kiddo.” Then he heard a sob.

“H-he… saw my cuts.”

In a millisecond he was at her side, patting her back as she cried hard into his shoulders. The memories still haunted her, the lack of memories scared her. The empty feeling of memories that could be so preciously cherished that was lost. Her recent memories was anything but good to her, she was suffering so much that he had take her away from that country, even though they had only met three times in their lives.

“Want me to take you to your favourite café? The one on the hills?”

She nodded to his shoulder.

“Sapphire, Zach! It’d been a while, eh?” The owner of the shop was actually Japanese. His English was fluent though, he served his customers with many kind of coffee and tea in several countries, Japan was one of his most recommended for having a peaceful heart.

That was exactly what Sapphire needed at that moment, she’d never felt that since she’d boarded from the plane in England.

“One japanese green tea and an earl grey please.” Zach said with a smile when he came to personally serve them, it was displayed as an hounarable respect for the two. Zach and the owner were good friends and Sapphire learned a bit of Japanese from him.

“Arigato.” Sapphire managed to smile. The man grinned brightly at the language she had used.

“What happened?” Zach settled in relaxation in his chair while both of them looked outside the beautiful evening as their table was outside the balcony. It was a rarity that someone would even come here, but that was the exactly what Sapphire wanted.

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