
521 11 8

Y/n = your name
M/n = mums name
F/C - fav colour
H/l - hair length

Get the picture......good

Your pov
I just arrived at this orphanage for "special children" I no I may be 2 but I no that means outcasts. I cry into mummy's shoulder and she starts crying to she starts apologizing but I no if I don't leave the bad man is gunna get me and mummy

One month later
Anti's pov
I look at all the orphanages except one. See Natemare dared us to get a child under the age of five so I get to look at all the websites. I look through and see a little boy/girl with f/c septic eye and a red one like dark she/he also has a halo, h/l h/c hair , black  feathery wings and fangs. I click on their profile
Name: y/n ,l/n
Age: 2
It will do
Timeskip after arriving

Darks pov
She looks like me, anti and that girl we were with when we were drunk um what's her name......m/n oh yes that's her name. Maybe I should of answered the phone when she called, hang on this kid could be mine and anti's by blood to if it is they are going to be mighty powerful and 'he' will want them we have to get them hey anti remember when we got to drunk with that angel    yeah isn't it weird how this kid looks like us  yeah I was thinking maybe it is ours  we say in unison.

If you enjoy please hit that like button and I will see you in the next chapter!!!!

livi_writter thank you for inspiring me to make this

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