Chapter 4: Wait, what?

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<O boy, sorry it's so late!>

<and the chapter is a little short forgive me!>

Chapter 4

Okay, I'm going to be honest here. I was actually a little hesitant to go to Caterwaul the next morning. Not scared, just hesitant. Remember that. It was perfectly understandable though. By the third day of my high school career, I could actually boast that I had some excitement going on in my usual boring life. That is, if you called being kidnapped exciting.

After a quick cereal breakfast, I headed to school, making sure to lock the door behind me.

As soon as I got out of the complex however, I was pulled into a car, which was just the excitement I needed to start off the day.

I recalled the events of the previous day. Some guy named Greg and his buddy had kidnapped me. And Roy had somehow magically been able to save me. It was all rather strange.

Was it another one of Greg's buddies out for revenge for yesterday?!?

I turned to face my captor, hoping he was at least slightly good looking, not that it would make my situation any better in the slightest. But hey, if I was gonna be kidnapped, might as well be by some intoxicating hottie. And then, maybe he would fall in love with me and-

"Rose, you are coming with me," said an annoying voice that cut into my very likely to happen fantasy.

It was Roy. Great, just the man I wanted to see. I opened my mouth to thank him for yesterday's rescue and to ask him how he'd managed to shoot and acquire a gun, but then a little voice popped up in the back of my head.

Wait a second, wasn't it strangely convenient for me to get kidnapped a day after I met Roy? And was it purely coincidence that he just HAPPENED to know who the criminals were? And that he just HAPPENED to show up at the right time to save me?

I closed my mouth and gave him gave him a suspicious glance. Looking around, I realized that I was once again in Roy's convertible. In a convertible with a driver who didn't have a license. Great.

"What's with that look," asked Roy.

I raised my eyebrows innocently, "Nothing! And thanks for the offer, but I think I'll decline-"

"Oh, no you don't. You need some serious help," he said, eyes shifting about from side to side. He kept checking his mirrors like he was being chased by something. Or someone.

"I need serious help? Look at you, you look like something's coming after you," I pointed out. Oh yeah, you go Rose!

Roy turned his head and shot me a look before starting up the car engine.

Well this was totally safe. Sitting in a car with someone I barely knew...sitting in a car operated by a teenager who's underage...yeah I needed to get out of here.

I said, "Well, thanks again Roy, but I think I'll walk today." I opened the door and stuck a leg out. I didn't want to be rude or anything because I was grateful that he had helped me out with his gun and whatnot, but I honestly didn't really feel 100% safe in a car operated by a minor I barely knew.

In a quick movement, Roy pulled me back into the car and locked the doors after doing so. Awesomely, Roy's convertible was the type of car that had the locks that disappear into the door when a person locks the vehicle. Meaning it couldn't be opened manually. Great.

"Rose, I'm telling you, it's not safe," Roy said, his breath making my hair flutter about.

Man were we close. He was pretty much on top of me after pulling me back in the car. His face was really close to mine. And I mean really close. I could clearly see right into his bright blue eyes...

I stared into his face for a second, while Roy looked at me as if waiting for a response. His eyes were really pretty...

Okay Rose, stop ogling a guy that just pulled you into a vehicle against your will. LETS THINK RATIONALLY for a second about HOW TO GET OUT OF THIS.

I coughed awkwardly, trying not to get sucked into his gorgeous eyes. "Well, thanks for the concern, but I'm fine, okay?" I struggled to get out from under him, but to no avail.

Oh yeah, this was why people took P.E. I made another mental note to stop by the gym the first chance I got.

Roy gave the surrounding area a quick scan with his eyes. A flicker of worry flashed across his face before disappearing as if it had never been there in the first place.

Looking down at me he said, "Rose I can't have you struggling in the car while I'm trying to drive."

Yeah, not that it would help much. I rolled my eyes.

Without any warning, Roy suddenly leaned in close, stopping only centimeters away from my face. I stopped breathing. Partially because I was shocked that someone like Roy was turning out to be a psycho, and partially because I couldn't remember if I'd brushed my teeth.

"Sorry about this," he said leaning his face in close towards my ear. Man, did his voice sound lovely in close quarters.

Wait a secind, sorry for what-

I saw Roy pull out a little orange square from his pocket and stick it in his mouth.

Okay, great so he's not gonna share? REALLY, THAT'S WHAT THE APOLOGY WAS FOR-?!

Then his lips were on mine. I was so shocked I couldn't even move. I just stared upwards wide eyed, not really seeing anything.

Roy sat up and smiled...wait was that a sad smile?

"Sorry Rose." he whispered, as my vision began to blur.

Wait what...?

And my eyes closed shut.

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