Tokyo Ghoul is a manga and anime written by Sui Ishida. It is classified under "dark fantasy". Ken Kaneki is the main character of this gruesome series. Kaneki was on a date with Rize Kamishiro, when she attacked him. Kaneki had surgery and was then turned I to a half ghoul. Half ghouls can only be created in two ways.
*They are either born, which most half born ghouls don't last more than a die or are born stillborn
*Or they have ghoul blood, organs, and DNA inside of them after they were born human. In which Kaneki's case, that happened.
Half Ghouls are a breed of half human and half ghoul(obviously)
Although Kaneki is a half ghoul he not the only one. Watch the anime or read the manga to find out the other ones. Or keep reading my stories to find out.
Tune in next time on "Ghoul Life"
Ghoul Life
ParanormalMy life was once normal. I had friends and everything I ever wanted. One Day... It disappeared