First Day Of School

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As you walked into class a wave off anxiety crashed down on you, every time you moved to a new place the first day of school always made you nervous. You always asked things like;

"What if they don't like what a wear?"

"What if I embarrass myself?"

As you opened the door to the classroom you froze in your place, the classroom was filled with people and
you were having trouble finding an empty seat to sit in until...

"Hey! You can come sit next to me!"

A girl with Raven black hair and bright blue eyes gestured you to come and sit by her. As you walked over to her you overheard a conversation between two girls

"Oh, A new girl? This will be fun..."

Right after you heard the girl's snotty remark you felt something touch your foot, right after you found yourself on the floor with all your books scattered around you. The once loud talking turned quickly into a roar of laughter. You quickly tried to gather up all your things. As you reached for one of your books a hand touched yours. You looked up to see a boy with piercing green eyes and platinum blonde hair smiling at you with his hand held out in offer to help.

"Here, let me help you." He says

He squatted down next to you and picked up a couple of the books on the floor.

"Thank you so much!"
You said gratefully.

"No problem, my names Adrien."


Adrien smiled which caused you to smile in return.
Afterward, Adrien helped you up and took the seat that was in front of yours.

Still slightly embarrassed by the fall you sat next to the girl who offered you a seat. You turned to look at the girl who tripped you, the girl who tripped you had blonde hair and was wearing very expensive clothing. You could already tell that based off her aura she was not someone you wanted to mess with. The girl sitting next to her had red hair and had glasses with, not as fancy clothing on. You could tell the red haired girl meant well but was following along with her "friend's" plan to keep her out of trouble.

The girl with the Raven hair sitting next you leaned over and whispered in your ear;

"That's Chloe and Sabrina, Chloe is the daughter of Mayor Bourgeois."

"Wait, she's the Mayors daughter!?"
You say surprised.

"Yeah I know surprising right? By the way, I'm Marionette."

"I'm Y/N."

After you and Marionette exchanged names the final bell rang and class began.

After class you went to your locker to get your things for your next class, after you closed the locker door you saw Marionette standing there.


"Sorry! I didn't mean to frighten you!" Marionette said apologetically.

"It's fine."
You replied.

"I just wanted to tell you that what Chloe did wasn't right and that you should go to the principal and tell him about what happened, that way she doesn't do it to anyone else."

Adrien Agreste/ Chat Noir  X reader book 1- The Start Of Something New Where stories live. Discover now