Chapter 2: Stalker much?

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Chapter 2: Stalker much?

I woke up at about 7:00 like I usually did, and threw on a random pair of jeans and a red t-shirt. I trudged into the kitchen and dug around in the cupboard until I found a box of Cinnamon Toast Crunch. Grabbing a bowl and a spoon out from the drawer under by the sink, I poured some cereal into the bowl and then added some milk from the refrigerator before completely devouring my cereal. I didn't have much of a lunch the day before (which was Roy's fault) and I was so exhausted from the first day at Caterwaul that I just went to sleep without any dinner (which was also Roy's fault). Slinging my still empty backpack over my shoulder, I put on my shoes, and was out the door going to Caterwaul in under ten minutes.

Passing through the school gates, I walked onto campus. I didn't have any friends (yet anyway, unless you counted Roy; but I wasn't really sure what the hell he was) so I walked directly towards Mr. Burner's class. Creaking open the door, the classroom was empty except for me. Man, they should really learn to lock this door. What kind of teacher just leaves the classroom door open all night?

I sat down at my place in the back, and still feeling a little drowsy, I plopped my head down on the desk. Maybe I could sleep a little more...

Then I felt a tap on my shoulder. Oh, lord, here we go. I pulled up my head and was pleasantly surprised to see three girls standing there.

A tall, pretty brunet that had on some eyeliner and mascara said cheerily, "Hi, I'm Angelina!"

Short but pretty, the brunet beside her waved, "Hi, I'm Kelly!"

"And I'm Sally," introduced the third pretty brunette of average height.

I replied awkwardly, "Uhh...hi."

Angelina asked, "What's your name?"

"Rose Night."

"Your name is so cool," Kelly exclaimed happily.

"Uhh...thanks," I stated.

Sally smiled sweetly, "It's nice to meet you."

I said, "You too." Despite how calm I sounded, I felt like there was a party with a ton of balloons going on in my head. This is awesome! I'm MAKING FRIENDS!! WOOHOO!!!

Angelina's face suddenly became serious, "Well, let's get straight to the point. Since we're friends and all do you think that you could introduce us to your friend?"

I asked, "Friend? What friend?"

"Well duh," said Angelina, rolling her eyes,"the guy that you were hanging out with at lunch yesterday."

I shook my head, feeling all the balloons in my head deflate and shrivel to the ground. "I don't think that he's my friend."

Angelina's eyes turned into slits, all friendliness gone. "Well he's obviously not your boyfriend," she sneered.

"Don't worry, I'm not." So much for making my first friend.

"Of coarse not. After all, you aren't suitable for him-"

Just then (speak of the devil), Roy walked into the class. Seeing the four of us all together, he strode over to our desk and sat down next to me.

"Making new friends?" he asked, looking at the brunet trio clustered around our desk.

Suddenly bright and cheery again, Angelina answered, "Yes, we're her new friends. Isn't that right, Rose?" Angelina shot me a very nasty glare. "Why don't you introduce us," Angelina smiled, not even looking at me but at Roy.

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