The Good Old Days

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Walking through the park together made Axel and Roderick think about the days when they were around Hugo's age, going around this park. Later, everyone stopped to rest and admire the animals. Roderick and Axel were having fun watching their little brothers.

"You know, Roderick, this reminds me of our past field trips to this park when we were at Royal Prep," Axel smiled.

"Me too," Roderick smiled. "Caleb and I picked the perfect time to transfer to ERA."

Suddenly, Hugo pointed out, "There's a Pelicant."

The Pelicant came flying toward the group, and she seemed really happy to see Axel.

"Elly, long time no see," Axel chuckled. "Wow, you're sure not a chick anymore."

"You know this bird?" Hildegard asked.

"It happened when I was 10," Axel revealed. "We came here on a field trip with RPA, and Elly had fallen out of her nest. she was trapped in a gully, so I rescued her and took her back to her family."

"Aw, that's so sweet," Sofia cooed.

Axel took out a little box containing berries and said, "Good thing we still had those blueberries at that castle—Elly loves them."

Axel scooped up a handful of berries and held them out to Elly, who them from his hand very quickly.

"Hey, that tickles," Axel giggled.

"Just like in the old days—only better because our little bros are here with us," Roderick smiled.

"Couldn't have said it better myself," Axel chuckled, Elly still tickling his hand with her trunk.

Seeing the Elly play with Axel made Hildegard jealous. She didn't understand why it was so easy for an older prince to get animals to come to him like that.

"Why is it so easy for an older prince to get the animals to be nice to him?" Hildegard muttered.

"Because he's nice to them," Amber told her. "Axel has permission to feed that Pelicant because he saved her when he was a kid."

"That doesn't mean we all get to touch the animals, Hildegard," Clio chimed in.

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