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Josephine James, better known as JJ, had everything she ever wanted; a best friend that was like her own sister, a family that adored her, and fame. She worked hard to get to her position in the music industry. Her family couldn't have been more proud.
Ashton Irwin couldn't wait for his friends to stop bugging him about dating. They just never understood his stance on the whole aspect of it all. Why spend every waking moment worrying over someone who could decide at any moment they don't want you?
Both are happy and content with where they are in their lives. But, like all cliche love stories, they met and it through their lives into the spin cycle!

 But, like all cliche love stories, they met and it through their lives into the spin cycle!

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I really hope y'all like this. I don't know how much I'll update or how soon I'll update. I'm a full time college student, I work Monday-Friday and eventually I'm going to start a second job, so bare with me!

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