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ANOTHER DAY PASSED by, and Beckett still hasn't spoken to Vanessa. The said girl was fed up with his antics, and decided to take matters into her own hands. The doors of the dance studio was opened swiftly, an angry Vanessa stormed in, making Beckett turn around, only to show his back to her again.

"You." Vanessa points to Beckett, stomping her way to him. Beckett still hadn't turned around, so Vanessa tugged on his shoulder, almost like she was forcing him to face her.

"What's your problem?" She demands loudly. The male sighs, avoiding eye contact. "Look, I don't know what your deal is but I really would like to talk."

"Fine, then talk." Beckett said bluntly, catching Vanessa off guard.

"Well okay! First, I'd like to know what's up with you? You ignore me for a few days after wowing helswheel with our duet. You said you wanted us to get to know each other, and here you are not putting in any effort. I don't know about you, but when someone says 'lets get to know each other' it doesn't involve ignoring them. So tell me Beckett Bradstreet, what's your deal?"

"You— you wouldn't understand."

"Jeez, Beckett," Vanessa ran a hand down her face, "What won't I understand?" She raises her arms in frustration.

"I don't want to argue with you, so just drop it. Okay?" Beckett begged, raising his voice. The pleading look in his eyes almost made her give in, but Vee stood her ground.

"Unbelievable." Vanessa scoffed loudly, shaking her at him.

"I—I'm sorry, Vanessa. I, uhm, I should go." He lowered his voice, speed walking out of the dance studio just as the other dancers made their way in. Everyone eyed Beckett questionably, then turned to look at Vanessa who stood confused and helpless.

Unbeknownst to her, Miss Helswheel stood behind her, having heard the bickering between the two dancers.

"Miss Morita, what was that about?" Miss Helswheel asked from behind Vanessa. She turned around, seeing her furious dance teacher.

"M—Miss Helswheel. Beckett and I, uh, we wer-"

"Arguing," Miss Helswheel silenced her student. "Vanessa, do me a favour and please, stay away from Beckett."

"But Miss Hels—"

"I've spoken, Miss Morita, listen to me for once."


FOR THE REST of the day Vee tried to forget about Beckett. But for some odd reason, she couldn't focus on something else, at all. She couldn't shake the feeling of Beckett off. Although Helswheel told Vanessa to avoid him, she felt the need to sort things out.

Maybe even apologise, she thought to herself.

Vanessa headed out to search for Beckett. After minutes of searching, she finally found him in the quad, alone.

"Beckett!" Vee's voice echoed throughout the quad. He glanced back at her, then looking away. "Beckett Bradstreet, I am talking to you! Do not ignore me."

"I'm not trying to." Beckett deflected, his back still facing her.

"Just listen..." Vee trailed off, not knowing exactly what to say to him. "Helswheel, uhm, she told me to stay away from you."

This quickly got his attention, Beckett stopped what he was doing and turned around. "She did?" Beckett questions, his eyebrows raised.

"Yes, and it starting to seem like you want me to stop talking to you too." Vanessa fiddled with her fingers, clasping them together. Beckett dropped his shoulders, and a after a few moments with of silence walked closer towards her, trying to grab her hand but she pulled back.

"Vanessa, that's not how it is." Beckett sighed, running his hand through his messy hair.

"I know, I know. I just thought I'd tell you before you start thinking other thing's..." Vanessa confesses. She walked away from Beckett, after receiving a nod from him. Vee quickly turned around, wanting to apologise to him as well. "I also wanted to, um, to say sorry for shouting at you earlier. I tend to overreact. And I don't know your story, and it was wrong of me."

Beckett nodded in understanding once again. Vanessa turned on her heel, walking away from the boy. Beckett watched her retreating figure as he sighed to himself, not liking the way she walked away from him.


author's note !

oooh drama hehe
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side note: after editing this chapter i realised this is where everything became so fast paced :/ sorry about that

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