double chocolate cake

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Jack POV:

I felt relief over me when she started kissing me back, I pulled her in closer refusing to stop until I ran out of air. As we did, I was ready to say something but I wasn't sure what. She then ran away from my grip, I stared at her for a while. What the hell? I chased her down, she didn't get very far because of course she ran within the school building instead of out. I grabbed her and she tried to get out from my grip.

"No, I'm going to explain to you everything. Right now." I said, looking her in the eyes and she sighed. We walked outside back to the pond area where I burnt the pictures and she sat on the log, "Go on."

"When I came over here, I was devastated. I had left a life behind in Norway, a life that wasn't pleasant but only you made it coapable. You never met my father, my mother was scared to get you around him which is why we always went to your house. My dad would abuse me, my sister and mom a lot, that's why my mom and I left - to get away from my father. You don't know about my sister, he abused her so much that she ended up dying before I can introduce you. My mom suggested that I should leave Norway behind, forget about everything. I cried because I knew it would mean not staying in contact with you but I knew it was for the best. I did try to call but my mother would always get mad. At time, I felt like you were the actual reason why I left Norway. Then I started public school, I had met Rosetta and our friendship bloomed for there. I then started to forget about you, started to forget everything. I knew it wasn't the right thing to do but I needed to forget about my father and my sister even though it meant forgetting about you. Then I heard you humming that song on the bench and I didn't know you were here - I didn't know your parents would actually let you leave Norway. That's the real reason why I never called and I left. I'm sorry Elsa, I really wish I can make those 7 years up to you but I can't. I'm sorry I let you go through everything alone." I said to her, refusing to look her in her eyes and whispering the last two sentences. I then heard her sniffle and saw her crying, "Please don't cry." She just looked at me, "I'm sorry I never gave you the chance to explain. I was just so heartbroken, I just wanted to grow up with my best friend by my side and I - I was so scared when I realized it was you." I gave her a hug and rubbed her back. I turned to her and stuck out my pinky towards her, "See? Forever." She wrapped her's around me and nodded, "Forever." We sat like that in silence, our pinkies still entwined with each other. She sighed and pulled her pinky away, "Jack. I'm dating Toothless."

"You don't even want to be with him!" I said to her then I quickly put my hands on my mouth. She sat there, staring into the pond without even saying a word. She picked up a rock and started to throw it into the lake, "Anna and I would come here to skip rocks while talking about our day when we first came here. We would also snicker about people in Norwegian so no one understood us," She laughed, dryly, "It was nice." I looked at her, noticing that she ignored what I said, I decided not to say a word about it.

"I do want to be with him, Jack. He makes me happy, really happy but whenever I see you I just miss our friendship but it hurts." She whispered towards me, "I don't know if my heart either wanting to be with you as a lover or a friend." I stood quiet without saying a word. Sure I miss having Elsa as a best friend but she was right, what if my heart wanted to be something more. She laid her head on my shoulder, "Jack, a lot has changed since you left. You don't even know the start."

"So start," I said to her, "Start telling me everything that's changed about you other than the fact that you ditched your skirt for pants." She smiled at me, "Well. My appearance reminded me a lot of you. I started to wear my hair in braids or out, I no longer kept it into a bun. I started to dress more relaxed instead of wearing dresses and skirts all the time, my parents weren't very pleased about that. I had shut Anna out for awhile, telling her to go away before I finally opened up the door for her. That took about 2 years for me to do that. I stopped eating mac and cheese, stopped singing for a bit. Everything that had to do with you, vanished and eventually..." She started to get quiet, "You vanished from my mind too until you sang in my ear." I skipped a stone into the water and nodded.

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