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Y/n pov
C-calm d-down b-baby he spoke softly babe really I have a name for a reason dumba$$ I yell at him. He walks up to me slowly i-if I u-untie you will you be nicer?.. he asks shacking maybe I say with a montone  voice. He slowly starts untieing me ...he made a bad choice I did a upper cut punch ......... And let's just say this fight was not a clean fight.

Anti's pov
I hear swearing, Irish swearing it sounds like a P!$$ed Y/n. I run to the sound to be treated by babyiplier being tourtured by y/n. Hey kiddo how about we go home now I say but Papa I'm having fun take them please babyiplier begs me

Sam's pov
Myself and Tim are standing infront of anti's house, to meet a fricken kid. Dark opens the door  hey guys come in he says with his deep raspy voice. Unlike my father I hate toddlers there so dumb. I see a little kid come running in.

Y/ns pov
Hi I'm y/n hey  hiya y/n I'm Tim  sam dosent like me I read his mind for his name😐 so Sam how old are ya wait how do you no my name I slowly turn into my natural form BECAUSE IMMA BOSS  I yell giggling afterward wtf anyway why do you act.......older  Sam asks because imma hybrid dum9@$$

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