Meeting A Superhero?

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As you walked home you started to take in the scenery, the tall buildings, the wildlife, and even the people. The place looked a lot more beautiful in person than it did in the books your father made you read before you moved there. It definitely was a sight to see, and of course you could see the Eiffel Tower in the distance, Paris's most famous attraction.

But it wasn't just the attractions that unlocked your interest in Paris, it was also the things that happened in Paris....

As you turned the corner you saw something black pass in front of you, soon after, loud screaming could be heard. The buildings around you began to cave in and collapse, you started running in the opposite direction but you weren't fast enough. You could see that you weren't going to survive unless something Miraculous (lol) happened. Just before a piece of debris fell on you something swooped you up into its arms,
at first you thought you were being kidnaped, but when you looked up you saw a blonde haired person dressed up in cat costume taking you to safety. After the both of you landed on a roof far away you from all the chaos, you finally got a good look at your savor.
"Whoa you better watch out M'lady, it's not safe around here for delicate flowers such as yourself. Hurry and and find some cover quickly."

"I just want to know who I own my thanks too."

The Cat boy looked at you surprised..

"Well well well, what do we have here? You know Princess, it's not everyday I save a beautiful (y/g) like you. Not only are you beautiful but you're also polite, you are simply 'puuuuurrr'-fect."

You stared at him unimpressed as you waited for him to tell you who he was.

"The names Chat Noir, but you M' lady can just call me Chat."
Chat then left to continue fighting the villain.

After the strange encounter with 'Chat' you looked for a way to get off the roof.

"Would've help if this Chat Noir would have placed me somewhere a little closer to the ground."

You looked to your right and saw a exit flight of stairs that lead from the roof down to the ground. After you ran down the flight of stairs
you started running home, afraid of getting tossed into the crossfire again until you saw and elderly man trying to cross the street. At first you weren't going to help him, until you saw a speeding car going down down the road trying to escape the scene not even a-where of the man. Before the poor man could get hit you grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled him to safety.

"Thank you."
The man said, he was so grateful that he was smiling like you would smile on picture day in grade school.

"You need to get out of here sir, it isn't safe!"

Before you could say anything else Chat Noir showed up... again

"It's alright M' lady, I'll take it form here. Leave the saving to the professionals."

Slightly irritated you watched the "Super hero" and the man leave.

You continued to run home, knowing that staying any longer could get you into serious danger.

When you arrived home you immediately ran to your room and turned on the Tv. None of this happened where you used to live, and none of the books you read mentioned anything about Super Villains!

"Ladybug and Chat Noir save the day again!"
The title of the story read,

"Ladybug and Chat Noir have once again have saved us from another Akumitised victim!"
The news lady stated,

"We speculate that we just received another attack form Hulk Crusher."
"Hulk Crusher? What kind of a name is that?"
You say,

A picture of a very muscular, green man, appears on
screen. In the picture you can clearly see Chat Noir and What you are assuming is Ladybug using they're powers to defeat the villian.

You turn off the Tv and begin to walk over to your bed.
"I think that's enough excitement for one day."

As you begin to walk toward your bed you hear a slight
You turn around quickly, standing in front of your window is no one except for the one and only, Chat Noir...

"Geez calm down M' lady, I didn't know that I was that good looking."

You shout, upset about the sudden intrusion,

"First of all, I know a lot of things. Second I cannot reveal my identity."

"Well whoever you are you need to get out!"

"Look I just wanted to make sure you got home okay, is that such a crime?"

"what is a crime is you just casually coming into my room with my permission!"

"Well sorry M'lady."

"Please don't call me that."

"Okay, little lady."
*Chat Winks*

You turn around, your back facing him with your arms crossed. You appreciated him being worried about your safety. I mean, that kind of was his job, but he was was starting to get on your nerves.

"Listen I'm sorry for just barging in on you, I won't do it again cats honor."

He lifts up his right hand symbolizing his promise.
You turn around and give him a slight smirk, but it didn't change the fact you were still mad at him.
Chat turned around and climbed out the window, disappearing into the sunset. After he was out of sight you walked over and locked the window, making sure that their wouldn't be anymore 'surprise guest'
Afterwards you watched the sun set and ended up falling asleep, your head gently rested on the windowsill.

Adrien Agreste/ Chat Noir  X reader book 1- The Start Of Something New Where stories live. Discover now