Chapter 16

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Time skip to 8 the next morning.

Mays POV

I am packing in my room. Even though we have only been here for like, 2 nights, i have gotten comfy here. The pokemon center rooms are really cozy in Kalos.

I have my clothes, which are two sets of my normal clothes, and a few possible  showcase dresses. I have the beautifly dress and the dress i wore to the grand festival, but that's  not nearly enough. I have to buy more dresses next time we stop by the shops.

Oh, wait, i left my wallet on the bedside cabinet. I tossed my bag onto the bed and snagged my wallet. I counted the notes. 6500 pokedollars is pretty good, at least for now. I am pretty sure we will get cash prizes when we win showcases. I put the wallet into the bag.

I got my bottle, and my first ribbon packed. Now i just need to scout  the room once more. I got on my hands and knees and crawled around, making sure that there was nothing on the floors. The only thing i could find was a scrunched up piece of paper with some battle strategies. Probably Max's. I chucked it into my bag and went to the door. I glanced around the room one last time so that i will be able to remember it. Then i locked the door and walked down the stairs to return my keys. Oh, and to hunt for Max, of course

Ashs POV.

Me and Serena have just finished clearing our room and are waiting for the others in the lobby. The couch we are sittingvon is pretty soft. I took Serenas hand and stared into her cerulean eyes.  Suddenly Max came running down the stairs. He stopped dead when he saw me and the words 'so it is true' escaped his mouth. Letting go of Serenas hand, i walked over to Max and picked him up. 'Wow, Max, you're heavier than i thought you would be.' i said, laughing a little. I took him over to the couch we were sitting on and set him down in between me and Serena. She smiled a bit but gave me that "what the heck are you doing" look. I shook my head and indicated for them to tey and talk.

'H-hi, you're name is Serena, r-right?' asked Max. She nodded and looked as terrified as Max sounded. 'May likes the same things as you. You guys can be friends.' he said, beaming. She stole a quick sideways glance at me to say "awwwe, so cute!" and then turned her attention back to Max. He kept on rambling about his sisters pokemon and how strong they are.

'Oh, wait Max, i haven't shown you my pokemon yet.' shevsaid, pulling out her poke balls. Upon clicking them, Sylveon, Pancham and Braixen came out. They all moaned in neglect, stating the fact Serena hasn't let them out for a few days. 'Heh, sorry guys, i was busy with  you know what.' She picked up sylveon and pulled out her brush. 'Well, it is brushing time, but i want you to say hello to Max first. He is Ashs friend from the Hoenn region.' they said hi, but looked  more intrested in being brushed.

Suddenly a panting noise could be heard from the stairs. Our heads automatically flipped over to look. It was may, hunched over her knees.
'M-max... If you're going to... Run off.. Tell me where.. Your.. Going...' she muttered and leant on the wall. Once she caught her breath, she went over to the counter and popped the keys on the counter. She came back over and flopped down on the couch. 'Now we are only waiting for Clemmy and Bonnie.' Said Max, giggling. We all sighed and rolled our eyes a little. What has Bonnie done?

'And May, i caught Ash and Serena holding hands!' He squealed, throwing his head back. We blushed and May giggled a bit but also scolded 'dont interfere with their private lives, ok max?' He ignored her and picked up pancham, probably because its the only one of Serenas pokemon he can lift. 'Look May! A pancham!' 'hmmm, never seen that pokemon...' she said, bringing out her dex. 'Pancham, the playful pokemon. Though it tries to look tought, it has a difficult time being taken seriouly by opponents.' She nodded and took pancham from Max and set him down on her lap. Pancham jumped off her lap since Serena was done with sylveon. 'Sorry Braixen, you take a bit too long to brush to ask pancham to wait. Don't worry, pancham is quick to brush." said serena, stroking Braixen's head. She nodded and sat down. 

Then she looked at me with some question in her eyes. At first i was puzzled by what she wanted, but when the realisation dawned upon me, I laughed. 'Ok Braixen, you win,' I said, while pulling out Greninja's poke ball. He was pleased to be out of his poke ball, and even more pleased to be with Braixen. They waalked over to the corner of the room to have a conversation. 

May and Max's mouths hang, agape at what they had just witnessed. 'B-but Braixen... They a-aren't i-in the same e-egg group..! It d-doesn't make s-sense...' Stuttered Max. 'Max, love is not about what kind nationality, or in their case,' I said, jabbing a thumb in their direction, 'About being in the same egg group. Love is when you adore someone for who they are, and not about what their history might me or like i said, where they come from.' I told him.

 'Wow, the high-and-mighty Mr. Dense Ketchum just made a speech about love!' Came a voice from the steps. Bonnie. We turned our heads, and, sure enough, there was Bonnie, having a giggle fit. Clemont was slapping her back to try and make her stop laughing, but, as usual, failing to do so. Me, Max and Serena blushed and looked away a little. 'Aww, blushy-blushy!' Laughed Bonnie, now totally losing it. 'Stawp, Bonnie...' Said Clemont, 'I don't want to have to do this..' But when Bonnie fell and landed on his feet, that was the last straw. ' CLEMONTIC GEAR ON! GO AIPOM ARM!' yelled Clemont. The aipom arm shot out of his backpack and grabbed Bonnie by the collar. Clemont began to shake her and Me, Serena, Max and May all sweatdropped and muttered 'Not another stupid sibling fight...' After about ten minutes of shaking and yelling, we were finally able to leave. Clemon returned his keys and we left to go.

'WAIIIIIITTTTTT!' Screamed a familliar voice.

Oh, heck no....

A/N who is it? well, you will find out in the next chapter ;) Hehe but guess away! winner gets busses! Oh, and i just wanted to mention i made this chapter 1147 words long. anyways bai!!!

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