Chapter 10

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A/N well this is what you have been waiting for. Also i kind of like the title "all the little things" which relate to my plans for the end of this book. Ever read wonder when you were a preteen? Well, i'm plaing the ending to be something similar.

Serena's POV

Finally. We can do this. I leaned in, and we held the kiss. Everything melted around me into black, then a pretty nave blue, the colour of Ash's jacket. It was like eating waffles with butter and maple syrup. Ever had waffles with butter and maple syrup? Its real good. You should try.

However, we didn't notice anyone in the shadows, lurking around.

The sweat was real, to be honest, and i was really hoping that we could do it for more than a minute, but by that time Ash was gasping for breath, and i figured I had better pull out.

It was absolutley beautiful bliss. We had an entire minute of staring and loving, focusing on nothing but ourselves. No Bonnie fangirling, or Clemont declaring science, just us. Not that I dont like our friends, its just that its nice to have some private time together, you know?

'Ash , that was wonderful. I love you.' I tell him.

'Serena. We've kissed. This is now official. Do you swear that this bond of love will never be broken?' He asked cutely, tilting his head at me. 'Yes. I swear that this "bond of love will never be broken"' I told him back, pulling one of the ribbons that were hanging from my bows in my hair hungrily. 'No no! Don't pull. You'll make them fall, and i have no clue how to make hair look as adorable as that. ' He said tugging my hand away.

'You do realise we haven't eaten yet?' I tell him, while listing to the quiet low rumble of ash's stomach. 'Ah yes. what do you want?' He asked, looking through the menu. 'Uhmm, Salad is fine. i feel like i'm overeating these days.' I told him. He looked up from the menu and sai. 'No, salad is not acceptable for a first date. Come on, lets have spagetti bolonaise. It'll be good, I promise.' He told me , running hiis fingers anxiously through his hair.

'Ok, lets order, and stop stroking your head. It's weird.' I told him. 'Ok,' he said, stopping the stroking-of-hair. He raised his hand and said to the same fancy-dressed waiter '2 spagetti, please' He asked politley. 'Yes sir,' he said, writing it down.

Someone jumped out. 'BOO!' My chair scraped backwards and nearly fell, but a laughing Shauna caught me from falling. Ash blushed and asked, 'It's only you here, right?' he asked weakly. Nope. Trevor and Tierno here to and, once more, Ash curled into a ball.

Shauna bent down and whispered in my ear, 'gj, but Tierno is kind of jelly. Just warning you.' She pointed over to a table where Tierno and Trevor were. Trevor threw back his head while laughing like mad. Like a hyena, or a lunatic. Tierno was puffing his cheeks and imitating a goldfish in annoyance.

'Calm down, boi' said Trevor to Tierno, wiping away tears of laughter. 'Helli, idiot, you expect me to be calm when my crush is being stolen by my rival?!' he screeched.

What happened next.... Well, long story short, the manager kicked Trevor and Tierno out. As specially Tierno, he said, for shouting at a couple.
'Well guys, Congratz, but I gotta go out and make sure Tierno doesn't go mad with Trevor.' She told us. She was right. We could still hear Trevor howling outside, and Tierno screaming. The manager stalked out of the cafe to scold. I swear, if this was anime , then we would be seeing anger marks on his  forhead.

Shauna waved and dashed out agter the manager. Me and Ash looked at each other, dumbstruck. We were being watched while we.. Kissed. Ash and me stared, but not harshly. We then burst into quiet tears of laughter.

Our spagetti arrived and we dug in hungrily. I suddenly realised how cliche this was, eating spagetti in a fancy kalosian cafe. Ah, nevermind, the cliche stories can be the best stories, right?

When we finished, Ash got up and grabbed my hand. He payed, pulled me out of cafe, and brought me over to Lumiose park. He pulled out charizard and said to him 'acrobatic display please charizard. Just like we did in the past regions,' he told him.

Charizard dove into a amazing somersault, while ash told me 'remember the roller coaster? Well, let me tell you why I was so scared. And why I don't want to see may. You see, when i was in Hoenn, we went on a roller coaster similar to the one that we went on before. Well, max, her sister, and brock, a good old friend of mine, were talking about improving his lombre's skills, may insisted that i went on a roller coaster with her. On the roller coaster.. She kissed me. Which is why I left Hoenn after the leauge withoutvany warning with Brock.' everything rushed  out of his mouth in a stream, quickly as though he could get it over with. 'Oh Ash....'I said mornfully. 'Im not upset. Just sorry for you.'

Charizard dove to the floor, tired out. Ash got up and stroke his head. 'Sorry char char, i think i overworked you. Im sorry, I was just telling serena the memory of the roller coaster in Hoenn. You remember?' he asked. Charizard nodded and grunted. He obviously sided with Ash on this occasion. From what i heard, Charizard used to be very disobedient. He would always be too lazy to battle, thinking he was superior to ash. Really it was the other way around.

Suddenly someone jumped out of the bushes. It was Tierno.' I challenge you to a one vs one, Charizard vs Charizard!' he yelled, pointing at Ash.

A/N well here we are, another chapter completed. Hope u enjoyed, and point out spelling pls!

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