let her go

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Jack POV:

I watched as she talked to Toothless, her face lighting up into a billion light bulbs. Her face used to light up like that when she saw me. She made her way towards me, pushed me out the room and slammed the door in front of me. "You know what, I'm done." I said through the door and walking past the hallways. I made my way towards the cafe and saw the group sitting there, laughing. I could hear Hiccup calling my name but I just sighed and turned the other way. I made my way back to my room, sitting down on my bed. I saw the same box that Elsa's pin was in, there were pictures of us, hugging and playing. I got angry at the pictures and suddenly, I didn't give a shit about her anymore. I tried already, I actually tried way to make times. I took the pictures up and a lighter, made my way towards the forest with the lake. As I made my way to the forest, I could feel myself getting sadder and sadder. At first, my emotions were filled with a how could she forget me and the next one was how can she not forgive me after all the countless times I've tried to explain to her. I sat on a long near the pond, taking one of the pictures of us and lighting it on fire.

Well you only need the light when it's burning low

Only miss the sun when it starts to snow

Only know you love her when you let her go

I took the first picture that was ignited, throwing it into the lake and watched how it sizzled and floated. I took a deeper sigh, doing the next one. She's out with Toothless, they're having their little date; why did I do that to her? I got angry at myself, lighting up pictures on my side, watching them crumble on my face and throwing them into the water before it reached Elsa's face. A few of them began to sink and I said, "I only know I love her when I let her go." I then heard muffled voices and a laugh, Elsa's laugh. Out of panic, I grabbed the pictures and the lighter; not even worrying about the pictures in the water. They'll end up sinking, I went deeper into the forest but stook my head out. It was Elsa walking around with Toothless, she stopped at the pond and tilted her head towards the water. Uh oh. She reached out and grabbed one of the pictures, "Jack?" I heard her call out. "Jack, I know you're there. Where are you?" She said, going deeper into the forest and I looked, she was holding Toothless's hand. I slowly turned around and ran deeper into the forest, trying not to make so much noise which didn't work out because she only screamed my name. I ran until I couldn't hear her anymore, until I couldn't hear anything. I turned around and I was up on the mountain, looking down at the school. I sat down on the grass and frowned. The pictures and lighter were still in my hand, I kept flicking the lighter and stared into it.

"Jackson? Why are you up here?" I heard Merida saying, "Why are you up here?" I retorted back. "I come up here to practice archery."

"I ran away from Elsa and her prized boyfriend." She looked at me and nodded, "Can you leave me alone?" I snapped back and she stepped away. "Alright then." She faded off into a distance and I laid back. It's not that I was heartbroken over Elsa and Toothless, I was heartbroken over the fact that she never let me explain fully. It was always a no with her, a complaint with her, this and that with her. Even when I met her she was always complaining about how she had a dress on. I sighed and called out Merida's name but there was no reply, I looked at my phone and sighed; it was 4 pm and I was on a mountain with no service.

"Jackie? Jack?" I heard a soft voice call out, it was Rosetta.

"Rosetta, how'd you find me?"

"Apparently, Elsa started freaking out and no one could get in contact with you then she said you went up the mountain; then I came up here looking for you because this is our spot." She sat down next to me. I looked at her and smiled, "It's too early for the stars to come up so we can't stay here now." She laughed at my comment. She gave me a hug and started to rub my back, "It's going to be okay."


"Jack, you have that worried look in your eyes. Come on, out of all people you can't fool me," I sighed, she's right. "I can make you laugh, Hiccup thought you were out getting eaten by a bear." I bursted out laughing. "Hiccup, what?" We both started laughing; typical of Hiccup being overdramatic.

"Come on, let's go back to the school." Rosetta said, standing up. I looked at her and frowned, "No."

"Why not?"

"I don't want to go back. I want to go home." Rosetta looked at me, shocked at my comment then she forced me up. "Jackson, you are bringing your ass right down to Gaven Tails and you would finish high school in that damn school," I rolled my eyes and sighed. Typical Rosetta, "You are not going to let some girl ruin your high school years!" She screeched.

"She's not just some girl!" I snarled back at her, "That's my childhood best friend! I left her and broke her heart! Now she's doing the same to me and I can't take it!" I screamed out. Rosetta looked at me, "It makes sense now." She whispered. I looked at her, confused and she didn't say anything. She just pulled my arm and dragged me down this friggen mountain. The closer we got to the school, the more I struggled out of Rosetta's grip even though I knew there was no point. The girl might seemed all sweet and weak on the outside but she is strong. We got to the edge of the forest, Hiccup pacing, Anna staring at the sky, Elsa biting her nails and Toothless trying to calm her down, making her laugh a little. I sighed while Rosetta announced that I was here. Elsa screamed my name and jumped on me, I could see Toothless glaring at me. I pulled off of me and they all looked at me confused, I just walked away from all of them.

"Take care of her." I patted Toothless on the back and walked away. Just like I always did to Elsa, let her go and walk away. I made my way to the admissions office, changing my whole schedule around and making sure I didn't have any classes with Elsa. I didn't want to get in the way of Toothless and her relationship especially out of her wanting to be happy. She is right; we were perfect without each other.

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