'Who are you?'

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Your feet pounded on the concrete, people were staring at you but you couldn't care, you run faster then you've ever before and you thighs start to burn but you can't stop now, you're so close.

"(Y/n)?" You halt to a stop and look around for the voice.

Steve stood outside the hospital he was standing with Sam and Wanda.

"Where is he?" You try hard not to tear up.

"He's in surgery. It's not life threatening according to the on call surgeon." You shake your head.

"This is all your fault!" You point your finger at him and poke his chest hardly.

"No it wasn't, he wanted to fight he knew what he was getting into when he signed up." You scoff and don't bother wasting your time here.

You head into the hospital and to the info desk to find where Peter was, he was still in surgery like Steve had stated. But the lovely lady told you what room he would be going into, you thank her and run to the elevator you mash the button a few hundred times it still was too slow so you opted for running up the stairs once you got to the third floor you searched for the adolescents ward, you found it pretty easy consider they had stickers and signs. You slowly walk into the ward and spot May crying on Tony's shoulder, she still had no idea Peter was Spider-Man you wonder what Tony had told her?

"May?" She looks up her eyes are red and puffy and she looks absolutely miserable.

"(Y/n)? Oh sweetie!" She leaves Tony's side and rushes to hug you.

You hug her back and this time you cry, you sob into her chest and she seems to do the same. Tony walks over and places a hand on your shoulder he briefs you on what happened and you nod along, he was making sure you knew the fake story.

"Come lets sit down, does anyone want a coffee or something?" May nods and Tony leaves the sitting area.

"I can't believe he was just thrown off a bridge." You knew what really happened but you agree with May.

Peter had been fighting some villain that was suppose to be Steve's problem, they had thrown him against some electrical pole thing and it fried him, they then proceeded to drop him on train tracks. Luckily Tony swooped in and saved him because he could've.... You don't even wanna think about it.

"May Parker?" A surgeon covered in white robes walks into the waiting room.

"That's me!" She scrambles to get up.

She runs to the doctor and grabs his arm.

"Is he okay? Please let my boy be okay." She begs.

"Ma'am please calm down." The doctor raises his brows at the grip on his arm.

"Sorry." She lets him go.

"Peter's okay. He suffered external damage and only one internal which is good news, he mostly has some bad burns a few scraps but that's all they should heal after a period time." May nods.

"What about the internal damage?" She asks quietly.

"Peter was heavily sedated when he came out of surgery. He seems to have lost some of his memories, which isn't that uncommon in people that have been throw off high places, he knows basic things like his name his birthday even the high school he goes to. A couple of doctors and I have concluded he may have TGI, transient global amnesia or simply temporary amnesia. Basically he can't recall recent events, things like not knowing where he is or how he got there."

May starts to get teary eyed.

"How long does it last?" Her voice shakes.

"Well it depends, some people recover in weeks even days, but some people recover in months and years." May shakes her head as if that would change what the doctor was telling her.

"So you're telling me, my boy could have temporary amnesia for almost a year?"

"It really does depend on the person, the body works in mysterious ways it's hard to tell for sure. I'm sorry Ma'am I really am." The doctor frowns and pats May's shoulder.

His pager beeps and he sighs.

"I've gotta go now another emergency, all the best to you and Peter Ms. Parker." The doctor takes off down the hallway leaving May standing there.

Tony comes back with a steaming styrofoam cup he walks over to May and she tells him what's happened.

"Are we aloud to see him?" May shrugs pathetically.

"Do you know what room?"

"It's number twenty-four." You respond.

Tony nods and takes you and May to room twenty-four, the door's closed and the curtains are drawn but you could see a silhouette. Tony opens the door for May and she steps in and opens the curtain, Peters sitting upright in the bed watching tv.

"Peter?" He looks up and he doesn't look all there.

"Aunt May?" He slurs.

"Oh baby." She's careful when she hugs him.

He has bandages everywhere, you can barely see any skin and where you could it was bright red and blistered.

"May..." He must still be drowsy from the anesthetics.

"Peter some people are here to see you." May says softly.

She pulls you over and he stares at you for a moment.

"Who are you?" Your body freezes at the question.

You can hear your heart stop and you ears start ringing.

"W-what do you mean?" You manage to get out.

"Do I know you?" He sounds genuine.

"I'm (Y/n), your girlfriend." You place a hand gently on top of his.

"You're my girlfriend? Wow I'm so lucky." You don't want to hear it anymore.

"I'm sorry." You start to well up again and you have to leave the room.

You wait outside for May and Tony, you eventually stop crying but you were still upset. You couldn't believe he didn't remember you, you had been together for two weeks now, how could he forgot that?

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