Moving to Paris

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You slammed your wings together, causing waves of purple beams to fly towards Hawkmoth. At the same time Hawkmoth fired a blue beam of light from his staff. When the two beams hit, it caused a huge explosion causing you and Hawkmoth to go flying. In those moments, everything went into slow motion and all that you could hear was ringing. You watched Hawkmoth go flying, you tried using your wings to stay a flight but it was too late. Your body slammed into a building and pain rushed through your body. You fell to the ground with a loud thud. The last thing you saw was Chat running toward you before everything went black...



You slowly began to slouch further down into your seat on the plane. You weren't fond of moving to Paris, but you knew you had to because of your fathers demanding job. Your father had an amazing job and enjoyed his job as a fashion designer, but there were exceptions to his work. You two did not get to spend much time together, and even when you two were together it always seemed to be cut short. Plus you had to make big moves like this all the time, this was nothing out of the ordinary, but it definitely was different. It was your first time moving to another country! You never thought you'd have to move and leave your home country (insert name of country you came from) This definitely wasn't like any move you'd expected.


When the plane finally landed you and your parents boarded off. As you looked around the airport you noticed how different it was compared to (name of the county you live in) The people were very different. They wore different types of clothes, had different types of personalities and spoke very differently. Your father made you take French classes before you guys moved so you understood the language and could speak it fluently, but everything was still foreign to you.

After you and your family picked up your luggage, a taxi came to pick you guys up. It was about an hour long drive to your new house but you managed. It drove you guys in front of your new house, it wasn't a house though, it was more like a castle! It had to be at least five stories high with a grand gateway blocking the house from intruders. As
you drove through the gateway and into the courtyard you were left speechless, the front porch was very large with a swing, and the railing up the steps to the porch were aligned with roses, and also to top it all off was a water fountain that was placed in the heart of the court yard.

As you opened the front doors to the home you were greeted with a loud "CREEEKKK!" You walked into a very large living room with an equally large kitchen off to the left. Across the room you had clear, sliding glass doors the lead out back to a large swinging pool with a fire pit. On the other side of the room off to the right was a staircase that lead to the second floor. The house you lived in before was big, but nothing compared to this! You walked up the stairs to be greeted with a long hallway, there were 3 rooms on that floor about the size of a 4 car garage! Each had its own personal bathroom and a large window in the back with either a fantastic view of the sun set or sun rise (depending which side of the house your bedroom was on)

The room you chose had a fantastic view of the sunset and you could also see the pool, and the other houses surrounding your own. You had a flat screen Tv in your room and a separate area were you could place your bed. The next story of the house was just another floor with extra bedrooms (3 more to exact) The story above that was just a party room/ storage. You also had a basement with games and a little movie theater too. After you unpacked everything it was almost seven o'clock but you weren't really tired yet, so you decided to go outside and explore the backyard.

Despite the house itself being so big the backyard was anything but, the only thing that was out there was the swimming pool and a fire pit, you decided to go sit next to the fire pit even though no wood was burning.

The sun was just beginning to set and even though it was only spring, the nights cold claws began to wrap itself around you. You were cold but wanted to stay outside so you could see bats.
As the sun lowered itself the creatures of the night slowly began to reveal themselves. Ever since you were little you always had a fascination with bats, you never understood why you liked them so much. Though, your mother had told you that you did not always need a reason to like something, so that's what you said anytime someone asked you why you liked them so much.

You stayed out for about an hour watching the bats soar through the sky and eating eating various bugs, you also took pictures because that was what you normally did when you'd
"Bat watch."

Eventually it became to cold to stay out so you went inside, got ready for bed, and went to sleep. You had trouble falling asleep though, because the next day was your first day of school.

Adrien Agreste/ Chat Noir  X reader book 1- The Start Of Something New Where stories live. Discover now