Chapter 3: HE'S GOT A GUN?!

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Chapter 3: HE'S GOT A GUN?!

I awoke to the sound of my blaring alarm clock at seven in the morning. Yippee, not. I sat up slowly in bed, not looking forward to Caterwaul (Roy) at all.

Eventually, I ended up at school after a short 5 minute walk from my apartment. As soon as I reached the school, I headed over to my locker, where I dumped in everything I had just purchased the day before. Turning the doorknob, I found the homeroom door once again unlocked, and I let myself in. Jesus Christ, how hard was it to lock the door on your way out?!?!

The classroom was empty, wonderfully empty. Finally some peace and quiet. I leaned my head on the desk.

By the middle of the day, I was surprised. Roy hadn't bothered me at all. I had actually had a normal day. He had stayed silent for the entire day so far, like he was in deep thought. He was even like that in homeroom. Not that I was complaining.

Soon enough, school ended. I walked out of the school gates wearing a broad manic smile on my face that made passerby stare. I hadn't been bugged by Roy once the whole day. The third day's the charm. I started heading for my apartment feeling utterly blessed by whoever was looking out for me up there.

Unfortunately however, I actually had some homework to do. Ew, homework. Gross.

I was about to cross the street when I heard the loud scream of burning rubber. I jumped back from the street and onto the sidewalk, whipping my head in the direction towards the sound.

A black limousine screeched to a halt in front of me and stopped illegally in the crosswalk. A familiar short, buff, guy wearing a black suit got out of the passenger seat of the car. I've seen this guy somewhere before... He said in a deep commanding voice, "Get in."

I suddenly remembered who the guy was. This dude was one of the guys that chased me yesterday!!! If Roy hadn't been there...

There was no way in hell I was getting into a limo with a stalker dude from Walmart. I started to run, back towards school where there would be more people, where it would be safer. However, the man easily caught up to me and grabbed my arm. The next thing I knew, I had been thrown into the back luxurious space of the limo. Looking at the velvet red seats and the floor that flashed different colors, it would have been a really cool and enjoyable experience if I wasn't getting kidnapped. There was even a huge bar across from me stocked with all kinds of different sodas and wine, and the ceiling sparkled like a crystal from the light cast by the floor of the car.

The guy got in after throwing me inside and sat next to me like everything was fine and that this was a totally normal occurrence. I figured that it was best not to fight him. He was a lot more muscular than I was, and I was pretty sure that the outline of a gun in his pocket was probably loaded. So instead, being the smart, rational person that I was, I said, "Um, excuse me, but WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!?!"

The guy stared at me like I was some kind of annoying little kid who didn't get the lollipop she had wanted and was throwing a temper tantrum. "Hey, I got her. We can go now," he said, completely ignoring my polite question.

The limo started moving, and I immediately noticed that we were going in the opposite direction of my house. I started to panic a little. WHAT THE HELL WAS GOING ON!?!??


The man next to me shot me an irritated look and answered, "God, you're loud. I'm Greg, and the driver's name is Bill. Geez, kid, I'm right here, you don't have to yell."

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