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In this world, amongst humans walk mystical beings, creatures of all kind, shapes and sizes, each divided in different ranks according to ability.

We have the Mage; a human like creature that cannot transform or evolve, it is the lowest in the rank, the fourth, this creature has the ability to control all but mankind, all animals, insects and mammals, this beautiful creature can be one with the above mentioned, feel it's hunger, pain and even sort through it's memory, it can merge it's mind with all species.

Shifter, third, this is a creature that has no form of it's own, it is as a shape shifter but it can take over the body of another, it chooses whether you live or die if it takes your body, a shifter once in possession of a body of a human can no longer age if it chooses to claim the body as it's souls refuge. It can transform into anyone or anything but those above it's ranking, not by choice but it is unable to, if it attempts such it dies a merciless death by it's own hands.

The Seeker, this creature hold the power of growth, beauty and prosperity. It is a blessing as it has the gift to bless, without it there's no growth and a nation shall never prosper, it can evolve, become more powerful and grow, not bigger but more beautiful and it's power intensifies, this is one of only two species that is allowed to mate, therefore has a soulmate. At the time of birth, if a Seeker is to have a mate she or he gets a mark identical to his/her mate's brand mark.

Their soul mates are the Protectors, these are known to be birthed from humans, they are self taught, that is in fighting and all needed to protect their destined Seeker, some Protectors are known to be stronger than others, some, only a handful have power, that is depending on who your destined Seeker is, Seekers and their Protectors are known to be pairs of the opposite sex, if they are of identical gender then they are those without brand marks and therefore have no soulmate.

Soulmates are meant to help each other get stronger, better and bigger, bring out the best in each other and strengthen their partner once they have accepted and connected in more than a physical way. If one is a Protector who had a mate and the mate passes, which is rare because mates die at the same time, then you too are to pass a short while later depending on how broken you are, whether or not you can manage without your other half.

The first in ranking and most high are the Royals, there are 3 strong clans, at first there was only one but then the King and Queen of the 1800s birthed triplets of which all were male, so as a solution to not start an unwanted war, the King after the death of his wife separated the lands into three and ordered a Seeker to bless the kingdoms with strength, riches and power equally but because the Seeker wanted the first born, who was known for his charm, looks, strength and incredible abilities she blessed him with more above the other two brothers hoping that the son would acknowledge her but to no avail. The prince and his brothers were crowned Kings of their own kingdoms during the night of the celebration they all found their soulmates, three of the strongest Seekers who held great power, beauty and incredible strength.

Alumna the Seeker who blessed the kingdoms was enraged that all her efforts were not acknowledged by the first born son, Kaiden, that she wanted to murder his wife Selene, Seekers can never take back.

Blinded by her own sorrow and rage she tried to kill her but Selene held more power and defeated Alumna. Taking her last breath, Alumna unleashed her dark magic and cursed all Kingdoms that; one day, one of the Kings shall birth a child that will destroy all nations, declaring it as a prophecy. Selene, knowing that she'd end her life, added her own twist, that; one day the Kingdoms shall rise with a destined King and Queen, who will strengthen them and conquer. She declared that all shall be under one rule, all kingdoms will be lead by one power. With her last breath, she glanced one last time to her husband and son and declared that their bloodline shall rule for all eternity.

And so the strongest Queen died.
The Kingdoms separated and all three, blessed differently, had their own elements of strength.

The element of fire, which was the strongest that was the source of power for the strongest clan/kingdom. Fierceness and Strength.

The element of water, which had the equal power to the last element, given to the second borns' kingdom. Growth and prosperity.

The element of wind, which was a gift to the third kingdom. Leadership and Direction.

One day a new King was born, he ruled with wrath and ruin, he wiped out all kingdoms even his own, but some beings managed to slip and escape away from the cruel ruler and so, the prophecy begun.

And now, in the present day, sitting by a café at a street corner in New York City staring aimlessly into noting was a girl who once fought her way out of the cruel king's hands of slavery, hiding out it the crowded streets of a busy city.

Her biggest desire, to forget and start afresh.

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