22.75- a new start

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*3 month later*

'well you are now officially... one of the best selling girl groups. Good job girls' The manager said. They all cheered.
Namjoon felt happy. WhOOPS- I meant Hana. Namjoon 'legally' changed his name to Hana and got a transplant to be a girl.
He was part of a group named 'ELRIS'
(P.s ELRIS are so underrated)

'Hana, we're gonna throw a party tonight. You should come' Bella said.
'Okay' Hana agreed.

***okay lets go to Jin***
-Would it be jins POV? Cause it's not really 1st person. Actually I cba finding out-

'MOTHER' kookie yelled from the front room.
'Child what is it' Jin mumbled still crying for the 18372991738291738297187391th time since the breakup.
'That person looks like joon' Kookie said pointing to the TV.


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'wAIT SO NAMJOONIE DIDN'T dIe BUT HE BECAME A GURRRL?' Jin questioned. Jin grabbed his manbag, he put on some expensive ass glasses and walked outside. Ever since Namjoon left Jin couldn't focus. He felt
S a d.   And
D e p r e s s e d.
He became a EMO. rAWR XD
Jin stormed into Hunus Entertainment with SWAG.
'Where is my ex husband' Jin calmly said with S A S s.
'Whit- who, what?' The assistant said. Jin stared at the assistant.
'WhERE IS MY HOE NAMJOON' jin yelled.
'We don't have a Namjoon here' the assistant said.

'I call BULLSHIT' Jin said pushing over a bookcase. Behind the book case were stairs.
'DON'T GO UP THERE' the lady said.
'I DO WHAT I WANT,  I AM A MEXICAN' Jin said inspecting the stairs.

'wELL I AM A ITALIAN' the lady said.
'O shit' Jin said. Jin took off his glasses- shit was boutta get real. He got some powers in his eyeballs and his eyes then heated up. Lasers then flew out his eyes into the assistants face and the person died.

Rip assistant -
Her name was Luigi, so innocent.

Jin then put the glasses on and hid the body in the coffin which was iconically placed right next to the book case. After disposing of the body Jin has blood all over him.
Jin just started walking up the stairs. He then saw a weed farm. Jin walked up to the weed and inspected it. He shoved it in his bag quickly and looked around.
'No one needs to know' he whispered to himself. Jin continued on his adventure looking for Namjoon. Jin saw a set of purple stairs. The fact that the stairs are purple means absolutely nothing- but imagine it is a important part of the story.

Seokjin walked up the purple stairs...

*back to Hana cause IDK*

A door opened. BOOM.
Badass Jin was there- with his expensive glasses and manbag.
'YOU' Jin yelled running over to Hana. Jin then started crying and having an emotional breakdown.
'YOU RUINED ME AND THE KIDS' Jin yelled making a scene.
'Hana... what kids' Sohee then said.
'Why have you got blood on you' yukyung said.
'I'm on my period- don't push me' Jin responded , ' ANYWAY, Who the fuck is Hana' Jin then yelled.
'Me' Hana said.
'No you are Namjoon' Jin argued.
'No I'm Hana'
'No your not'
Jin then got tired and kissed Hana and dragged her out the room Kdrama style.

*some dramatic music plays and everything is slow motion and the camera zooms in on hana*

'Jin?' Hana then said.
'Yes...' he responded bluntly.
'I'm sorry' It said (I'm confused with the genders rn). Hana took the wig off and took his skirt of.
'I'm a man, not a woman' Namjoon then said.
'dONT STRIP NOW- at home ;))))))))))))))))' Jin then mumbled, winking excessively.
'Okay ;)))))))))))))' Namjoon then responded , also winning, as they walked away happily.

And they lived happily ever after
What happens next is up to you- you can be pure or dirty minded.

Okay I'll do normal chapters now

Anyway how do I have like 800+ reads like that's
I'm not sorry for saying that
Anyway how?????

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