T H E | N E W S

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The T.V. blares

With sounds of people talking.

Endless chatter.

The same words on repeat.





Why, indeed.

But in a few months it will be forgotten

And we will never truly know


Quick to blame the object

With no consciousness

And no control over its actions.

Arguments for limitation

On possible violence

But no true end to violence.

They will forget the reason,

The sorrow,

For why they argue,

But keep searching for solutions where they won't be found:

In division,


When they don't even know what they're talking about.

Do not be mistaken,

I am no friend of the second amendment,


I am neither a foe.

Legal limitations lead to illegal liveliness.

Where do you think automatic weapons are bought?

From an approved distributor?

I thought not.

Let them mourn while it's convenient,

Let them speak out while it suits them,

But there is no true solution,

So keep your mind open.

*A/N: Does this count as social/political commentary? Hope it's not too controversial for y'all.

Always remember that day. Remember that you are always living history. What's happening around you is important, and scary, and terribly amazing, and awe-inspiring. Be mindful. Be inspired. Pay attention.

***actually forgot about this draft. It's a couple years old now, but I wouldn't say it's unrelated to current public controversy. Now's as good a time as any

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