Chapter 6

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A/N: just a quick little insight into people's lives. I won't do this often, just wast sure where to take this chapter.

G/A/N: hey guys, ems can't post right now so I'm posting for her.

(Ashton's POV)

I was still holding Sydney's hand when she fell asleep. She sure as hell needed it with all that had just happened. I could actually go for a nap too.

I thought about what had unraveled over the past half hour as I climbed as much as I could into Sydney's bed. She woke up earlier, which was great. But everything else was...not so great. I mean, getting Garret out of the picture was! But it could've gone much smoother. Even I could admit that. And the whole Michael and Luke thing. What the hell was that about?

I looked over at the pair and snuggled into Sydney. Michael was trying to calm Luke down and Luke was fussing over the smallest scratches. Luke had always been sweet like that, a little hero ready for emotional help. The situation could almost be passed off as normal. Well, if you look past the repeated kisses and cuddles. We were really close and cuddly, and I'd kissed each boy many times, whether it was playful, drunken, or some sort of dare, but Luke was being extremely clingy and...we didn't kiss *that* much! I wasn't sure how to feel about it. It should probably disgust me or something, living with two gays, but at the moment it didn't really matter. The more I thought about it the more I realized it was bound to happen. I don't know if Calum will feel like that, though.

I decided to stop overthinking life and just enjoy Sydney before she changed her mind about the tour.

(Michaels POV)

"Luke..." I whispered. He didn't listen, fluttering and fussing around me like a hummingbird.

"Luke." I raised my voice.

"Hmm?" He stopped, sitting back down. He was so great like that, always listening.

"I'm fine."

His blue eyes widened. "You can't be fine!" He somehow made a whisper sound exasperated. "You-he-you're..." He huffed, flailing his arms around and motioning to irrelevant things.

"Luke." I raised my eyebrows and grabbed his wrists. "I'm fine. It doesn't hurt, honest."

He pouted. It made him look so cute. "Are you sure?"

"Yes, mate. I'm sure. You aren't exactly a qualified nurse, either."

"Hey!" He said in mock offence. "I held that ice pack like a pro!"

"Sure you did." I said, the sarcasm practically flowing off my tongue.

"Whatever." He grumbled, crossing his arms and turning the other way.


He shook his head.

"Lucas Hemmings!"

No response.

"Lukey Pookie?"

He grinned, dimples carving into his profile.

"I'm sorry. Kisses?"

He flinched. There we go.

"Luke...let me make it up to you." I smirked.

He slowly turned. "Ash-"

"Is sleeping. Same for Sydney."


"Off with Sierra."

Luke nodded, swinging his long legs over my lap and straddling me down.

"You've been mean, Clifford."

"Punish me."

He laughed, leaning in. No, me and Luke were not a thing. We were just mates who kissed-alright, and the occasional fuck-every once in a while. We still liked girls.

Our lips connected sweetly and I slid a hand up to cup his face. I loved playing with his lip ring, not necessarily to tease him, but more for my fun. My tongue flashed across his bottom lip, stopping at it to give it a quick lick.

But, oh trust me, it was fun for him too.

He tried to catch my tongue and started grinding on me.

"Shit Luke-"


(Luke's POV)

I climbed clumsily off of Michael and cursed my lankiness. Calum stood in the doorway, an IV sack of whatever the hell they pump into people on the ground.

"I-we.." My mouth went dry.

"You're together? How adorable! I didn't know!" Sierra said from behind him.

"Nobody fucking knew. It's not fucking adorable, it's disgusting. Fucking faggots." Calum turned, running out of the room.

Michael raised his eyebrows and let out a long whistle.

"Well, shit."

(Sydney's POV ((last one)))

I woke up with a mouthful of flannel. Ew. Ash was glued on to me and snoring. Great. Just great. As soon as Garret leaves he assumes he can transform back into a teddy bear? I sighed.

Honestly, I had no idea what was going on with my life. Garret had left, but he was just angry. I could get him back. But that would mean giving the whole band up. I looked up and decided to deal with my life shit later, because Muke were over in the corner sucking face. I held in whatever was about to come out, unsure whether it would have been a gasp, giggle, or 'AWH!'. I had always been super supportive with gay rights and equality and such, so I found it cute. By the time Luke was practically humping Michael, Calum had come back from his run with Sierra.

He didn't take it quite as well.

When he left, Luke started babbling in a way that meant tears were on their way. Michael seemed to take it pretty well. He just let out this whistle, like a dad catching his son with a girl for the first time. It reeked of fake shock. I couldn't blame him. Even I could tell Calum wouldn't take it well. He sighed in defeat, hesitating before getting up to comfort Luke.

I took in the moment and realized the two of them might view whatever this was in different ways.

Michael looked up at me and caught my eye. He nudged Luke who turned and realized I was awake.

He almost groaned, I could just tell. I raised an eyebrow in a way that said

"What was that?"

Michael shrugged from behind Luke, meaning "nothing, really"

Luke blushed and grinned in a way that said "it's everything, it's perfect".

Guess we all have our taste of life problems.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2014 ⏰

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